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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nadeox1, Aug 7, 2017.

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  1. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    I can see your frustration, but please moderate the language and keep this a mature discussion.
    Certain language is not constructive and is not welcomed here.

    So, I've checked the previous video you posted:
    And I've tried to replicate with your same settings, vehicle and etc:
    Apart from my terrible shifting, the shifting itself is as fast as I can press the clutch and shift gear.
    In your video it's evident that it takes a little longer, but then, the video was posted on the 14th, which is prior the hotfix.
    Could you please re-take another video in the latest version? (Don't use the replay system for the video either, so that we can see the raw game)
  2. Drivver

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    May 1, 2015
    - that's not how the game works with provided settings on latest version of the game - I've tried both on a keyboard and a G27, and looks like mostly only you and your one friend have this problem. Why you can drive without steering column, or wheel etc. now? Because this game is still in alpha stage and this is not a high priority stuff, I'm certain that it will be impossible with vanilla content ( at lest in carrier and campaign mode ) later on, like in ex. SLRR did, but game is heading this way and will become more and more realistic, which mean more and more restrictions and "freedom blocking". It was the same with engine thermals and famous "radiator damaged" issue and how much it "ruined" the game for a lot of peoples, with realistic handling "cars drive like on ice" peoples sh****ng even novadays, pretty acurate damage model "cars are way to weak" - which is actually oposite, but peoples still think that 30km/h in to a tree is nothing because in other games you have barely a scrach on a bumper with that, "feels like the gravity is way too low" - wth? "why it's possible maniupulate you car midair - it's unrealistic you don't have any control of car mid-air" - actually you have if you youse your wheels centrifugal forces. Peoples are so biased in what they think and feel is wrong to the game, the reason is they lack knowledge. But what I mean, the game will be more realistic and a lot of things will be polished and added in terms of realism, like it is since release (some features are usefull for easier gameplay like ABS, ESC systems but that's also part of realism) - that mean less fun for peoples that wanna NFS like game with BeamNG's damage model, but that's what most peoples are waiting for, the most realistic driving sim with some fun features and stuff added to it, but still beeing as realistic as possible to maintain reasonable gameplay. Something fresh, too expensive and too much time consuming for big companies, that it's impossible to acheive for them because they care only about money and they don't get the "mission" feeling like BeamNG dev's do, and it's the only chance for us players, to get game like this, if BeamNG would fail, I don't see any alternative to it. The further we'll be the less arcadey the BeamNG.drive will become which may trigger next players, (maybe with tire thermals, it could be a problem because it doesn't allow you for 10 minutes burnouts) but that's what the game was going for since the game descriptions arrived saying that they aim for realism - and it's their main goal. Making everything "toggable" would cause a mess in setting which already are too complex for a lot of players, adding there more stuff like this will conufse a damn lot of peoples and would be time consuming.
  3. Wahlfactor

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    Jan 2, 2014
    I also uploaded this other one that i'll link post hotfix, however i will also post one recorded entirely live. In the original video it was intended to show the new clutch thing, as i was talking who a dev that did not understand what i meant when i refered to it, so i will drive the same way in this newer clip aswell. (only hitting the clutch to engage the gear and then letting it out for the rest of the duration of the shift). And just to make sure i'm clear, i'm not advocating to a tweak to how this works, it's fine for those who like it, i just want to be able to opt out of these two features. I just do not want them, and I know others that share that sentiment.

    And to the others who don't understand what i'm on about realism isn't a shield you can hide behind. Beamng is a very sim esc experience, but it has far too many variables to get correct at all times to ever be a proper sim experience (speaking within the current levels of tech), it is rather realistic, however i'm still allowed to play it with a controller, or keyboard. It's not a racing sim, it's a game growing around the core mechanic of a soft body physics engine that strives to maintain as much realism as it can. This is not mucho macho raceo sim, if the game offers to assist you with clutch, throttle, or just shifting entirely it should offer you the choice to opt out of a shift delay or auto clutch hold during shifts. And it should do this for the reason that because virtually no other game has this system, and for a player already in a disadvantageous driving situation (being on a keyboard or gamepad) it's just not intuitive to everyone. No one's trying to take away some of you guys apparently beloved new shift delay, I just don't wanna have to drink the koolaid too. And further more the arguments most make toward my frustration seem more like thinly veiled anger that i have the gaul to express criticism toward the devs. I've played this game for years, and I've purchased it several times over those years, I've done so becasue i've never once been upset by an update until these last two, and now I don't even want to play the game half the time. These update detract from the game, that is my frustration. They detract to the point that it even makes me forget about other glaring issues like the oh so lovely truck style fuel cutting rev limiter all vehicles with limiters have now, instead of a drift 200bx bouncing of the limiter it more gently humps the leg of it. But that's not a major issue, that i can live with, but this shifting feels bad, no one i've spoken to verbally enjoys it, and it is not hyperimpactful to "realism" within the game. If i wanted a realistic time to shift i'd be playing with an H pattern, but instead i'm content in every other game with super speed shifts, you know why, cause at least they work.

