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Your opinion: More modern cars or more classic cars?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Илья Каримов, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    the comunity wants you to maybe not say these sorts of things.

    Thats like a small issue with beamng being so varied, you have all sorts of varied car comunities wanting their own things in the game. Civetta fulmine cough cough
    so please, all of you guys complaining please just Shut the fuck up?

    Thank you.
    #61 KrukasKlep, Oct 22, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    And in this case, why not follow the demands of the majority among these communities?

    You can't please everyone, but you can please more or fewer people.
  3. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    yea but being like "look at Me mY CAr iS BetTor iT Is FroD gTO WiTh GAga BUbu V8 vRoOMe VRoOme IZ SOupER CHRAGEd And WitH WINga DINGa boomER pOtaT'' doest really seem very helpful you know?
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    It does when this serves more people in the community than the alternative.
  5. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Well, nothing, but people can't always get what they want.
    Mugii in my opinion made a good point about the voting thing, but anyways. There's people in each car community that want different things. Some want 1910's cars and others want newer cars.
    No offense, but he's basically saying the devs shouldn't go through a bunch of effort to get one result.
    I'm just guessing here, but I would assume having a 30's hotrod or some other fast car would be far more interesting to people then some boring car that's incredibly slow.
    This is just my opinion, but I do like the idea of surprises. It makes things a lot more interesting.

    Anyways, love to hear your take on this.
  6. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    Since you're so stubborn on wanting that voting system MrAnnoyingDude, go directly tell the developers that idea and see what they will respond with. I'll wait.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    You know, to be honest, I'm starting to question if whether or not letting the community vote for what they want is a good idea. Reason being what's been going on over at Minecraft, where for the past few years they've held votes for biomes, mobs, items, etc. Their most recent one was a mob vote, with the winner being the Glow Squid, and I've noticed that there has been a lot of clashing going on of whether or not the Glow Squid was the best choice, and if its addition is necessary, stuff like that.

    It sounds to me like these voting systems should be a good idea, because it's community feedback going straight to the development team, giving the devs ideas of what the community wants to see. But then you have the problem of arguments and backlash, over what won and what didn't. And what about the stuff that didn't win, especially if its addition would really mean something? Will the losing stuff ever get its chance at a later time? Or is it forever lost to the void? It's a Catch-22 scenario.

    I would hate to imagine that kind of thing going on with the Glow Squid happening here, and considering how this community can behave, can you imagine a Glow Squid scenario occurring here?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Don't you dare question Glow Squid. All hail the Glow Squid!

    I've mentioned my thoughts before, but since this discussion is happening once more...

    Letting this community run free with that would be such an awful idea. The community absolutely should not be allowed to have the final word on vehicles that are added. Look at what is actually popular on BeamNG, just search it on YouTube. Then go to any official media and look at the comments section. We would be giving the reigns what is effectively a mob mentality made of literal children who have no education in game design, no knowledge of where the devs want to take the game, no knowledge of automotive engineering or culture, and an attention span long enough to only watch 10mn of meshslaps being run into eachother. The game would just be countless modern supercars, modern pickups, and a single minivan, all with the build quality somewhere around a meshslap/automation mod. Expanding this to all content, we would have never seen campaigns, hot laps/light runner, drag races, bus routes, maybe not even a career mode. I highly doubt that the millions of literal children care anything about all the work the team puts into physics aside from the basic softbody physics.

    If you limit it to the more active community members who actually care about the above (essentially us here + the official social media page followers) then we would still end up with a roster that at best would feel out of place, as we don't have the insight into upcoming game modes/career gameplay needed to actually design a vehicle roster.

    The way things have been going is fine. The devs can see suggestions when they need to but otherwise focus on things that we don't have, things to show off new features, and things that we will need for gameplay reasons
    • Agree Agree x 7
  9. Deleted member 197136

    Deleted member 197136
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    I really like the cars being a surprise and voting would end that, especially now that the last promised car is set to release. I think voting would kind of ruin the magic.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    if we got some super quirky 80's tech that would be amazing.
    -Subaru XT/XT6/Alcyone Digi-dash (or Mazda 323 GTX)
    -modeled after the HB Cosmo, Mazda 626 (first gen), Isuzu Piazza, and the Subaru XT/6/Alcyone
    -crazy weird interior lines, driver focused, pistol grip shifter, asymmetry everywhere
    -quirky factory graphics, interior style/pattern after the MK1 Golf GTI or Nissan Pulsar NX
    -forced induction of the twincharge or turbocharged type
    -2-rotor option?
    -popup headlights of course

    you get the gist. Basically just the epitome of the hotbed of 80's Japanese automotive engineering, because even though we have the 89 Pessima, its so boring and uninspired.

    or maybe spread these ideas throughout the 200BX, Covet, and 89 Pessima equally to better represent their era's with a little more flair. And then consider adding possibly an 80's Hirochi with all the super niche/quirky features and design ques.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  11. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
    middleground 90s-00s crappy but memorable mass market shitboxes
  12. EvilMcSheep

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    Jan 5, 2016
    Oh come on, Pessima's all-wheel-steering is awesome!
  13. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    is it memorable though? i totally forgot about it.
    Now, if it had an advanced 4wd-4ws system on the GTZ, that would be cool and memorable, and totally something a booming Japanese economy would allow for.
    and the interior is entirely uninspired. The exterior styling is mass market, which is fine, but so is the Covet. The 200BX at least stands out a bit.
    What im trying to say is we need a flagship 80's sports/luxury coupe chocked full of rudimentary technology we take for granted today.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. korbitr

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    Aug 6, 2013
    As long as it fills a vehicle archetype that has not yet been explored in the game, I'd welcome additions of both modern and classic cars. Though that doesn't mean I don't have biases of what kind of car I want to see the most.

    Personally, I'd love to see a hybrid liftback from the early '00s and a cutting-edge hypercar from the mid '10s (call me a little kid all you want).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    yknow, a cutting edge supercar would be neat-
    but im definitely one of the mindset that prefers attainable cars, including new cars that are affordable and those 80's/90's cars that are just becoming considered classic and slowly rising in value.
  16. HadACoolCar

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    Jun 2, 2017
    i'd say they implement more tuner inspired cars from the 2000-2005 era, or maybe just more 90s shitboxes
  17. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    We had one of such cars, a '97 Almera, and it was so "memorable" that I barely remember that thing.
  18. Porsche lover

    Porsche lover
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    Apr 3, 2020
    I think, we need some Sportcars from 00's.

    They are beautiful and Tunable.
    Actually, there is only one car from 00's in game - Sunburst
  19. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    alright, i love older supercars as mutch as the next guy, but beamng just isnt made for these kinds of cars, the sbr4 is like the fastest you could possibly get without it being useless or too fast.
  20. Porsche lover

    Porsche lover
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    Apr 3, 2020
    Ik, but what about some sportcars like 911 Carrera or 360 Modena?
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