WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. littlerascal584

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    Sep 23, 2019
    Hmm... while driving around the map I wondered, have you put in any "Easter Eggs" in yet kind of what you did with Roane county? if you need ideas I do have some or what are your thoughts on the matter?
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    There certainly will be PLENTY of hidden things and Easter-eggs in the map. There's not many yet. There's still some hidden things like the subway system which is entirely out of sight until you really drive around and see the rail tracks go underground, and also the abandoned mall which is entirely open to being driven through on two floors - you can even drive right up the escalators - with a little speed of course. There's even a parking garage under the police department building if you haven't discovered it yet - it's about the only building with a sign on it for that matter besides fast-food and similar restaurants.
    So yes, entirely, there will be a few hidden things here and there - or a bunch.
    There will also be missions, races, so-forth, etc. I'm not talking just missions. This will have a full-fledged CAREER when there's time for it and enough city built... but I'm working on that. Missions will come first though, as I need the game's example career first before I can glean info and code from it to make my own. I'm no coder but I can certainly re-work things, aside of map / model / texture / sound making. I put no less than EIGHT HOURS in this afternoon/evening. There will be much changed here for the next release (which is scheduled somewhere around the 18th~20th or so).
    New pillars really make the scene look good and compliment the detail of the highway overpasses nicely if I do say so myself. Click AGREE if you do too.

    A LOT GOT DONE. Not kidding, been working on this for DAYS AND DAYS...

    The 'old' highway set is used above, perfect for this more low-income / depressed area that will be here. Nicer homes will be on the higher (close to the camera) side of the freeway, while the stuff near the mall will be more depressed, maybe a few seedy establishments and abandoned buildings here and there. Folks who've driven this know it was an old grey highway, and where there's a highway overpass now, used to go under that road. I switched it for a more gradual and consistent incline, so it feels more 'planned'. Please excuse how awful the terrain looks. Don't worry I'll make it a little better before the beta goes out.

    The road above in the last shot, which doesn't have it's on/off ramps yet (jug handle style like the old ones), is perfectly 100% the same gradient (incline %) the entire way up and down it. It's one clean run, so it looks/feels planned, which is important. It doesn't just look slapped on the terrain then. It's also only about 50% done. Still needs much more done to this area.

    Surely we've all passed under bridges like this, so let's add another one why don't we. Why? Because we CAN! It's a driving game, so let's make sure there's plenty of ROADS, to fill with you, traffic, crashes, and lots of good times falling off things...

    That is all for now. Just know there will be big changes on this side of the map. Mall shot above shows the elevation changes in the roads VS the mall which hasn't moved an inch. It's all an effort to make this more professional looking and immersive. Just wait until this area is done.
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  3. littlerascal584

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    Sep 23, 2019
    Welp. Just interested to see what you had in mind and I have found all of those places, the subway, abandoned mall, and the parking garage under the police station. It is actually my to go to place to hide from the police ai because they are too dumb/stupid to get into their own police station. Another place that I go to hide from the Police is the parking garage. Heh... fun times dropping cars on the ai with the t-series car hauler.
  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Yes, there's now ramps on the top of both parking garages, on the supporter beta anyways. They will be in the next public beta which will come out just a few days after the 1st December supporter beta, as a Chris's Mess present for folks.
    There will definitely be more secrets, quite a few of them actually. I hope to have the sound stage in too, by the December public update. It'd be nice anyways, as the map is dead silent.

    In other news, almost a mile of new road will be in tonight (it may very well be just over a mile, not sure). Rather rough yet, as I just got it in this afternoon. This road meets up with the angled road bridge in the 2nd last shot on the previous post.

    Replaced the steel span beams on the bridge below with the new columns. Looks much better now - more professional looking too.

    That's all for right now, as just barely got started here. Maybe more pictures later.
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  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    What a difference one simple little addition makes (actually, two textures)...

