General discussion

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Car crusher, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
  2. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    I'm not talking about the ones who actually do the speed limit. I'm talking about the ones who don't.
    #26362 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Sep 1, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
  3. Peterbilt

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    Aug 6, 2012
    How about when your doing 62 in a 55, and theres 4 or 5 more vehicles in line behind you just waiting to get around at any available opportunity?

    Then when they get around they take off like you were sitting still, and usually this is all along the same stretch of RTE 16.

    Though admittedly, I've only personally seen 2 wrecks on that stretch, once where a Grand Cherokee went off the bank and took out a telephone pole when the driver wasn't paying attention, and earlier this year when a garbage truck rolled over, which I have a video of the aftermath.

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  4. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    It's called being safe. You should never overdrive your vision. If you can't see within the distance you can brake, you're going too fast. And speedometers don't read fast, and if they actually did, how could you prove it? As for people who don't know the speed limit, in many states, 45mph is the speed limit outside of cities, which is why people will drive at that speed when they don't know the speed limit. Some cars can't safely do 55mph, or 65, and many semi trucks are limited to somewhere between 58 and 65mph. Your tailgating is libel to get you in an accident, as you are following too closely, and won't be able to stop without rear ending the car in front of you that stopped. This is about safety. If you refuse to drive safely, get off the damn roads.
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  5. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    Or in other words, if you let your emotions get control of you over driving, then don't even bother driving at all.
  6. Peterbilt

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    Aug 6, 2012
    So you've never been on a highway and as soon as a light flurry starts to blow through the car in front of you decides to drop to 35 MPH and turn their high beams on?
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  7. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    Don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying that if you can't drive safely, for any reason, emotions, disability, or, in this case, outright stupidity, you shouldn't be driving. Driving is not a right. It is a privilege. If you abuse it, you will loose it.
  8. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    You will loose it?
  9. jetcoasterfan

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    Jan 31, 2015
    Who drives at 55 MPH anymore these days? I am riding with my mother in the car on Route 7 in Virginia and we are doing 65 or 63 in a 55 zone and people still pass us. They should make the speed limit 900 MPH and no one would ever get a ticket for speeding!!
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  10. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    Go faster = Higher fatality chance in event of multi-vehicle accident.
  11. jetcoasterfan

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    Jan 31, 2015
    I think the 55 speed limit should be updated to these much more modern times.
  12. CaffeinatedPixels

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    Oct 2, 2012
    Been a while since I've seen the absolute madman @jetcoasterfan myself :eek:
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  13. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    Apparently, I found that Dunkleosteus is 30 feet long.
  14. jetcoasterfan

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    Jan 31, 2015
    Make the OFFICIAL speed limit in America 5,000 MPH and no one in the world could break the law by speeding over the speed limit.
  15. amarks240

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    Whats going on here?
  16. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    This road has just about the best sightlines ever. There are a few places where they're worse, but a lot of people drive slow everywhere.

    Car and Driver checked it out many years ago and found that many speedometers (except, interestingly, those installed in BMWs, which read slow) tend to read ever so slightly fast. I don't remember it being fast by much, nor do I know if this has since been fixed, but it would seem to explain why so many people stop accelerating 2 or 3 MPH early, as if they think they've already reached the limit. Slightly taller tires would then put the speedometer right on point.

    There are a great many signs on this road, including some light-up signs that show your current speed and flash at you if you're over.

    Sometimes that is the case (like the guy who had a pickup bed full of unsecured firewood, though he peeled off after only a couple miles), but many of the cars that hold me up at least appear to be in fairly decent shape, and it just plain doesn't check out that I'd get a barely-functional junker in front of me every single freaking day. One of the more memorable ones was a brand new Mustang GT, complete with temporary tags, dawdling along at 45.

    Surprisingly enough, the vast majority of my traffic problems are not semi-related. That's not to say that I don't cry inside when one pulls out in front of me, it's just that, most of the time, I... don't have one in front of me.

    That, I probably could stand to change... bumper-locking isn't exactly the Christian solution, is it.

    Apparently no one. Some days I'm lucky to hit that number twice, despite having about 9 miles of road to do it in, which is exactly what I'm talking about here.

    Eh, the problem with this road is that it's so much different day to night. In the daytime, you have fantastic sightlines, gentle curves, and generally no excuse to go slow. In the nighttime, the DOT is perpetually too cheap to install streetlights along the vast majority of it (though they weren't too cheap to supplement about 7 miles of it with a paved bike path), so there could be a moose hiding along the side of the road. However, it's been so long that I don't even remember the last time I drove to work in the dark, and if I'm coming home after dark, it's probably late enough that I don't have problems anyway. I've heard of different speed limits for different times of day, but it seems like Alaska in general doesn't like that idea.


    An argument of sorts.
  17. Occam's Razer

    Occam's Razer
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    Aug 7, 2013
    So, my computer just started blackscreening today. I've been meaning to look into a replacement for some time, so I'm not too broken up about the computer itself, but most of my files are still on the hard drive and I'd really like to get them off before I attempt to get it serviced.

    Now, I've tried looking around a bit, but I can't seem to get a clear answer: Is it, or is it not, possible to boot Windows 10 into safe mode without any menus at all whatsoever? All of the safe mode tutorials I've found require that you have the computer operating normally before booting into safe mode, and to me, that misses the point completely.
  18. James Smith

    James Smith
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    Mar 16, 2016
    Well, when I was driving through Nevada, I encountered a lot of semis that were pushing 80. Mind you this is Nevada, where you can see for many miles.
  19. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    It isn't exactly the legal solution either. You can get ticketed for following too closely. If the road is clear to pass, then pass. Otherwise, don't endanger yourself and others on the road.
  20. Bubbleawsome

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Besides the rest of the arguments, speedometers are usually built to be a little fast. That way if the calibration is a little off they don't read very slow. For example, if speedometers tended to read 3% slow (within the margin of error for most "fast" calibrated speedos) and then calibration errors brought that to 5% by 80mph your speedometer would be 4mph slow. Add that to the fact that people tend to go 5 over and you could be doing 10 over the speed limit, or 8 over in a 45 without really realizing.

    At least, that's the reasoning for most being calibrated fast as far as I know.

    EDIT: Quick test. V0yHY1Z.png plus test
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