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Community, Communication, and Controlling the Chaos

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Re:Z_IA, May 24, 2020.

  1. Cilria

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    Jul 24, 2019
    I think we need more enforced rules
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    This is one of my biggest issues. One or two people do something bad between them yet the whole forum suffers because of that (removing the "Informative" rating, for example). It's like in school, where one person does something bad & the whole class suffers.

    Just ban the people that cause the trouble & that's it, no need to remove or restrict features for the rest of the users.
    • Agree Agree x 20
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  3. HadACoolCar

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    Jun 2, 2017
    Ive roamed around the forums since 2015. i had no account for 2 years. i was also 11. but i have to admit, the forum beamng player have changed drasticly. There is a new wave of imature toxic people that are unbearable. yeah, meshslapping is bad and annoying, but just let it be. its not going to stop because joe said its bad. We got so many reacts removed in the last 2 years. that just show how imature and bad the behaviour has changed around here.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  4. corvette81

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    Oct 17, 2012
    So back in 2015 when there was arguably fewer meshslaps and more veterans of the forum fighting against said meshslaps the forum was better than now yet its the fault of the people against meshslaps not the increase in meshslapping kids?

    kk will take your word for it......

    People make need to make their minds up....

    "The Moderator's are overstepping and doing too much"
    5mins later
    "This could all be fixed if moderators did their jobs"

    Me and the moderation team have had run ins in the past and I have said controversial things about it but I see no real difference in how the forum was being run 12 months ago vs now so idk why there is a sudden outcry every two days. I doubt either Leeloo or Nadeox has suddenly decided to change the policies of moderating forum, people are just suddenly paying more attention since the reaction thing.

    (I suck at writing so this post is all over the place but I hope it relays my message that people are making an issue out of nothing)
  5. HadACoolCar

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    Jun 2, 2017
    i will have to disagree.. in the 2014-2016 era of beam people were kinda ok with meshslaps, since there werent really any "revolutionary" mods, like the Oldsfullsize or the satsuma 210. It was all just meshslaps as they call it nowadays( that term changed troughout the history) Oh and in those times, WOM was pumping crappy stuff daily , unlike the forums once in 2-3 months..
  6. Vinh

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    Nov 15, 2015
    Please don't make this another argument about meshslaps....we had enough of them for a long while
    • Agree Agree x 10
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  7. HadACoolCar

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    Jun 2, 2017
    woops.. my bad=//
    • Like Like x 1
  8. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Absolutely not, that would just make this forum worse. Seriously, some people that put text on a image could be putting text that's actually really informative. Also, even if the text isn't informative. Banning people for 2 months over it is absolutely stupid and idiotic. About people "learning" from it. They might "learn" from it, but it would just cause even more backlash and drama. I do not think this is a good idea, whatsoever. Banning somebody over writing a post describing an image (especially a post that's clean and family friendly) is absolutely ridiculous.
    Like I said, this would just increase backlash and drama. People should be allowed to put text. Heck, the title of the thread is text. Making the thread have no text would be ridiculous. Besides, the first post of the thread would need text for rules and stuff I think. Honestly, I think your ideas would make the forum worse then it already is.
    Honestly, I think some people believe the moderators need to do more while other people think the moderators need to do less.

    Anyways, My Take:

    I think there's a lot of drama on the forums, but I also think the moderators are removing too many things. I feel like there's posts in General Discussion (which is an off-topic thread) getting removed for bad or for made up reasons such as "offensive language" or "arguing". I think there's people that probably should be banned for starting drama or for being mean to other users, but I think that there might be a little less drama if the moderators kinda "backed off" a bit, but I think the moderators should temp or perma ban very immature or mean users that harass others for no reason. I just have mixed thoughts on this in general, so I'm not sure I can give my full 100% opinions on this. Anyways, let me know what you think.
  9. Shiokarai

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    Sep 1, 2018

    I've been a forum user longer than this account (locked out of my previous account from when i tried to force myself to not come back oops) and as someone who's had very poor behaviour in the past and even as someone who still continues to make jokes and mess around pretty often (quarantine does crazy stuff to you), the warning/ban system is now taken very lightly.
    I've seen many people who have posted off-topic things constantly and not even a warning. Just post deletion. Even in the past there were a noticeable amount of people getting banned for reasonable things (myself included lol), someone getting banned as of recent seems practically unheard of.
    #29 Shiokarai, May 25, 2020
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  10. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Don't beat yourself up. You're not the one who initially mentioned it.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Honestly, I think banning the "bad" users would be better then locking an entire thread. Hopefully, the devs will listen to our feedback. There were recent bans that happened to GotNoLimbs! (who is now called GotNoSable!) and Camera2004.
  12. HadACoolCar

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    Jun 2, 2017
    yeah but they keep on coming back, IP ban should be a thing here
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Shiokarai

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    Sep 1, 2018
    IP ban *is* a thing. Every ban is an IP ban, and even creating another account under the same IP as an unbanned account has some kind of security trigger. (at least, used to, i cant confirm if it still does)
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Re:Z_IA

