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Resolution Probs :c

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by jackh4x, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. jackh4x

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    Aug 11, 2013
    So basically I was using the TV down stairs which has a 1080p resolution to play BeamNG. It looked fantastic btw :3. Anyways, I go back to my room to use my 1440x900 monitor and the GUI for the menu cannot be accessed because it's stuck on the 1080p resolution.. So I can't change it back to my monitor's correct resolution. In general, I can't play BeamNG and withdraw is setting in quickly. Is there a solution for this?

    - - - Updated - - -

    My Solution:


    Don't be all like, "Jack why the hell did u not search the forums u little -" No. shhh.

    I clicked that, followed drowsysams path the the game's preferences file, and opened it with notepad. I then scrolled down to the bottom and changed canvas size to 1440x900. Then I changed preferred video mode to 1440x900 as well. When I started the game it worked.
  2. MetalMilitia623

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    Jun 28, 2014
    I thought monitors could go way past 1080p. Is yours older or do you just prefer the resolution you use?
  3. jackh4x

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    Aug 11, 2013
    Yeah they do go past 1080p.
    I just have an old monitor.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    you can buy monitors in different resolutions you know, hell you can still buy 720p monitors and if you want to go mega weird you can get 800*600 displays.
  5. MetalMilitia623

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    Jun 28, 2014
    I was under the impression that any monitor could go to just about any resolution. I remember doing that with my old crt ones going into everything but the newer wide screen resolutions.

    Now I'm stuck using a pair of TVs which isn't bad but a higher resolution monitor would be better imo.
  6. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Nope, sadly never been a monitor which can actually display all resolutions. Explain how to display a 1080p image on a screen that only has 720 rows of pixels.

    Your screen is just a grid of pixels. Each pixel consists of a red light, a blue light and a green light (or more accurately, filters rather than lights, the light comes from your backlight unless you have a genuine LED display (many displays are advertised as LED and are actually LED backlit LCD) or a genuine OLED display). You can't pull higher resolutions from nowhere because you dont have the pixels to display it on. CRTs worked very differently (they shot particle beams at phosphour, rip a CRT apart and you have a massive high voltage capacitor bank and transformer, *DO NOT TOUCH*, its lethal, not kidding, it will fucking kill you), but still drew to a fixed grid of pixels. They have always been able to display a lower resolution than rated, an 800 by 600 display for example could simply draw a 400 by 300 image with each pixel of the image doubled in width and height to fit its grid, there are extra tricks employed for images which are not a multiple of the display resolution to make an image appear smooth to the human eye (although you can on occasion see errors) or some monitors give up and display the requested resolution in the middle and just leave the region around the edge of the image black rather than stretching the image.
    But ultimately, no display can display an arbitrary resolution, they have a very limited set of resolutions supported.
  7. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    You are amazing. Love reading your facts :) ^^
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