    Original Post Hotfix (laggy) Video:

    Live Recorded Video:
    #723 Wahlfactor, Sep 9, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
  4. A Sawblade Dude

    A Sawblade Dude
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    Jul 12, 2016
    There's a glitch with the Widebody Front Bumper on the 200BX. It's been in the game for a while now, and I don't have a pic, but the trim on the bumper is always darker than the rest of the car whenever the body coloured trim option is added to the car. The only way you can colour match it is when you paint the car white.
  5. YellowRusty

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    Nov 9, 2016
    The Barstow works just fine. I can shift that manual into gear and get down the runway, successfully completing the scenario.

    The AI-controlled Moonhawk, on the other hand, revs and stays at the starting line.
  6. BombBoy4

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    May 16, 2015
    It actually is, if you enable the "show custom vehicles in the vehicle selector".
    I have that same vehicle.

    It also has the beamNG logo in the top right.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    I must admit devs this dynamic FOV is amazing, you can feel speed! (well it's better) it makes driving without looking at the speedo possible!
  8. Drivver

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    May 1, 2015
    Totally right, my bad. Also wasn't it in past that if your vechicle was saved in game folder it automatically got BeamNG logo? - I noticed that and thought that's the case.
  9. mattj96

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    Apr 15, 2017
    Game crashes with gpu error upon map being loaded. Run in safe mode after clearing cache, still crashes. Full fresh install, including deletion of beamng folder outside of steam library, still crashing. Doing another fresh install right now. Problem started after upgrade to windows 10, but has been installed fresh since.

    Edit: second fresh install has the same issue. Gives a GPU not responding error, D3D11 Error #887a0005
    #729 mattj96, Sep 11, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  10. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Try to clean reinstall your video drivers (Also install the latest drivers if you don't have them)
  11. Slammington

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    Aug 14, 2014
    I just tried doing the same thing in-game, and it does seem the game applies that shift delay even with assists turned off. It has nothing to do with clutch or throttle assists, the game simply forces neutral through every shift in manual transmissions, slowing the shift time. There is no way to speed up shifts without removing this mechanic entirely.

    The best the devs can do is add a "Reallistic Manual Transmission" option that allows you to shift a manual without going through neutral.
  12. Diamondback

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    Vehicle Systems Lead
    BeamNG Team

    Apr 8, 2014
    You cannot shift a regular manual transmission without going through Neutral...That's an integral part of a manual transmission's design.
    #732 Diamondback, Sep 11, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 5
  13. Slammington

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    Aug 14, 2014
    So it seems the neutral gear was the "forced clutch holding" @Wahlfactor was talking about.
    Mystery solved, I guess.
  14. Diamondback

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    Vehicle Systems Lead
    BeamNG Team

    Apr 8, 2014
    Just to clarify what I am talking about:
    Take a look at this picture, you cannot get from one gear to another without moving through the red marked area.
    Red in this case technically represents "Neutral".

    That's how manual transmissions work. In between gears you are always in "Neutral".

    • Agree Agree x 6
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  15. mattj96

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    Apr 15, 2017
    Figured it out, I was overclocking my gpu a little too much and made it unstable. It runs just fine now that I dialed it back in.
  16. NinetyNine!

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    Vehicle Artist
    BeamNG Team

    Feb 17, 2016
    Just making sure because I don't know if anyone checked the performance statistics thread, but the whole testing doesnt work in beamng's current version.
    you get some data, but thats only what the game can read when standing still.
    cars are not moving
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Mopower77

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    Aug 30, 2013
    Speaking of transmissions. I play on a gamepad and use manual, but sometimes 1 click up feom neutral means means 2nd or 3rd and sometimes 1st gors to 3rd or 5th with just 1 tap of the upshift. Who thought that this was a good idea and how do you expect me to drive aggressively when I have no friggin idea what gear I'm going to wind up in? Even harder when in cockpit mode which is the only camera that isnt cheating lol because there's no gear i dicator in most manual cars.
  18. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    What controller are you using?
    If a Playstation controller with one of those third-party apps, I advice to check that.
    It's a common problems of them.
  19. Mopower77

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    Aug 30, 2013
    Just an xbox controller. I've used several and not had this problem until this update came out. Seems if I let off the gas while shifting it skips 1 or 2 gears or 3 at times.. and then it won't accept a neutral drop to 1st if I have any R's built up so I end up over revving. I get that in real life you wouldn't be able to shift at 3 to 4k rpms in neutral to 1st, but with cluth assist on it's not like I'm going to be popping the clutch. Idk, More concerned with shifting up 2 or 3 gears at once.
  20. Nadeox1

    Expand Collapse
    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    If your RPM is high, and you let the gas off for a while (talking about a bunch of seconds, it's not immediate), calculated 'aggression' goes down, and the car will start shifting at lower RPM.
    Maybe a video?
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