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Update Speculation thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crazikyle, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    You got a good point.
  2. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015

    The car ignited three times... once after the crash, again on the back of the wrecker, and yet again while they were trying to get the battery out. Yes, IC cars can burn, and the fires can be pretty bad, but what the news doesn't often tell you is that lithium-ion battery fires emit hydrogen fluoride fumes, and that stuff is straight nasty. Phrases like "eye scream" and "body horror" come to mind.

    But of course, despite the constant, overbearing safety obsession that haunts the modern world, this is rarely if ever given a mention. Guess you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    No... I love the new Tesla's (I'm honestly a bit embarrased about how much I've been fanboying them lately) but they aren't without problems.

    As mentioned by others, lithium based fires are seriously nasty.

    As for the enviornmental impact... Ouch... making those bateries is an absolute disaster all around. If the batteries themselves weren't bad enough just to make, transporting all the raw material from around the world is rough. With a normal car you don't need all sorts of exotic materials like an EV needs.

    Then there's the issue of where the electricity comes from. Not even talking about the lack of charging infrastructure in the US right now. In somewhere like France where a lot of the energy is clean, cool. Here in the north east US we get a lot of our energy from coal, and it's not cheap. Speaking of cost, you have any idea how much it costs to replace a full set of batteries when they get old?

    And as for performance. Almost all of those "Tesla beats 1500HP muscle car" drag race video's are 1/8th mile. Things get less impressive from there. Yes there are some insanely fast EV's, but those aren't the usual for productiom cars.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Forget that, we don't even have the capacity right now to handle mass EV adoption. Some parts of the grid are already stressed to their limit at peak times, and distribution equipment is currently inadequate as well (it's been said that the first person who wants a Tesla charger in some areas has to buy upgraded equipment for the whole block). Building more will take a lot of time and cost quite a lot of money; money no one will want to pony up. Electricity often feels as if it is all around us and free or nearly so, but people don't seem to realize that charging a car takes a lot more energy than charging a phone!
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Okay, you got me there. I would like to point how the driver was going too fast though. That most likely contributed to the battery's detonations.

    I see that changing in the future though. Charging stations will probably start popping up more as EVs get more popular. I've already seen at least three Teslas in my area (two Model S's IRL, and a Model X in the background of my local news station on TV).

    I still think it's impressive that a Model S could still beat a Hellcat, even in a 1/8 mile. I don't see a standard ICE sedan similar to the Model S doing that, not unless it's been fitted for the task.

    Well I guess that's why it's good to start right now, rather than later, so that's introduced overtime. Mass EV adoption as soon as gasoline production goes dry would probably cause the economy to implode on itself.

    Also, it's kinda obvious it takes more energy to charge an EV. Their batteries are much larger than the ones in a handheld phone. Then again, I did watch a video once where a woman tried to pump gasoline into a Model S, and couldn't find its nonexistent gas cap, so there probably are people out there that fits that bill.
  6. Capkirk

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    Nov 19, 2017
    Worrying about the efficiency of power stations isn't a huge concern. Being stationary, and able to utilize multi-stage heat exchangers, even the worst coal fired power stations can get 36% efficiency, with more modern ones reaching 48%. Not to mention they are put to more strict emissions regulations than cars. Oil fired plants are better, and combined cycle gas turbines (which are increasing in popularity) can exceed 60% efficiency. On the other hand, petrol ICEs tend to peak at 35% effeciency (although modern GDI engines can manage 40%). Of course, all of this is at optimal load and RPM, something a car engine doesn't have the luxury of, while a power station will spend most of it's time at that level. This means that an electric car, even powered by the dirtiest, oldest power plant, and suffering worst case transmission losses (15%), will be close to an ICE car in highway driving, and easily win in city driving (since electric motors aren't very picky about load).

    Of course, replacing all power generation with 4th gen nuclear and renewables would solve all energy problems. Nuclear isn't particularly dangerous, the only reactor incidents have occurred on 1st generation and early 2nd generation reactors, due to extraordinary circumstances (Fukushima Daiichi was located lower than intended, it's sister plant survived with no major damage, and Chernobyl was poorly designed such that it's power output increased if water began to boil, instead of the opposite of every other reactor). This would be really expensive though, and really isn't likely to happen.

