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Audio Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nadeox1, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Santino Eli

    Santino Eli
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    May 20, 2022
    Waiting for new V8 sound type sadly it sound like a carbon copy of the 5.4 Triton!!!
  2. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    Ah well that would spoil the fun with the peeps trying to guess what engine config it may have...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    Well, we are working on a toolset right now which will allow us to create our own loops from RPM sweep recordings. Then we won't have to rely on a 3rd party supplier any more. That's our 'early/quick' fix to a much bigger and complex solution for the vehicle engine sounds.
    • Like Like x 14
  4. Santino Eli

    Santino Eli
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    May 20, 2022
    We need V6 diesels
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Does this mean that you will manage to make different flavors of one engine sound with the new toolset? Like the initial recorded sound was from Ford modular V8, but with toolset you can make it sound like LS? Please, correct me if I misunderstood, this is certainly interesting
  6. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    We need a lot of things ;)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    This first pass will allow us to record and process those recordings in to loops. So no, there won't be any resynthesis or anything like that. What the next stage should be is still to be decided. We still need to find a way to create the "unmuffled" exhaust sounds to complement a recorded sound.

    But at least this way we will be able to add new content instead of using the same sounds again, and again, and again.......
    • Like Like x 11
  8. Adam25685

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    Sep 27, 2020
    Ok so, 0.25 is out, Scintilla sounds real nice but everything else in beam sounds odd now, windshield cracking sound is severely shortened, crash sounds seem low pitched, shortened too and in my opinion it doesn't quite represent a violent crash sound you expect from it (and to what I'm used to). The Civetta Bolide race transmission whine is excessively cranked up. All of the engine sounds have been modified, sounding bassier and muffled in cars with front engine layouts and in hood cam, and probably a number of other things I missed out while writing this.
    3 Questions

    Why the changes?
    Why not keep the audio as it was in
    Will the audio be more precisely adjusted in a future hotfix?
  9. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    Thanks for the feedback!

    The windscreen and larger crash lengths in general were considered too long - that was from internal team feedback. I also looked at making the mid crash audio more "crunch like" rather than harder impacts - everything was starting to sound too 'samey'. I also then added a random amount of 'panel' impact into the impact sounds which is more prominent with the larger hits. The pitch of the crashes has not changed, but perhaps it's the panel part which you're hearing as it does change the overall timbre of the sounds.

    The race transmissions have been tweaked to be more violent sounding. Once we have the cabin filtering sorted out, these will bed in to the mix a lot better I feel. I will check that one as you've highlighted it.

    We now have the ability to alter the EQ of exhausts on the exhaust jbeam as well as the engine jbeam. So what I've done is the remove a lot of the exhaust bass at the manifold/header, and then add it back in on the actual exhaust. This is now flexible so you can have different amounts of EQ on a per exhaust basis. A stock exhaust will now sound more muffled as I'm reducing more high frequencies than before, but as you progress through different exhaust types this changes. This is an ongoing process, as with much of the audio in BeamNG, and it's all subject to change again as I play and compare, I get more feedback both internally and externally.

    Why the changes? I prefer to call them improvements.

    Will the audio be more precisely adjusted in a future hotfix? - I'm not sure what you're asking here, but if you're asking to revert back to 0.24 then the answer is certainly no. This is an early access game, things change and sometimes you simply have to get used to those changes. Changing the UI sounds is a classic example. We had quite a lot of negative comments on that when released, now nothing at all. We all get used to things which are not specifically better, or worse, and the beauty of early access is that we have the opportunity to change things and see how the community receive those changes.
    • Like Like x 9
  10. jackmo2207

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    Jan 21, 2022
    I was messing with the updated large crusher and I did notice there were more crunches and creaks
    • Like Like x 1
  11. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    It's quite satisfying now, isn't it :D
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    I've had another play with the transmissions, one reason is that I want to hear the gearbox output whine at lower pitch... so I'm going to redo them all again, hopefully before the next hotfix. Thanks for picking that up...
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Santino Eli

    Santino Eli
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    May 20, 2022
    Maybe the ability to create your own engine sound fully detailed
  14. facepuncher735

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    Aug 17, 2017
    so, the scintilla, i was super hyped to hear it has a V10, and man, i did expect a bit too much probably, but in my opinion and most of my friends opinion, it really doesnt sound all too nice.

    Let me explain from my point of view.

    So, first of all, its quite obviously the same base V10 sound that was found in beamngs game files for a lot of mods, tho very improved, it still has that "old" v10 sound mixed in like all the old mods, which has a weird and flat tone almost, sounds bland and rough, not quite like a real v10, however, this is all only from the orbit camera, let me get to a few positives.

