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First Impressions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LJFHutch, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Termonator145

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    Dec 6, 2013
    I'm going to guess that you were one of those people?
  2. gabester

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    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    No, I never took out student loans. I attended art school for a couple of years but dropped out because it just wasn't worth it.
  3. Termonator145

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    Dec 6, 2013
    I see! LOL i'm surprised at how off topic we've gotten! :cool: But even though i'm pinching pennies (which are now non-existent in Canada) for college and therefore unable to buy BeamNG.Drive, the tech demo is enough to convince me that what you guys have created is nothing less than awesome. If i ever get my hands on the real deal, i can only imagine how much fun i would have! :D
  4. BlackVenom

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    Dec 31, 2012
    Played the tech demo for ~30min before my nap for night shift. First impression: :.poolofslobbersmiley:
    I'm ran it on low settings w/ i7 640u, gt 330m, and 4gb of ram. Ran very smooth - many times better than what I was expecting (ror). I look forward to getting the alpha tomorrow and running it on my main rig in a week. May make a special trip back to my house just to play it for an hour (out of town). Amazing work you guys!

    What's "IT" exactly? I go to one of the cheaper state schools and US$7500 covered one semester. Thankfully I'll exit with only ~3x that much in loans and I'm hoping 1/2 will be in federal loans. It's amazing how much debt some people are leaving with... and some don't have a degree that'll pay it off in any decent amount of time.
    #324 BlackVenom, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  5. e345spd

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    Jul 30, 2013

    Information Technologies. I agree and would add that going out of state without much reason or just going to a college for its superficial reputation is a poor idea. If you're paying over 20k (or 10) a semester, it's time to take a close look at the quality of education you're actually receiving and the relevance of your degree. Depending on what you're going for, having cisco certs (among others) and actual experience with sys admin can yield far better opportunities than a bachelor's (or greater) in computer science alone, which mostly covers unapplied concepts that often aren't all that applicable to the practical application of modern enterprise-level IT management. Rather, you may end up with more 'theoretical' and inconsistent knowledge of the subject and find yourself surprisingly unprepared for the higher-level positions.

    Just keep in the mind that we have very easy access to incredible amounts of knowledge for little to no outlay. The current and future situation is completely different to the historical environment that spawned the most prevalent forms of 'higher education'. It's a highly outdated and unnecessary distraction for an incredibly large number of degrees. Of course, someone attempting to gain a PhD in nuclear physics is still rather reliant on the more classical forms of education, but that certainly doesn't mean everyone should blindly follow the same path to knowledge and sought-after skillsets, especially if it means going into debt that may take several years to repay.
    #325 e345spd, Dec 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  6. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I will keep this short and basic...

    My impressions were that this game is just incredible...but it needs a beast of a computer to run it...that is all :)
  7. Deleted member 1747

    Deleted member 1747
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    My first imperessions were. wow much crash. much lag. much badassness. much low settings. much crap computer.
  8. Rhys Trappett

    Rhys Trappett
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    Jan 1, 2014
    My first impression, is:

    This is the most appallingly bad direct download system i have ever dealt with, Paid $20 ($3 extra) over 5 hours ago, and have no activation code or download link. I Received an invoice instantly, so you obviously have my money... so what's the problem?

    Thought i would support a small developer who is doing good work, but i could have pirated this game and been playing it 4 hours and 45 minutes ago...
    In fact thats what im going to go and do now... after all its not piracy if you've paid for it right?

    Not impressed.
  9. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    Dude, seriously, we try our best. I just looked up your order in our payment processor system and its being hold there because the license system broke down for a bit as it seems :(
    We will ask them to redo the license request in your case and your email should go through instantly.

    Wrote an email to them that we would like to have these things less error prone, hopefully they implement that. The guys should fix your order quickly i hope.
    #329 tdev, Jan 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  10. Rhys Trappett

    Rhys Trappett
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    Jan 1, 2014
    Thanks for looking into it tdev, i appreciate it.... But you only get one shot at first impressions...
  11. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    Yes, we try our best. If a little gear in the whole complex system that processes the order fails for a millisecond, we cannot do anything other than rely on it working and clean up the errors it produces afterwards :(

    - - - Updated - - -

    just checked, they fixed it up already and you should have gotten your email with the download and license keys :)
  12. Rhys Trappett

    Rhys Trappett
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    Jan 1, 2014
    It's there, thanks mate... I'll let you know my second impressions.... :)
  13. Cwazywazy

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    Dec 1, 2012
    The impression I got when I played it for the first time was "Man. I need a new GPU."

    (HD 6750 at the time.)

    I was able to get the tech demo before downloads slowed way down so I played that while the full version was downloading. Still remember playing it for the first time like it was last year.
    #333 Cwazywazy, Jan 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  14. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    My first impressions were simply...

    oh sh*t my HD3870 cannot drive this game....

    Got it to work...got crap FPS....did a video on it and that was that

    Got HD5770 then it was like oh yeah good FPS and another video went out....

    and only yesterday when I put the game onto my brothers monster computer with the Haswell 4770K running 8 cores in HT...and with 16GB Ram and a GTX770...sweet mother..of god....almost 200fps and the graphics card and PC are not even being pushed yet on Full Screen 1080p resolution with POST FX ON!!!...it just blew BeamNG Apart and its not even breaking a sweat yet...its just left me speechless since I have pulled over 5GB of data from my current pc to his pc to get the game to work how I want it to work...its just mind blowing!
  15. BoaMan

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    Aug 4, 2013
    My first impression was awe. I'd been looking for a game like thus forever, and I finally found it.
  16. KiloHotel

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    Sep 29, 2012
    My first impression back in the summer 2013 was something like "Good start but she has a long way to go" Which is all I expected at the time. But since then it's been updated enough to bring it from a buggy slidey icerink to what it is today. Which makes me very excited for the future. Been waiting for a commercial version of RoR since the very early days, before TDev was even around and it was all Pricorde. I hope this project finally demonstrates the power of soft body physics to the gaming industry, and to gamers. I have faith. :)
  17. AirSKiller

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    Aug 7, 2013
    Try this PostFX settings --> http://www.beamng.com/threads/5396-...ettings-file-and-try-others!?highlight=PostFX, you will see the difference hahaha
    (I have pretty much the same computer as your brother haha)
  18. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    err have you done the secret boot config I have done and btw I run the post FX on stock so there is nothing special there as of yet...
  19. Cardinal799

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I was on YouTube, and I decided to look at a Recommended video, which I NEVER do, and I am pretty sure it was midnight, I was watching the video, and the second I saw the truck crumple, I shot downstairs, grabbed my tablet, and downloaded the tech demo.

    I have never played a game that much in a single time period, and it was worth the loss of sleep. Sure, the game ran at 15 FPS, but it was my childhood dream in video game form. I had to beg my mom to let me use her PayPal to get the game, after I paid her, and that took a week, and on the weekend, she gave up.

    I think that I could only say yes during the first time I played.

    Also, BeamNG is pretty much the reason why I got my own computer.
  20. AirSKiller

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    Aug 7, 2013
    Yeah, stock PostFX settings, for me, don't really make anything better. So I spent sometime tweaking and I ended up with that :p
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