General discussion

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Car crusher, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    That does not mean you should do it, especially since it pays very little.

    So your plan for life is just "do what people tell me not to do"?
  2. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    I actually saw a forum that said the 1650 is the weakest. But those people clearly have no idea what they are talking about.
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  3. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    I'm aware that entertainment/filmmaking is risky, money wise. So, I would like to make sure that I can make a living off it. Besides, I thought I heard you say that entertainment is pointless, anyways. I'm gonna see if doing Youtube along with a Patreon account and possibly merch will be enough to make me a living. Also, there are starving artists. I wanna make sure that I don't end up like them. A Reddit user said that the term "starving artist" doesn't exist for no reason and that user's right. It doesn't. Anyways, if I can't make a living off my passion which I may not be able to. I will probably do it as a hobby and try to get a tolerable job that doesn't require a college degree and pays well.
    Absolutely not, if I wanted to do that. My passion would be doing bad things to people, but it isn't. I don't want to do filmmaking/entertainment because people are "telling me not to do it". It's because I genuinely want to make videos/entertainment of me driving around in the rain and making jokes, plus doing other stuff. Besides, I don't think everybody should need a Bachelor's or a Master's degree to make a living. If parents really want their kids to go to university and get white collar jobs that they don't particularly enjoy, that's their business I guess.

    Anyways, I'm not wanting to do this stuff because people are telling me not to do it. Besides, college isn't for everyone. Not everybody should need a 4+ year education after high school. School isn't great for everyone. I'm sure there's people out there that drop out of college because it's too stressful for them. Some people aren't intellectually smart, they're creatively smart. Some people like making music, films, and other art, plus some of them make a living from it. I'm trying to avoid university, because there's too many people on the internet pressuring me to go.

    I feel like there's an unnecessary amount of pressure to attend higher education. I'm not just "doing things that people are telling me not to do". I don't think higher education is for everyone and I want to be able to have the freedom to not have to attend university. Anyways, end of rant.

    EDIT: Fixed an error. If you disagree with me, that's totally fine.
    #39683 95Crash, Apr 21, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  4. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    730 is weak as well from what i have seen.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    --- Post updated ---
    You don't seem like a very funny or entertaining guy, so I think you better drop that idea.

    So it's true that you want to stay out of college as a kneejerk reaction.
    Emphasis on "some".

    Paul McCartney may be a milionaire, but the average musician barely, if at all, stays above the poverty line.
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  6. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
  7. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    There's a reason why people pressurize you to get higher education,because by getting higher education, you have higher guarantee of getting job as well. Remember, you need stable flow of income. Emphasised word here is stable. As you will have a family in the future, you got to have stable income. After getting a good job where you can earn money, then you could do other things as your hobby. I hope you understood me well. I am also studying at Uni and i can tell you that it's not like school, it is fun learning here
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    Also, unless you choose a shitty major (most of which are related to arts) or get dealt a bad hand in life, you're likely to get at least a middle class income after college.

    Going into arts offers way worse prospects.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Yes, definitely. Not everyone can get hang of arts, you need much skill to be successful in it. Choosing a major which has higher chance of getting you a job is better than going all the stages of learning arts(which is very hard).
  10. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    And you need to be really skilled to make a good living.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Here's an example: would you rather work hard be an artsman or would you rather study hard and be CEO of artsmen? I know what i would choose and i've already done it.
  12. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Well, I'm gonna try to make videos. We'll see if you consider them funny or not. Besides, I'm not sure if posts are meant to be funny. I'm gonna try to be funny in my videos. If you don't consider me funny. That's totally fine. If no one laughs at my videos. I will ask people what I can do to make my videos funnier to them. By the way, did I not make it clear that I'm aware my plan for entertainment could fail?

    If you don't like my future videos. I will be more then happy to hear constructive criticism and feedback from you.
    Maybe you're right. However, people telling me to go college isn't going to make me want to go to college, it's gonna make me wanna avoid college. College should be something for people to enjoy. Not something for people to worry about having to go to after high school. Besides, not everybody does well in school, anyways. If I have to, I will go to college. I would just like to avoid it if I can.
    You may be correct, but I said multiple times that my plan for entertainment could fail. If it does fail, I'm gonna make sure that I have a back-up plan. Look, being a filmmaker/entertainer/whatever may not be the best source of income. If that's the case. Then I will try to go get a real job. However, I don't think everyone needs a Bachelor's degree to make a living.
    I might change my mind eventually, but I don't think I wanna have kids right now. I could do my passion as hobby or whatever. I don't have to do it as my job. However, is college really the only option for a good job? What about trade school, apprenticeships, etc? Also, I'm in the US and college is really expensive here. College may not be like regular school, but I personally don't feel like going to uni right now. That said, I'm glad you enjoy it. I just don't feel like going and I think I should be allowed to make that choice.
    Like I said, I will try video making. If it fails. I will do something else. I might go to trade school or community college. We'll see. I'm not even entirely closed off to going to uni. I need to figure my life out.

    Look MrAnnoyingDude and Addicti0nToB00st, "Art" like filmmaking may not be a good career. If it fails, I will try something else. I'm not 100% I can make a good living off of it.
  13. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    If you believe you're so funny, why don't you try it to us so we can see whether you have a real shot at it?
  14. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Read my post above yours many times. I'm sure you will understand what i mean. You have one job, and you have to choose it wisely: spend money on colleges and get it back after getting a job, or work your ass to become an artist just to see that some joe with bachelor degree and uni diploma earns twice as you. Would be hard to get over it. It's time for you to think wisely. Consult with your parents, get their advice as they know more than you and are more experienced.
    Also, don't, just don't ever try to look YouTube as your resource of bread. It's too risky. The channel you've grown up can have all its views vanished with slight change of Yt algorithm.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    Doesn't help it that what he is planning will likely be an equivalent of a mediocre trip with a friend who talks too much.
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  16. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Agree. One needs high IQ and sense of humour to be able to make audience laugh and maintain it. For one show. Than you need to maintain that your whole life, which is even harder
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    I actually do not have a channel yet. That's just something I'm hoping to have in the future.
    I said I don't have a channel yet. I have spoken with my parents about university, They don't expect me to go. My mom says there are exceptions to the studies, but she says that college grads generally earn more. However, neither her or my dad are pressuring me. My dad didn't go to uni and he makes more then my uncle who's a professor.
    It's an imaginary friend.

    Anyways, I just felt like sharing my opinions. You two can disagree with all you want. I don't have much experience with this stuff in real life. Most of the things I heard about were from media and my family and I'm glad you guys like university. I just want you guys to know that I'm aware that art may not be a good career and that I've heard of "starving artists". I'll choose another career if art doesn't go well. I hope you guys understand.

    EDIT: Fixed an error.
    #39697 95Crash, Apr 21, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
  18. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    If you actually had this as your proper career path, you would have been doing it years before.

    For example, I'm planning to study American Studies because I've been reading about US culture for years and I know quite a fair bit about it.

    But what does your dad do?
  19. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    I'm a teenager. That's just something I'm thinking about when I get older and I'm totally aware it could fail.
    He's an Union Iron worker.
  20. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Thing is, you're loosing your time with jobs that won't get you anywhere. And time is more important than anything, it doesn't wait us. Get your head together and think again, you needn't fail just to understand that you're not on the right path to your success. You ought to prevent it beforehand.
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