    I dont know what kind of magic was done, but from the interior it does sound nice, however also only at very specific RPM ranges, those being, 3-5k rpm and 8-9k rpm, at 3-5 it almost has that huracan lower pitch smooth v10 sound, which for cruising is really nice, and at 8-9 it sounds super high pitched, like an LFA and sounds really nice, i just wish it would sound like that at all rom ranges in the future, most importantly from the orbit camera, that would be really nice.

    ok so thats all i had to say about the scintilla, and i dont wanna sound like that guy that says, oh you better make this better because its crap ahhhhh, because i know its probably very difficult, take this more as constructive criticism i guess, im sure its not easy, no hard feelings.

    Another audio related subject i would like to cover would be the loudness of cars, now with that i dont mean how loud the cars are when you stand next to them with a header dump, im talking how loud a car is at a certain distance, because currently, even with a legit header dump, you can barely hear other vehicles even if they are pretty close to you, which feels very inacurate compared to irl, in beamng, a car that has legit no exhaust, you start hearing it, lets say as an example, 100 meters away, and then it flys by, is loud for a split second and then dies down after 50 meters already and then at 100 meters away, sound is gone, where as in real life, the distance would be multiplied by 10 (numbers not acurate just a referance). This is personally something i myself, and surely other would love to be imporved in future updates, to have better imersion, and general enjoyment while driving with others, as beammp is a gib thing now a days, like, i would love to be just cruising, and be able to hear my friends car 50 meters infront goung the same speed, not full throttle or anything, like in real life if the person has a loud exhaust.

    once again, same with the scintilla, i know this is most likely not something like a walk in the part, these are just ideas and or is just criticism from some random dude that knows nothing about sound design and game development, so im sorry if this is all too much to ask for, and thanks for reading this excessively long post, i had a lot to say haha.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  16. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    Hey - thanks for the well worded message!

    Yes, it is the same V10. We're still not in a position to use our own source, or licenced, sweep recordings. But we're not so far away now with the tools. In terms of improvements, nothing was done to the actual samples, just the EQ settings in the engine and exhaust jbeam files.

    Funnily enough, I replied to a thread on Reddit last night talking about exactly the same thing, so I[ll copy and paste a little bit:

    It's all about CPU usage. If a sound has a larger overall distance that you can hear, imagine a circle with the 'thing' making the sound in the middle of that circle.... The larger the circle then more sounds can be playing wherever the camera/listener position is.

    Or another way to try to explain. You have 10 AI cars on the map. 5 of them are 1km away and 5 of them are 1.5km away. If the max distance is 1.2km then the sound system only needs to cope with 5 vehicles. If the max distance is 2km then it uses twice the amount of CPU to play the sounds.

    The max distances of the exhausts are now automatically adjusted based on the amount of muffling. 0 muffling has a range of 1.2km whilst full muffling has a range of 400m - of course if it's a quiet exhaust to start with, you'll likely not hear it 150m away as it'll be drowned out by asphalt sounds.

    I will review this again, it's always a bit of a balancing act!
    • Like Like x 4
  17. facepuncher735

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    Aug 17, 2017
    Thank you for the well explained answer, cpu usage does actually make sense, possibly once the game is better optimized, slightly louder cars as in distance would be possible, without any drastic performance issues, or maybe even a slider to adjust how far a user would like to hear cars, so it can be a personal preferance type of thing, i wonder if something like that could work, all in all im excited for what the future holds in audio improvments for beamng, this game rarely fails to impress me :)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    I don't think there will ever be a time where CPU for the physics would be compromised for audio.... What you say about the slider, that's exactly the same thing the person I was commenting to on Reddit said.... and frankly, it's a blooming good idea and I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't think of this myself. Just goes to show that it's always good to interact with the community.

    The excitement of the potential of what BeamNG is, is what drives me too! :)
    • Like Like x 3
  19. JZStudios

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    Feb 23, 2016
    Wasn't there already an option for voice count?
  20. TDK

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 17, 2017
    Yes, but that is different. The voice count is the complete number of samples being played. A single engine band uses two channels to be able to crossfade between then, but FMOD has some form of lag in releasing the channels of around 64ms it seems, so this adds another channel.

    Elsewhere, we prioritise types of sound, highest, high, medium and low.... and you can decide what the priority type is, whether that's quietest, furthest etc.

    The engine/exhaust naturally has the highest priority.

    This distance we're talking about, is the distance from the listener position that you can hear the sound - as they are the highest priority shouldn't be cut by voice count because they are the highest priority. So a max distance slider for the eng/exh is a good idea for people with more powerful systems to increase the distance that those sounds can be heard.

    We have another issue here currently with the AI cars as they are spawning in to the map at a distance far close than their minimum audio distance, so the sound of them jumps in - and jumps out if they spawn out too quickly. These sorts of things happen to limit the amount of CPU being used so we don't compromise the CPU the physics system requires.
    #900 TDK, Jun 20, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
    • Like Like x 6
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