
Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Dummiesman, May 31, 2015.

  1. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Last night i had a dream that some sort of biological thing entered merchandise being shipped to technology stores. Basically it was a temporary disease that'd make anyone who came in contact with it attack anyone within sight for ~24 hours, then it'd be eliminated by their body.

    I had others but my memory of them is vague, I may remember them later.
  2. pf12351

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    Feb 24, 2013
    A couple of days ago I had this dream, that was so realistic, when I woke up, I was man... I wish it was real.

    My dream: My parents owned a blue McLaren P1, it was parked right outside the house, me and my bro go to sit in it, people are photographing, we charged through and look like celebrities, open the doors, sit in and drive away.

    The interesting thing about this is though, when I was dreaming, I saw everything. My house, the car, the screen in the P1, it was so realistic and it truly did deceive. When I woke up, I had that feeling.. was it really a dream? Then reality slapped me in the face when I look out my window, and see the (Blue) Jaguar parked outside.
  3. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Dream you have a McLaren, wake up to find out you still only have a Jag. #Richguyproblems :p
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  4. Hati

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    Aug 5, 2012
    I document my dreams, and they're usually quite weird-- well quite disturbed. I tend to keep the ones with the best narrative structures. Like this one:

    I and a group of people are given this small creature in a tiny box. and told that we must raise it then kill it. The creature when I take it out of the box is immobile, it's limbs are useless, it's completely bald with greyish/brown skin, it's entirely blind having no eyes but has a huge muzzle with teeth. and I can see right away as it helplessly attempts to chew on my skin that this is basically all it can do. Lie around and bite things. So the people I'm living in this house with take it on, place it on a plate on the dining table as a centrepiece. And the dream sort of revolves around each night as we eat dinner. We're talking about it. Usually we're discussing how best to kill it when it's time, others want to kill it in a long painful manner entirely out of morbid curiosity, some want to torture it. No-one's suggesting a quick and easy death. I do not speak up in any way on this topic.

    By the second night the person who gave us this creature has moved into our basement. She's strapped a pig to one of the walls, as the creature has gotten quite large in a day; it's the size of a chicken. However the pig is alive, she's in a trance and carving chunks of flesh off of it to feed to this creature. The fresh, bloodied meat that's still at room temperature apparently is the best thing for it. And so there are hunks of flesh now on a bloodied platter in front of the creature on this plate on the dining table. The creature rather single mindedly, but contently chewing on the lumps of raw pork. Out of curiosity I touch the creature. It's grown horns by this point and it immediately responds by screeching and sinking one of its needle sharp horns right into my hand -- which causes me to awake because I actually remember feeling the pain of being stabbed in the hand.

    Going back to sleep I'm back in the dream, the creature in the middle of the table and I'm alone in the room. Watching it do nothing more than single mindedly eat the raw pork. I get up and wander about, and the house has apparently gone mad as I find people killing and torturing small animals in an attempt to come up with a way to best kill this creature. I can't reason with them, they talk to me but don't respond if I talk to them. The house is also becoming rather untidy, dusty, and ill maintained. They appear to be obsessing, and they don't look after the house or themselves while doing this. Finding the situation rather overwheliming in this dream, I walk outside to visit someone else. I end up at a friend's place across town, finding weirdly he's left the door open. I step in, and his house is in a similar state of disrepair. on his dining table is a near unrecognizable carcass, and the whole table is covered in blood. I know what it is, and what may have happened. but my friend's disappeared. I wander out, noticing the entire neighbourhood is like this, doors left open and the homes inside look unwelcoming and abandoned. In a state of panic I find my way back home and along the way I see every resident in town, they're walking in lockstep, single file, to a place unknown.

    I can't communicate, they do not seem to see nor hear me. They become aggressive when I touch them. After coming back home I find that my housemates have collectively agreed to burn it and there's where the dream ends.
  5. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    That's happened in my dreams before. Not fun :c
  6. Dc5R

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    Oct 29, 2014
    I was going to win the Fast n Loud Ferrari F40 from some kind of contest , and wake up . :(
  7. Joeyfuller2000

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    Jan 19, 2015
    Weird one for you guys.
    I dreamed that I went to visit NYC, but when I got there, it was completely deserted. No cars, no people on the sidewalk or in the buildings. It was eerie as hell, and the electronic billboards, traffic lights, and street lights were still working. I wandered around and soon I was hearing a car, and when I turned around, there it was, and it stopped. I looked inside and there was no one in it. Then I woke up and I'm still a little spooked.
  8. IBsenoj