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    Nov 13, 2017
    I understand that some information cannot be made public, but when private investigations impact a wide public audience, I think it is still better to say something like "We are temporarily locking this thread while we investigate an issue. We apologize for the inconvenience." than nothing at all. I also didn't mean to focus too hard on the recent locking of the community screenshots thread in my post, as I understand that it is an unusual edge-case that actually involves investigation. I more-so was thinking of the many cases in the past where drama of several individuals lead to locking of a thread, such as the recent drama with people spamming agree and informative posts. I think that locking of major threads often creates more drama than it diffuses, and rather than letting an entire thread "cool-down" by locking it, it may be more effective to temporarily limit the posting privileges of the individual members who are inciting the drama in that thread. Right now, people know that it is pretty hard to get banned, and if they see enough drama occurring to the extent that a thread lock is likely eminent, what's to stop them from hopping on board? The fate of the thread is already sealed, and the worst that'll happen is some posts will be deleted, so there is almost no incentive against hopping on board the flaming bandwagon of death and disrespect.

    I also understand that there were explanations given for the changes, and I completely agree with the validity of these explanations. The issue, however, was that these explanations were something that users had to actively look for. Had there been a "forum changes" thread like the one I linked from 2018, this would be far less of an issue. Even better, there could have been a banner announcement that said like "We are currently updating some features of the forum. For more info, please click here." that linked directly to this theoretical thread. I understand that this is a bit more work for the moderation team, but I think that if people are knowledgeable about what changes were made and why, there will be significantly less angry and confused posts to clean up.

    I do not mean to bring the maturity or length of membership of any forum members into question, nor do I, by any means, mean to question the intent, authority, or validity of anything the mod team has done. I merely have some concerns that I share with others about how certain things have been handled lately that I want to start a conversation about. Certainty, there will always be jerks in any community, no matter how large, but some communities handle it better than others. I am trying to suggest that well-intending members here make a conscious effort to improve the quality of the community by not feeding any arising drama. I know that this community will never be a utopia, and that's not what I'm suggesting. I merely have concerns with the amount and severity of drama that has been slowly increasing over time. And yes, while you are right that the moderators do not always have to explain their rationale for things when aiming to keep the forums clean, I worry about the effectiveness and consequences of the certain tactics that I mentioned previously. However, I'm clearly not a moderator myself, so I'm bringing up my concerns as a member of this community in hope of discussing things with the more-qualified mod staff to receive clarification on why things are done a certain way, and discuss how things could potentially improve.

    The fact that there have been outcries like every two days is what I'm meaning to discuss with this thread, as that shouldn't be something that happens on a regular basis. The one major difference that I'm most concerned about is the lack of communication. As I noted in my original post, changes and decisions by the mod team used to be very well communicated and easy to find. But over the past couple of months, there has been a lot less communication than I'd like to see, which I believe is really detrimental to the health of the community. I know I at least am far more content with changes to things when I know why they are occurring, and from what I've seen, I'm sure most people feel the same. My second point about drama and thread locking is a concern, but I more see that as a topic of discussion rather than a problem that I believe should be remedied as soon as possible, like the communication issues. I'm not meaning to criticize the mods for how they're doing their work, but I'm trying to give feedback based on the point of view of an average forum user. Much like BeamNG itself, I love these forums and there's a ton of great things about them, but there are always a few little things that could probably use a bugfix.
    • Like Like x 5
    • Agree Agree x 4
  15. Davazz

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    Sep 1, 2017
    Lmao one thread were you're, for a change, only allowed to upload game screenshots will make the entire forum worse?

    ...are you being serious? I meant that users should only be posting screenshots instead of arguments and walls of text. I've never talked about removing the thread title or rules in the first post, that doesn't even make sense. I have no idea where you're coming from.

    I don't understand the problem, really. If someone want to discuss things, fine, but don't do it in the screenshot thread. Screenshots only, no irrelevant BS. Not hard to understand.
  16. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Thanks for the post, can agree on several points.
    We will try to be as open as possible, but we also kindly ask people to cope with us. How?

    Behave, stand by our forum rules and be nice as much as possible. This is the best way we can support and make our jobs easier.

    We are looking to do some changes in here to address some of the recent issues, in order to make our home a better place for everybody :)

    Revisiting our forum rules is something we will do in the near future, hopefully making them more comprehensible and easier to grasp, while reducing confusion :)
    • Like Like x 15
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. DaddelZeit

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    Jul 17, 2019
    The internet is the internet and will always be the internet. -Me, 5/25/2020
    • Like Like x 3
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  18. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    True, but we can aim to be better than the usual internet :)
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  19. KaiserimnopYT

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    Oct 9, 2016
    thank you DddelZeit very cool
    joke aside i think someone said that before you idk

    the community will be better one day
  20. DaddelZeit

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    Jul 17, 2019
    That exact same thing?
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