    Pardon the unfinished building lots BUT I really wanted to try these out, and in fact it looked so good that I actually had to share it right there and then.
    Now it just needs man-hole decals, storm sewer decals (in), road tar repair (in-game one is in, need a few variety ones), patches and so-forth (there's some in from the base game, but I tend to eschew those in favor of the ones I've got coming).
    Always going my darnedest to make sure this is a project worth supporting...
    • Like Like x 3
  6. combatwombat96

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    Sep 19, 2018
    hey, how's this for a suggestion: why not put a clown or something in in one of the sewer pipes as an easter egg :)
  7. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Why do I even bother sometimes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. veyasan.ragulan

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    Mar 1, 2018
    What about an Adopt-A-Road program?Could be for Patreon donators exclusively. ;)
  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Good call! I've been meaning to bring all this stuff up.
    Patreon supporters will all get roads named after them. By default they can get their 'online name' or 'first name last initial' failing a separate online identity, splashed on a road sign, but they can also have businesses and franchises named after them in-stead.
    So anyone who's donated, post a message if you want your online 'handle' (name) used, if you want your real name used, and if it should be a road name or business.
    I have to get around to making signs; road signs, business signs, street names, etc the whole 'business' so to speak (ba-bum-bum-ching!). This has to be in by the next public beta in December, anyways. There will be a supporter beta in roughly about two weeks while I am on the topic, with much changed.

    I will also send a like message out via Patreon to the supporters.
    That's all for right now.
    • Like Like x 1

    Expand Collapse

    Apr 1, 2019
    Is there a chance for a light version (for more fps) in the future like the Italy Light version ? Love the map but I'm having
    trouble keeping up frame rates :/
  12. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Post your PC specs here, the frame rats you get, and a screen shot of your graphics settings in BeamNG. Thank-you for your cooperation in advance.
  13. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    "dot dot dot"

    Those roads are all tapered (for water run-off) beautifully, so enjoy jumping the intersections especially the one in the 1st shot (possibly more-so than the rest). You WILL fly if you do anything over 35 through there. I will put 'dip' signs in there in both directions, as it's rather colossal of a launch you get from it. :)
    Yes I spent 6 hours doing a block, but I made two new median pieces (only the grass model is shown, the other is stone but rather flatter than the preexisting ones near the spawn point). If you haven't noticed, this area looks less like California and a bit more like the rust belt, that's intentional, especially with the abandoned mall 2 or 3 blocks away. The area will get progressively more abandoned and run-down as you go along toward the mall.
    Remember, this is all done with the 900 piece modular road kit (and mostly all with the 'sidewalks only' kit, where you use terrain as the road surface). The kit is included free with the map in the MRK directory in the map and is all set-up in the forest brush already.

    So while I haven't put signs (except a pair of stop signs) on this block, it's fairly far along. I hope y'all like what you see.
    Oops, almost forgot, added a jump with a 'missing' bridge (the barrier on the landing area on the far side won't be there later, there will be a jump of rubble/refuse there also).

    That is all for tonight... it's almost 0-500 hours here, derp.
    #953 bob.blunderton, Nov 8, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
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  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Did some more stuff tonight besides completely wrapping the car around a traffic light pole and launching the engine 300 feet out of the vehicle...

    Yes, I finally got some more highway carved in tonight. 1st shot below, camera is above the abandoned mall for reference.

    Above, last two shots, new grade-separated crossing is much less grade-separated than it used to be (I haven't in-filled the median yet and done the stone trimmings here yet, but the AI is working!).

    Last shot below, the ground will be much raised on the low side of the highway so it's not much elevation difference, as we won't need the '???' dry lake bed anymore. The road that's broken in half by the highway re-routing (you can see the old highway route in the clearing, too), will be re-routed under the new bridge here - this may get on/off ramps at a later date but they aren't planned right now - will save room if they're needed later.

    So entirely pardon the ugly shots, but I've been busy lately. Not going to be up all night again though, ugh. There's likely a good 2+ miles of highway re-done here though. The road split in two above will be completed by the time the beta goes out in 10~12 days.

    EDIT: BUG BUG BUG, will be fixed. Traffic is messed up something awful here. Will work on this tomorrow.

    Have to re-do that interchange completely any-who (well except the highway that's in already).

    #954 bob.blunderton, Nov 9, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
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  15. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    this is the exact reason why i've never been able to take the time to make any releasable mods. I just spend too much time "testing™" them
    • Like Like x 1
  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well it's the ones you can't stop 'testing' and enjoying that you should release, even if it's a forums-only heap of mods that's not quite finished enough to go onto the regular mods section (or has trademarks etc in it and cannot).
    How could I put up a map that wasn't fun to drive, and say it's good, if I don't find fun in it myself. There should always be multiple ways to enjoy the map with a variety of vehicles and play-styles. That's even without missions or a career. If I don't find it fun & enjoyable, then I shouldn't bother even uploading it - if I don't find something I'm spending whole nights redoing in the map even so much as 50% more fun / immersive, is it even worth doing?
    So if I spend a lot of time testing the map, I can also make sure that it's enjoyable and engaging for most folks, and that you can make the jumps, the intersections aren't too ambiguous or even that the AI is working like it should (and not stuck in the ground as in one spot it does that for quite a bit, listed above).