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    Sep 28, 2013

    I've been pretty disturbed lately... Kinda down. I've been having dreams of my house being hunted, like, very creepily. People being possessed my grandma old mom choking and killing my little sister. I dream a lot about my little sister, she's very innocent and ignorant. So she's insecure and I guess I worry about that. Me being an uncle of two, it scares me when I have dreams of moms killing their children, and reading about it in real life. I dream about committing suicide. Scary stuff, sometimes I don't know if it's real or not anymore. this could be a dream, no joke. My girlfriend left me IRL. Great grandma died on sunday. Just feel lonely. The dreams don't help.
  9. 1UZ-FE

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    Oct 13, 2014
    Well, you're lucky haha. Just a working man, huh? And I wouldn't be opposed at all, crack a beer and drift out . I got the G27 wheel, too!
  10. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    hell yea, meet up on DPA or something one day. That's like halfway btw us, I live in hunting harbor and u are all the way south, DPA is a pretty decent spot to meet up too. My homeboy has the g27 next door to me, we catch drifts all the time lol 420 friendly as well, so u know how us long islanders are.
  11. Joeyfuller2000

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    Jan 19, 2015
    I dreamed there was a phone ringing, and I answered it, but then another one started ringing. I put down the one I had in my hand, and picked up the other one. Then after I picked that one up, another one started ringing in the other room. I went and picked that one up, and then another one started ringing. I have no idea how long this went on for, but it was a while.
    Also, cats dream, right? My cat was sleeping and he was lightly moving his paws and his nose twitched a few times.
  12. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
    Awhile ago I had a dream where I had two penises. One for sex, one for peeing. I forget how it ended.
  13. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    I'm sure you know how it ended, it just isnt forum appropriate.
  14. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
  15. pickle330

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    Oct 2, 2013
    I don't remember most of my dreams... I haven't really had any "legitimate dreams" for a long time. Only recent dreams I remember are that I had them, and they were very long, tedious, and boring... All I remember about them is that I was looking for something. I have dreams like that fairly often.

    Also, I used to often get these dreams: I'm in a forest with, and something big happens to be chasing me. (Different every time) I start running and then I get this weakness. The exact same feeling when you laugh hard enough to lose the ability to hold a small object in your hand. At the same time the ground randomly gets very slippery and I fall. Then whatever's chasing me gets to me and I wake up.

    When I was little, the scariest dream I would have is just a view of some commercial jet plane (like a 737) flying in the dark, in clounds with a very loud jet engine/wind sound. It would last a few seconds. That's it... An odd thing is that almost everytime I had a dream like this one or similar, I'd have a high pitched sound stuck in my head when trying to sleep... Odd, eh?

    Here are two more entertaining dreams I've had that I can think of right now:

    1. Don't remember much of it. I was in some old RV like a first generation Fleetwood Pace Arrow, and with some people that happened to just be "there". We were in a desert/canyon area on an empty long road. Then we randomly needed to attack something. So we walked to the back of the RV and we randomly obtained nerf guns... At this point the whole back wall of the RV was just... gone. Disappeared. Because dreams... They're odd. There were some sort of "floating pod objects" that were silver, and round. (about 50cm wide, 30cm tall) They were chasing our RV. I had a Recon CS6 nerf gun for whatever reason. I shot two. Then the dream ended.

    2. I was in the map "Bear Mountain" from Motocross Madness 2. I was in a large group of people (maybe 40) standing in front of someone. This person was announcing the rules for an organized scavenger hunt we were apparently about to do. This person basically just said, "find the objects (no idea what we were actually looking for) and to look for DJ turntables (ok?) for bonus points, and make sure you have fun playing around with them." (I don't get it either, ok?) So I took off with one other person (I think it was my brother, or just some random person) and we walked down a road with it's nice low resolution texture just like in motocross madness 2. To the left of the road there was 3 metre slope that was quite steep. At the bottom there was one of these turntable things. It looked like a cheap toy. It was basically a box with an old record player-thing on top. It had a few buttons beside the record. The record was actually plastic and fixed. When I touched it, it made a low quality record scratching sound. We moved along the road again. It ended at some trees and another turntable thing. Nothing else really happened. The dream pretty much ended at that point.

    Yes they do. :) If you see a cats legs/paws/jaw/tail/etc. twitching in their sleep, they are probably dreaming about chasing rabbits or stalking prey.
  16. CaffeinatedPixels

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    Oct 2, 2012
    I had a dream last night about the following video. The only difference is Austin went three times as high and took down the entire set of grandstands.

    #76 CaffeinatedPixels, Jul 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2015
  17. JayRab

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    Jul 9, 2015
    I had a dream I was flying a fighter jet and got shot down and somehow just jumped out and landed on a bed...or was that a movie I watched...
  18. Tom999

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    Yeah, awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Last night I had a dream I spilled a full bottle of Gatorade right into my keyboard, then knocked a water bottle into the keyboard trying to clean it up... XD
  20. Shadowdragon94

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    Jul 9, 2013
    i cant remember any dreams in detail,all i can remember is that they are really really boring....
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