Faster clutch engagement/disengagement

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Dr. Death, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Dr. Death

    Dr. Death
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    May 12, 2016
    For once i am making a suggestion.

    Playing with the realistic manual clutch its fine, but the clutch goes in and out so slowly that its impossible to properly shift without damaging the gears. Maybe its just since i am using a button instead of an actual analogue fot clutch, but i still think its too slow. I am not asking for the opposite end like in test drive unlimited either, where you could have the clutch for like .001 second and be quick enough to simulate the shifting of F1 cars (dogbox transmissions for race cars when?) But the way that i have to wait until the clutch is fully engaged to shift, since it takes so much time, and that the car will only act with clutch on when its entirely on instead of a slow gradual style, it makes manual driving annoying.

    And no, i dont like autoclutch.
  2. Inertia

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    Dec 29, 2015
    I'm pretty sure you can change the filtering in the controls from Auto to Direct, seems to make it a lot faster :)
  3. Dr. Death

    Dr. Death
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    May 12, 2016
    Thanks. Didn't knew about this. Although its still not exactly perfect. Makes me wish for some kind of clutch damage when you shift gears using the clutch without releasing the throttle.
  4. superpat89

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    Feb 16, 2014
    Thank you so much. Although I didn't actually find what you were talking about, I did find under options and gameplay, Clutch and Throttle Assistant. The engine chugging to a halt when you forget to engage the clutch while stopping is pretty satisfying.
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