    So feel free to spend time perfecting those mods. Feel free to do a little here and there - and even if you upload it in a few months or years, you still did it. ...And it's also backed up in the event of hardware failure. I am sure someone will have nice things to say and make it all worth it. The more you enjoy them the more others may enjoy them too.
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  17. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    But it is fun to drive over sunk spawn car with a fully loaded semi *CRUNCH, CRACK, BANG* flapflapflapflapflap... ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    YES IT IS. With anything for that matter. It's hilarious. I kept getting 'stuck' in a sunken covet though, something near the dash-board. I did spend the greater part of 20~30 minutes mutilating those sunken vehicles though. Do enjoy it while my boo-boos last, as I will have this (mostly?) fixed in the next release, which I will make sure you get a copy of... That's what there is so much fun to this game though, anything, even bugs or other unwanted unplanned fodder can be fun.
    Good to see you here though! The folks rave about performance here, and you really helped me with a lot of constructive feedback / input on optimizations - so thank you. Welcome back, you were missed!

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    Apr 1, 2019
    I'm sorry, wasn't able to answer sooner..
    Hmm let's see.. Intel i5 i4440@3.10Ghz / 16GB DDR3 / 2TB storage / and_please_don't_laugh (giggles) NVIDIA
    GT635 (2GB). So I know by today this graphics card kinda sucks but on 0.15 Italy Lite runs pretty smooth and
    even on 0.17 the normal Italy runs pretty smooth too. :)
  20. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The thing is, if there's intermittent lag here and there, it's hard drive related. If it's just plain SLOW, then you've got it on too high settings for the video board.
    Shadows off / player only for one, this is a high-draw-call map. Meaning: when you have this map running there's a LOT of cpu work outside of physics to do.
    While this map isn't super-duper heavy on the GPU, it uses a lot of batching and other things that might not be all that friendly to your GPU, so obviously keeping textures to LOW or LOWEST should readily keep you below the limit of 2GB. I haven't tested those settings much here otherwise I'd know exactly, I just know high puts you right under 6GB VRAM when I last checked (with one vehicle!). The map certainly won't use even half the RAM you have though so you should be OK (often when I check it's around 2~3GB RAM use). I don't laugh at your GPU. I have an RX 480 8gb but it's on it's death bed, and slowly losing the speed at which the core can run without crashing (so as it is, if I need to quickly make a model, I risk crashing the map editor if I then choose to start Maya up).
    So pretty soon I will be editing from my Radeon HD 7850 2gb (like a 750Ti 2GB or so)... or an HD 8490 1gb (of which I have a box of 'good pulls').
    Upgrade advice?
    Buy a Ryzen 2200G/2400G/3200G/3400G system, as the integrated video on those can give up to Nvidia 1050 / 1050 Ti performance (somewhere around there, dependent on many factors like RAM speed and latency, for example). It will also boost CPU performance a bit and help do a bit better on BeamNG physics. Money allowing later, a better processor (AM4 Ryzen) and dedicated GPU can be purchased and used on the same motherboard (only limited by what BIOS recognizes and the board power circuitry can handle).
    If you don't have the funding right now, it's alright. Chances are there's something else holding back your system, as a processor 4~5 generations older at the same speed runs this map at 30~60FPS on low/lowest on a XEON W-3000 series processor on an old i7-900 series 1366 motherboard with a Radeon 6570 1GB GPU. So maybe the Nvidia driver is to blame for holding you back. I would say it is best that you keep eyes peeled on Craig's List for used video boards, something you can be sure the power supply internally located in your computer can handle and hook up to. If you don't know what that is, I wouldn't bug around too much with the inside of the PC case.

    It's nothing laughable. I mapped with a 4790k that was hit by an exploding substation surge and then lightning hits for over two months, and I'm still using the video board I bought 3 years ago that endured the same until I can afford better. Three-quarters of the way to a Radeon 5700 / RTX 2060 / could afford a used Vega though. I still managed to pony up and buy my niece a refurb pink 3DS XL for Chris's Mess (that's important, my sister and her kid live with us, maybe it's more for our sanity here than the kid).
    Sometimes you've got it - sometimes you don't. Surely there's more important things in life than running a map mod, though.
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