Dynamic mud

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Unster, May 3, 2021.

  1. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    The search function is buggy as heck and gives different results depending on device it seems. For me it brings up 5 whole pages worth of threads.
  2. Yash_gamin144

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    Apr 24, 2021

    We also need scratches! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. S.Ali.M

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    Jan 12, 2021
    Please don't post Irrelevant sentences. Scratching has nothing to do with dynamic mud
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Unster

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    Jan 23, 2018
    Not completely irrelevant. I mentioned them in this thread too (in the paint scratch thread, it was a lot of the same negativity from some people, like you were asking them for a kidney). Both paint scratches and dynamic ground surfaces would add so much to this game. They'd be awesome.
  5. Mili 2

    Mili 2
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    Apr 8, 2019
    Didn't You already make multiple threads like this asking for the same things and getting the same level or response? Doesn't it end up the same way, where You display lack of understanding in both this team's vision and the game development. And people proceed to explain it to You which aggravates You on top of Your usual passive-aggressiveness even further? Or are You expecting to get an answer from a team member by spamming the same suggestions all the time?

    The thing about comparing Spintires prebaked Havoc to Torque's heavily modified, extremely complex physics engine like they're just "two driving games" makes me cringe so hard, please stop pretending be as You said:
    You might be middle-aged congratulations, but You're as much of a game dev as I am patient. Thankfully You don't need to be one, all You need to do is stop talking and listen to what people tell You instead of getting angry with them. You might learn something. Generally speaking if Your ideas for the company don't line up with the people that work in the company You're probably missing crucial bits of information. Hence what we can give You are speculations and not straight up quotes from team members.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. Unster

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    Jan 23, 2018
    You could have taken the time it took you to write that rant and do something else more productive. I'm just giving some suggestions here, as this section of the forum is intended for, and I don't expect anything to get implemented immediately. Just want to put it on the the wishlist. I don't care for anyone's speculations. If you like the suggestion, great. If you don't, great. Just stop the whining already.
  7. YeetMan

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    Mar 16, 2020
    But your the one here that is whining and if you dont care for anyones speculations then why the hell did you open a speculation thread like what.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  8. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
    I don't understand why you're getting so passive-aggressive with this. Anytime someone writes out an answer for your post, you get all upset and accuse them of something ridiculous
    Furthermore, if you don't care for anyone's speculations on a public forum, then it's probably for the best that you don't write anything at all.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  9. Unster

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    Jan 23, 2018
    Maybe that's where the problem is. Some thought I opened a speculation thread. I didn't. I opened a suggestion thread, along with a question about whether there's a plan to implement it. If no one knew, it could have been said so. If devs said something on it, people could have directed me to where they said so. The last thing I wanted is to read people's personal grievances about a feature they don't care about. No one cares.
  10. YeetMan

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    Mar 16, 2020
    That confirms it you havent read any of these comments fully you just read till you deem they dont agree with you or think your idea should be added within the week.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. chromy

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    Jan 8, 2020
    as if you requesting something useless for the 3rd time is considered something productive. plus may i add, it's really ironic of you considering you're the one who started this and keeps whinning whenever someone has a different opinion or explains briefly about this topic
    • Agree Agree x 6
  12. Unster

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    Jan 23, 2018
    Not sure where you're getting this info. This is my first request for dynamic mud, though it's possible I expressed support for it years ago. It's not about people having a different opinion, it's about people playing expert on something they're clearly not, since they're not the devs. And like I said, I've seen this whining before (with the paint scratches) where some people it seems have nothing better to do than to sit here and shoot down every suggestion they don't care for. I'm just tired of it. Those comments add nothing to the discussion.
    --- Post updated ---
    Congrats, another useless, untrue comment.
  13. Unster

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    Jan 23, 2018
    I'm curious, what is it that you detest about Focus/Saber? As far as BeamNG being able to compete with them on their own strengths, that is precisely what I would love to see at some point as well, so we're on the same page there. BeamNG already blows SnowRunner out of the water when it comes to physics and vehicle simulation. I'd love it if I could ditch SnowRunner completely, since the only reason for players like myself to even be interested in SnowRunner is the interactive environment. I'm not a fan of their tactics and implementation of other things. Even their snow physics are far from realistic, but the snow does look great. I'm sure BeamNG devs would do a far superior job of implementing snow & mud physics. Again, doesn't have to be now, but I'd love to see it at some point.
  14. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    I'm still pissed at them for the Apache situation, which I still rant about on the Focus forums and r/Snowrunner whenever I hop on over there. I'm 100% for paid DLC when done "right", and I'll point to Wreckfest and Cities Skylines for what that mostly looks like. Additional content which supplements but does not complete the base game and is offered transparently for a reasonable price, preferably accompanied by continued support for the base game. It's a great way to fund additional content that otherwise isn't financially feasible, but sadly AAA publishers tend to use it as a predatory tool with micro-transactions and unfinished products. I was a bit hesitant about Focus since they tend to repackage & resell the same game (CitiesXL and Farming Sim) but I gave them a chance. Snowrunner and RDR2 are the only 2 games I've ever pre-ordered, and at first I was very happy with pre-ordering Snowrunner (even though wheel support sucked for the first month) and thought things were going fairly well. But that whole Apache situation was a bait and switch as far as I care... "Mini collectible DLC not in the season pass" that they announced well after the season pass was announced and pre-ordered, and they even put the thing in MULTIPLE season pass trailers, censored complaints on discord, and only released a statement a few days later basically saying "we don't really care what you all think" after the blowback. Then for some reason the community sided with them after a week or so and claimed the Apache wasn't in the season pass trailer even when presented with screen shots of it in the trailer (a game's community is often just as important as the game itself and I can't stand the attitude on the subreddit sometimes, especially seeing how strongly they defended what I see as undeniably predatory business practice).

    I don't know how much of this all was down to Saber and how much were down to Focus, but surely Saber knew the risk of something like this when they signed up with Focus seeing their history with other franchises and the state of AAA publishers right now. Seeing Pavel's complicated history with Oovee I can't really give him the benefit of the doubt here.

    It isn't about the $4, I use to buy every World of Tanks $60 flavor of the month premium tank that came out, I am more than willing to throw my wallet at a company for a good product. But when a company treats their most loyal customers like Focus did there, I'm out (the ones most affected by the Apache thing were those that pre-ordered the season pass, blindly dropping $100 for a game that wasn't even out yet)
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