General Car Discussion

Discussion in 'Automotive' started by HadACoolName, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. amarks240

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    Your logic is fascinating. don't worry about all this, just rice your life until somethings alright.
  2. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    What do you even mean?
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  3. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    and well done, you've just been ticketed for dangerous driving again. Slow != safe. A normal sane driver sees a corner, prepares to take it at 20mph only to find you've been a complete arse and unnecessarily slammed down to 5mph, that is in its own right dangerous.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I always pulled over and let other cars pass if there is one behind me and I was worried about rolling the car I was driving.
  5. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    there is an irony to how your preferred driving style for fear of accident, is quite likely to cause accident. And yes, 10mph collision screams inattention, see a parked car? SLAM THE BRAKE. You wont hit it unless you've seen it too late (ie within 1 metre) in which case you probably werent paying attention. Driving slowly on wrong side of road to take a corner? Phenomenally stupid.

    You bitch and moan that people speeding is just going to kill everyone. Then go on to literally say you dont care about killing a person through your own actions (you having more consideration for your own life is still an entirely different matter from the complete lack of empathy you display), then go and drive in such a way to obstruct and cause obstacle to other road users which is in turn highly liable to cause collision.
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  6. opkraut

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    May 30, 2015
    How have you not killed yourself or someone else yet?
    I seriously hope you don't actually have a license.
  7. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I didn't even know I was going to hit that car before it happened, and even a little be after I was wondering if it was a problem with the car I was in that caused the sudden stop, and in that case slower actually was safer.

    No, I am planning on getting one soon, just haven't got around to it yet.
    I actually have a tendency to fully stop once or twice before a corner so that's even worse.

    No I just always say people who drive recklessly are probably going to end up killing themselves, and yes I would rather put someone elses life in danger in order to minimize danger to myself, I'm not saying I wouldn't feel bad about it afterwards or that I would even go through with it if it came down with it for fear of legal repercussions and having to pay for damages. Secondly it's not my fault that I drive the way I do its just kinda normal human instincts.
    #4807 lukerules117, Jan 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
  8. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    Yep, my "holy shit" experience was on a back road and it was misting at the time, so the road hadn't been washed of oil. One of my favorites, nice and tight with a togue-like uphill section. It's short (maybe a couple minutes long) but damn is it fun. Another favorite is very similar to that one, but it's downhill and even tighter. That was my first time actually feeling what an unrestricted RWD car was capable of. I get tingles every time I drive it.
    --- Post updated ---
    The fact you're still alive absolutely boggles my mind. You are actually more dangerous to yourself and other road users than I am. Than I am! How in the sam hell is that even possible?

    One day, you'll get hit head-on by a diesel Dodge Ram, then wonder to yourself as you slowly bleed to death "how did that happen?" It happened because you're a nitwit. I certainly hope where ever you live whoever controls vehicle licensing has enough of a mind to deny you to even be within 15 feet of a motor vehicle.

    You're a danger to both yourself and society, get help.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    You need a lot more practice on private property far away from any obstacles before you do any more driving on the road. Your incompetency is mindboggling.
    It is most definitely your fault if you're a shitty driver. It's your responsibility to learn how to drive and overcome these "normal human instincts".
    I guess I should weigh in on the topic of spinning out. I've only really spun out once in the rain and twice or so in the snow when I really wasn't intending to.
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  10. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    This thread has once again left me at a loss for words. This time, it's even left me at a loss for memes.
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  11. Bubbleawsome

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    Aug 5, 2012

    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I have nowhere to practice driving really, but I don't think I'm that incompetent of a driver, it's not like I was completely oblivious to everything around me or having trouble keeping the car under control or being able to follow the rules of the road, and as I said before I personally think I'm a good driver, I've never had a crash because of something stupid like not turning the wheel enough and just driving into something when trying to turn(or at least not on a road) and I can normally remember to use blinkers(although often after switching lanes or making a turn instead of before) I'm just a bit paranoid about rolling the car and the brakes on it seem way too powerful for it to be easy to smoothly decelerate which is what causes me to stop a few times before corners. And it's also not like I was driving in the oncoming lane for an extended period of time either, just right before a turn(which I know is the worst time but I thought I'd need more room to make the corner). the 10mph collision was a very easy mistake anyone could have made, the wheels on both of our vehicles were just sticking out quite a bit so I just kinda misjudged, like I said a very easy mistake to make that I would have made no matter how much I was paying attention.
  13. opkraut

