Node/Beam Budget for Gabester

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Fireboyd78, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Fireboyd78

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    Aug 5, 2013
    I love BeamNG. But unfortunately I don't have the funds necessary to afford a super computer, capable of calculating thousands of nodes/beams a second (all the while keeping a smooth 60FPS).

    Unfortunately I probably max out at 20 - 25FPS. That's if I want to play on an actual level, and not just the empty grid map. The performance difference between all of the cars is like night and day - the Covet allows for a smooth framerate, but something like the Moonhawk causes a huge performance spike. The Gavril D-Series is nicely optimized, but the Gavril H-Series is not. And don't even get me started on the Gavril T-Series...not only is it the most unrealistic semi-truck I've ever seen (I understand it's a WIP, don't worry), but it's probably the WORST performance hog in the entire game.

    There needs to be some strict boundaries set for Gabester's cars. This is ridiculous, having one car that deforms nicely and doesn't cause FPS to spike much, but then having another car that deforms just as nicely, except there's extra nodes/beams for "realism", and this is what causes the god-awful performance spikes.

    I respect everything that you guys have done up to and until this point. There is no doubt in my mind that BeamNG is on its way to becoming what AAA-title games strive to be. But the fact of the matter is, there needs to be a N/B budget. Pure and simple. Not everyone can afford a supercomputer, and it gets frustrating trying to do anything when you're constantly lagging because so many nodes/beams are constantly being calculated. There's no "cool-down/freeze" state, either, so it'll just calculate until the end of time.

    So in short, please optimize the nodes/beams for the cars in BeamNG. There needs to be sameness amongst all cars. There needs to be strict guidelines set - smaller cars should use less budget, bigger cars can allocate more budget. But please don't excuse this for "more realism", because lets be honest - the cars in BeamNG are just rolling boxes full of jelly-loaded springs. More of something is not always better. Please JBeam the cars carefully, and actually take the time to think it out. "Will this be necessary? What if I left it out and strengthed up the so-and-so beam?"

    Thank you, and keep up the great work on BeamNG. I look forward to being able to play with all of the cars without these ridiculous performance spikes!

    My computer specs:

    - Intel Core i7 740QM (1.73GHz)
    - 8GB RAM
    - ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 (1GB)
    - 1920 X 1050 (Primary), 1600 x 900 (Secondary)
    - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    #1 Fireboyd78, Jan 21, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  2. 14ramosr

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    Sep 7, 2013
    inb4 flame.
    I think the only "budget" gabe needs is what he can create with his imagination. This game is all about realism, not about performance on poor computers. All i have is a laptop, so i get bad performance too. You dont see me complaining that the fps is bad, i know its going to be bad because all i have is a bad computer thats literally going to die any day now (and i cant afford a new computer). I knew that before i even bought the game. If you want smooth performance, save up build a gaming pc. I know money can be hard to save, trust me, im poor as shit. But dont complain and try to convince the devs to cater to your individual needs. Thats like going to a restaurant and complaining that you dont like the grilled cheese even though thats all you can afford and demanding you get a filet mignon free of charge.
  3. Goosah

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    Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 30, 2013
    Why do you think the wheels only have 12 rays. You think they don't want more? I have a 5 year old AMD x4 and I can run everything but the T series. For you to be having so much trouble you must be dealing with something even older. If you want to play the latest games with good graphics and physics you have to either pay for the hardware, or go find some enjoyment in sidescrollers.

    Edit: Not older, a laptop. Color me surprised.
  4. gabester

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    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    Intel Core i7 740QM (1.73GHz) does not meet the minimum requirements. My cell phone has a higher clock speed. Case closed?

    I already do this. That's why the Covet runs smoother than other cars. It's smaller and has less nodes and beams.
  5. Fireboyd78

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    Aug 5, 2013
    It's how business works. You receive feedback from clients (satisfied or not) and work with that. The devs shouldn't just give the whole "oh well, too bad, you're on a shitty computer" speech. That's not how things work, especially in the video game industry.

