Satsuma Odometer

Discussion in 'Programming' started by mike94, May 19, 2017.

  1. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    I managed to make my first piece of Lua code, the new odometer for my Satsuma and it gives distance in meters. It works fine, but I want to make the kilometer indicator to rotate a bit after every 1000 meters. This current code makes it to rotate all the time and it looks very unrealistic. This line makes the kilometer indicator to rotate a bit when the car reaches 1000 meters but then it stops for good:

    if distanceTotalm >= 1000 then distanceTotalkm = distanceTotalkm + 1 end

    I tried to google this problem for hours but couldn't find anything. I don't understand how to make it advance a bit after every 1000 meters.

    Here is the whole Lua:
    local M = {}
    local distancem = 0
    local distanceTotalm = 0
    local distanceTotalkm = 0

    local function onInit()
    electrics.values['odo'] = 0
    electrics.values['odokm'] = 0

    local function reset()

    local function updateGFX(dt)
    distancem = electrics.values.wheelspeed * dt
    distanceTotalm = distancem + distanceTotalm
    if distanceTotalm >= 1000 then distanceTotalkm = distanceTotalkm + 1 end
    electrics.values['odo'] = distanceTotalm
    electrics.values['odokm'] = distanceTotalkm

    -- public interface
    M.onInit = onInit
    M.onReset = reset
    M.updateGFX = updateGFX

    return M
  2. metalmuncher

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    Aug 6, 2012
    From what I understand, you are trying to make the km part "click" onto the next integer km when it travels over the next 1000m, I guess currently there is some kind of fractional part making it continuously rotate?

    This should give you an integer km number that increments when you rack up over 1000m:
    distanceTotalkm = math.floor(distanceTotalm/1000)
  3. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    Yes the "click" thing was exactly what I was talking about. I'll try your code in the afternoon. That current code won't rotate the km counter constantly, but it turns it one "click" and that's it.
    I'm really a noob writing lua code. I'll see if resetting the meter counter after every 1000m affects how the km counter works.
  4. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    Thanks very much @metalmuncher. The odometer works now as it should.:D I read about the math.floor thing yesterday but I didn't know it can be used for moving the counter in steps.
  5. metalmuncher

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    Aug 6, 2012
    So I've had a bit of a play with the mod, and thought it looked a little weird that the 100m roller has a nice smooth animation and all the others pop into existence, so I made a quick change that makes it look as if the lower count rollers "pull" the next one over when they roll over to zero. To be honest, I don't have much experience with a mechanical odometer, so they might not work like this at all, but I thought it looked cool. :p
    Quick vid to show how this looks:

    local M = {}

    local distanceTotalm = 0

    local function onInit()
    electrics.values['odo'] = 0
    electrics.values['odokm'] = 0
    electrics.values['odo10km'] = 0
    electrics.values['odo100km'] = 0
    electrics.values['odo1000km'] = 0
    electrics.values['odo10000km'] = 0

    local function reset()

    local function updateGFX(dt)
    distanceTotalm = distanceTotalm + electrics.values.wheelspeed * dt

    electrics.values['odo'] = distanceTotalm * 0.36 % 360
    electrics.values['odokm'] = (math.floor(distanceTotalm/1000) + math.max((((distanceTotalm % 1000)-900)/100),0)) * 36 % 360
    electrics.values['odo10km'] = (math.floor(distanceTotalm/10000) + math.max((((distanceTotalm % 10000)-9900)/100),0)) * 36 % 360
    electrics.values['odo100km'] = (math.floor(distanceTotalm/100000) + math.max((((distanceTotalm % 100000)-99900)/100),0)) * 36 % 360
    electrics.values['odo1000km'] = (math.floor(distanceTotalm/1000000) + math.max((((distanceTotalm % 1000000)-999900)/100),0)) * 36 % 360
    electrics.values['odo10000k'] = (math.floor(distanceTotalm/10000000) + math.max((((distanceTotalm % 10000000)-9999900)/100),0)) * 36 % 360

    -- public interface
    M.onInit = onInit
    M.onReset = reset
    M.updateGFX = updateGFX

    return M
    I've also simplified it a bit, according to the perf debug this seems to take about 0.06-0.08ms less lua time, but I am not a programmer, so take this with a pinch of salt. :D
  6. mike94

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    Mar 7, 2015
    Sorry. I didn't have an alert of new message and noticed this only now. Thanks for this. Now the code is perfect and the rotation looks just like in a real odometer. (I know, because I have five 80's/early 90's cars and they all have mechanical odometer)

    I'll update the lua when the the pickup update is ready.
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