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    May 30, 2015
    I would strongly encourage you to stop trying to make this argument. When you actually get your license, you'll find out why we are all so concerned. You still have a lot to learn. Believe me, we all went through (and are going through) the same stage where we thought we were invincible. You're not. Everyone thinks they're a good driver, eventually you realize that you aren't as good as you thought you were.
  14. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I in no way think I'm "invincible" everyone makes mistakes, I'm just assuming i'm not doing worse than anyone else and I dont feel like anything I did is my fault.
  15. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
    Please for the love of god take driver's ed. What you've described isn't "average" driving, it sounds like stuff you see on Canada's Worst Driver. Hitting a stationary car, driving on the wrong side of the road, stopping every time you make a turn, etc. are all "your fault." Sure, people make mistakes, but you seem to be making excuses for yours instead of learning from them.
    #4815 Googlefluff, Jan 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2017
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  16. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    Every single one of those things I can blame on the car, the wheel stick out a lot so its hard to judge if you'll hit something, as mentioned I didn't trust its turning radius and the brakes are too sensitive. Besides, I doubt drivers ed would even help, I know what I should be doing for the most part, the problem is just actually doing it.
  17. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
    Knowing the size and capabilities of your vehicle is one of the most important aspects of driving. Not knowing them is just as much on you as anything else you've said.
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  18. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    But you are doing alot worse than everyone else. No normal driver stops before corners before taking them at 5mph. No normal driver drives half the speed limit. No normal driver crosses into oncoming. No normal driver hits a large stationary object at 10mph. No normal human being has a lack of remorse for people theyve killed
    --- Post updated ---
    You have nobody to blame but yourself. Brakes too sensitive? You've not learned the competency to use them. Don't trust turning radius? 5mph is taking the piss. Wheel sticking out? Total lack of awareness for the width of the vehicle. Not one of these is the cars fault. All of these are accounted for by the driver. You are a gross endangerment to other road users. These people speeding are too sure, but they at least have some competency behind the wheel, something you lack
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  19. lukerules117

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I do know the size and capabilities of it, I just wasn't expecting the wheels to stick out much further than the arches and I had three passengers who I assumed would have warned me if I was getting too close.
    I'm still new to driving, mistakes like that are all expected I'm sure after a few years of driving I'd stop doing things like that as often, and what's with everyone acting like I'm a psychopathic murderer? And about turning at 5mph, I dont do slow turns because im worried about the turning radius, I do slow turns for fear of rolling, and the car I was driving was new and didn't even have 100 miles on it yet so I was trying to keep it in good condition. Rolling over does not keep things in good condition. total lack of awareness for the width of the vehicle is because as I said it was brand new and only like my third time driving it, I'm also bad when it comes to judging distances, that said I still think I am a good driver and no more of a danger to other road users than most people are and I DO have some competency behind the wheel.
  20. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    No car will roll at 5mph.

    Take Dave. Dave is driving at the speed limit of 40mph. Dave sees the turn and judges it to be safely handled at 30. He sees your car entering too. This is fine. But you suddenly slow down to 5mph because you are scared of rolling a car (heck most modern cars won't roll if you try, which just speaks to inability to operate a vehicle if you're slowing that much) and you've become a large obstacle to Dave. You've also caused an obstacle to Susan who if following Dave. And Katie who was not going to take the turn but was heading straight on but has now had to slam the brakes too avoid Susan's braking to avoid you and David's mangled wreck of car.

    And wheels sticking out are something a normal driver accounts for. It's not something that takes years to learn. Its something you must learn immediately.
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