    Also keep in mind that I paid for this opportunity to test out and help shape the future of BeamNG. Why should my investment go to waste?
  6. CTJacob

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    Aug 6, 2012
    You should have checked minimum requirements before you bought it...?
  7. Fireboyd78

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Guess it's time to overclock the sumbitch. I'm a bit pissed that this $1,600 laptop has almost gone obsolete after 5 years. Oh well.

    You'd think an Intel i7 would be good enough. Lol
  8. Goosah

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    Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 30, 2013
    What, that's exactly how things work in the video game industry. You're making about as much sense as somebody complaining that GTA 5 isn't being made for the original xbox.

    And yes, laptops are stupid things to buy for gaming. I paid 500 bucks for my desktop 5 years ago, and have since added a 750ti for $150, and I can easily run the game at 30-60fps based on settings.
  9. 14ramosr

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    Sep 7, 2013
    Why does everybody go with the "i paid for this so my demands should be met" argument? You paid for an opportunity to play the alpha, not to develop the game. This game isnt going to get much faster. Remember, physics calculations at 2000hz, real time soft body physics, and pretty damn good graphics. This obviously isnt going to be a game playable on any rig ever. Its your fault for not even reading the minimum requirements.
  10. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    5 Years old hardware lol. I barely run BeamNG on my 1-year-old-hardware laptop.
    Most laptop aren't mean for gaming, especially yours with such low clock speed. Most phones nowadays have faster clock speed than that :p
  11. Fireboyd78

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Look I don't want this thread derailing into an unnecessary flame-war. I just hope the devs take this into consideration. If this were my project, I'd invest in a possible "FPS-friendly" version of the cars, that use less beams at the expense of realism.

    My laptop was made specifically for gaming...

    (imported from here)

    (imported from here)
  12. CTJacob

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    Aug 6, 2012
    We did have a user make some really simple cars so you can at least drive around...
  13. Goosah

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    Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 30, 2013
  14. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    I believe "Gaming" for most games means High Graphic settings, not ultra-dupa-CPU.
    5 Year ago tough. Lot of things changes in 5 Years.

    Anyway, the point of this game is realism. Making FPS version of vehicles at cost of realism is the opposite of what BeamNG.Drive aims to.
  15. gabester

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    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    Yes, made for games that don't use the CPU 5 years ago ;)

    If I were the devs (wait, I am), I'd invest in moving the project forward, not sideways to accommodate people with extremely slow computers. Dumbed down fps-friendly vehicles would defeat the purpose of the physics anyways.
  16. monte379

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    Dec 24, 2013
    Yea keep moving foward because the physics are not going to get any better if you try to make it "fps friendly" you guys already made a lot of progress keep it up:)
  17. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    9Re: Node/Beam Budget for Gabester

    A several generations out of date i7 running at a below average clock speed. If not for fact that you can't compare purely on clock speeds, my tablet would be faster as it can clock to 1.86ghz (Intel atom means it actually isn't any more powerful). But regardless, you have a mediocre CPU, poor gpu.
  18. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Not to be the odd ball out here, but I run this game at an average of 45FPS with the Covet or the D series (25-30FPS in the T series) on an old Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz... with only 4 Gbs or Ram. So with a Quad Core I should think that your computer can manage better than that. I am running it on a 5 year old bottom of the barrel MacBook Pro and am easily out gunning your computer for some reason. Something doesn't sound right there unless the Clock speed really makes that big of a difference.
  19. Cira

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    Aug 8, 2013
    Number of cores doesn't matter in BeamNG as long as you are using only a single vehicle. Maybe his system is cluttered up or god knows what else. He still can be hit by thermal throtteling which happens for my laptop.
  20. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Clock speed makes *ALL* the difference. BeamNG runs 1 thread per vehicle. 1 thread will only run on 1 core at a time. With 1 vehicle, beamng is effectively using only 1 core (don't ask devs to change that, there are very good reasons why its *NOT* possible). Therefore that thread is limited in performance by the clock speed of the cores, in which the OP's is way below average for anything that can be remotely considered a gaming rig.
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