    Lithium batteries certainly can be nasty though. Solid state lithium batteries are already in production though, and are rapidly improving. There is a video out there of someone taking scissors to a solid state lithium battery, and it only smoldered for a second before continuing to power a light while cut in half. Of course, this won't deal with the destructiveness of battery production, but it's still an improvement.
  7. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    This is the other thing that irritates the heck out of me about the electric-car swindle. There's always some new technology that's going to blow gasoline out of the water and make people wonder why they ever used anything but electric, and it's always "right around the corner!" or "5 years away!" or "ready by 2020!" or, or, or, or, or... but meanwhile, back in the present, electric cars are still smokin' hot garbo and have to be propped up by government subsidies (i.e. Other People's Money) in order to sell at all.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  8. Jaime Palmer

    Jaime Palmer
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    Apr 1, 2017
    I think there's a lot of interest delaying everything, but from 2020 you will see all car manufacturers with EV's in their catalogs, and that's just thanks to Tesla who push them to do it, otherwise they just wait to 2050 to release those cars. Petrol companies are and have been the devil, no matter what you think, to get the oil from the bottom of the oceans is nasty, sometimes oilships sinks and there's oil all over the coasts killing a lot of animals, c'mon!, you can argue that you don't like EVs, but they are cleaner and more efficient and that is a fact.
    In 40 years people will laugh about ICE cars, how stupid they are, is a joke, you have an engine with thousands of moving parts to burn dino juice to get after 120 years of development a max of 40% of efficiency! that's ridiculous!, and BTW those cars with 40% are just a very few, the main park of vehicles in the world are 15-20%...
  9. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    anyway, back on topic, what sort of custom-style configs would we expect from the bluebuck? I remember that a lowrider was speculated, and I wouldn't be surprised of there's a drag config, possibly a stock-car-esque racing version, and probably some kind of overall street-performance setup, along the lines of the elite custom moonhawk and the nightsnake barstow.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  10. 88c900t

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    Jan 13, 2016
    I'd expect a drag and a street performance version. Probably a race version too. I'd love to see a convertible since the game has no convertibles aside from the Jeep clone. That the Bus introduced hydraulics means we could see it there, too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Now that we have airbag suspension with the bus, a low rider would be natural.

    The Bluebuck, Barstow, and '53 Special all deserve a demo derby, vintage racing (dirt and asphalt) and gasser config. Being that the Barstow and '53 Special have been out for so long and the only one of those that we have is the Barstow Awful, I don't have particularly high hopes.

    A police department version is another obvious one. I would love to see multiple skins for one since police cars back then had a wider variety of colors.

    A taxi would be appreciated too.

    344568C1-5FB9-4CC6-B075-598E4788CA8D.jpeg 752E3FEB-06F7-4E6E-BDDC-30D54ED1F0B8.jpeg 03A58304-0E99-4A6F-B759-0AF94099FF61.jpeg 9AFF88CA-3517-471C-8D3E-15E29B59A9F0.jpeg AF95EFEE-048E-4C7D-B7B4-0201B0BC8FFD.jpeg
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    A taxicab would also fit the Bluebuck very well given the Burnside taxicab.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Cutlass

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    Apr 30, 2017
    dodge custom 880 taxi:

    need this for the bluebuck
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. YellowRusty

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    Nov 9, 2016
  15. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    To be honest, we don't know much about these upcoming "Map Upgrades". As of now, comparing the released images and the current maps in game, it appears that these upgrades are composed of new textures, new vegetation, and new decals. As of now, I do not believe there are any new models. Although this might be required for compatibility for previously existing scenarios, campaigns, and quickrace events, some of the older maps desperately need new models and/or total reworks of sections of them.

    Road signs need to be added, this applies to almost every map with roads in game, except Italy. Most maps seem to blatantly lack proper signage.

