WASD for standard vehicle movement

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by flyboy463, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. flyboy463

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    Aug 8, 2013
    In the PC community it is quite commonplace to see the keys W A S and D be used for movement, whether for a character, vehicular etc. Of course there are exceptions for everything. I believe that most people playing this game would agree that WASD would both be more comfortable to use instead of the arrow keys, and more useful.

    For example, most of the controls or functions seem to originate from the left side of the keyboard (shift, R for reset, most of the control modified keys (ctrl + e/w/t), z and x to shift gears if in manual mode, you get my point), there are plenty of exceptions though, such as the lights on the vehicles. It would be much easier for someone to shift up and down if their hand is already near the z and x keys, instead of the arrow keys. I realize that some people play with their left hand around the general area of the keys and their right on the arrows, but, being that I like to move the camera while driving, this isn't possible.

    I have already changed my layout
    to use WASD instead of the arrow keys (and I'll upload my file in case anyone wants to change theirs as well), but I figure that most people might want to use WASD too, so I'm making this suggestion.

    Put the file in scripts/client/inputmaps/
    This switches the camera controls from wasd ( I have never used them anyways to be honest) to the arrow keys, and the accelerate/turnleft etc... to WASD.
    Remember to make a backup first in case you don't want to use WASD.

    Attached Files:

  2. C7studios

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    Aug 10, 2013
    I do prefer WASD as well. But, I think the real issue is that there is currently no in game way to select different default control layouts, or to rebind the keys. Once that is added, I think this problem will solve itself.
  3. driftoz

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    Aug 5, 2013
    i actually like driving with A and Z as throttle and brake and left right arrows for steering and up down arrows for gears. but i can deal with it till key bindings are introduced, on the other had using a ps3 or xbox controller is 100% better.
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