    Industrial Site:
    Abandoned Industrial buildings were once functional. Possibly add markings, debris and signage to indicate what these buildings once were.
    When were the racetracks built, and what were they used for, and are they still used today, if so, there should be evidence of recent use.
    No logical means of access.

    Abandoned Industrial buildings were once functional. Possibly add markings, debris and signage to indicate what these buildings once were.
    Possibly add stuff in the mainland?

    Derby Arenas:
    Abandoned Industrial buildings were once functional. Possibly add markings, debris and signage to indicate what these buildings once were.
    If this location is used for demolition derbies, shouldn't there be indications of this use?
    No logical means of access.

    Small Island, USA:
    Abandoned Industrial buildings were once functional. Possibly add markings, debris and signage to indicate what these buildings once were.
    Where did people live on the island?
    Strange lack of any logical way to access the island, no docks or port.

    East Coast, USA:
    There are a number of areas on the map which are completely empty of civilization, and there is nothing to justify building roads to nowhere. It's a large, open map, with many possibilities for new locations. East Coast, USA is supposed to be a counterpart to West Coast, USA, yet it doesn't include very much.
    Firwood is currently composed of copy-paste buildings for the most part, with no personality whatsoever. Lack of various civic buildings and store signage.
    Firwood has little to no suburbs/sprawl, which is very strange for the US. Also, it's referred to as a city in game, however it appears to be a town as of now.
    Very repetitive bridges, also not sure how many wood two lane bridges are in Maine.
    Adding a road leaving the map that supposedly goes to Hirochi Raceway (Indicated by signage) might make
    some sense.
    Bridge transitions are very harsh.
    In general the map should be brought to the detail standards established with Italy.

    Hirochi Raceway:
    General lack of detail, it would be useful to bring the map to the raceway standards in West Coast, USA.
    If a road leaving ECA is added, then the road leaving Hirochi Raceway should have signs for Firwood, Maine.
    Bridge transitions are very harsh.

    Jungle Rock Island:
    Abandoned Industrial buildings were once functional. Possibly add markings, debris and signage to indicate what these buildings once were.
    Where did people live on the island?
    The island had a bus service at one point, thus there should be some (abandoned or not) residential and commercial districts.
    Should the map even be set in the United States? LJFHutch said at one point that it was based on Taiwan.

    All in all, we know little to nothing about the map upgrades, besides that they will follow the original release order. Anyone else have any thoughts/feedback on this front? Could a dev provide more information or input? Thanks! :)
    #14815 EruptionTyphlosion, Mar 17, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 15
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  16. Danny Werewolf

    Danny Werewolf
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    Mar 31, 2017
    I would spam agree if I could. For me personally, that's the thing I'm most hyped for. Italy looks really good, why can't ECUSA get a ton of refurbishing.

    Also, I'd think remaking some of the scenarios wouldn't be as much of a task as creating a new one, so editing some placements and new models would be really helpful.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    ECUSA and WCUSA are supposed to be counterparts to one another iirc, so it's kinda "unfair" that WCUSA is far more detailed than ECUSA.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Surprised you missed the biggest problem with both ECUSA and Hirochi Raceway. Some of the bridge transitions are very, very rough and the ones on ECA can even bounce stiffer cars in the air.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    Completely missed that somehow. :| Added.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    There is so much I would want to see done to ECUSA and JRI. Yeah, they are some of the better quality old maps, but there is so much that could be added. Just imagine if those maps were made to the standards of WCUSA or Italy from the start.

    Sadly, the recources that would require just isn't justifiable. The teasers of the asset updates look great, but they are just that. Something that I didn't see mentioned that I think most of us could agree is important is making ECUSA feel like it's part of a larger world. I can't even think of any infastructure leading out of ECUSA. Automation Test Track has the landslide, WCUSA has multiple construction sites, Utah has a broken bridge, etc... ECUSA could really use a down tree or derailed train or something.

    I still say ECUSA could use a more efficient layout; I'm still not sure why this was such a sensitive issue when I mentioned it last time. Just look at any new map from above compared to the older maps. I would love to see some stuff hidden in those unused open areas. Just imagine the remains of an old race track hidden in the trees.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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