Is car culture dying?

Discussion in 'Automotive' started by St3v3th3d0g, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. SimplyGaming

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    Feb 21, 2016
    Are you saying that global warming doesn't exist?
    Because that's dumb.
    People just use cars as a scapegoat.
  2. Slammington

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    Aug 14, 2014
    Willful ignorance is fashionable now, I suppose. Global warming has been proven time and time again to be very much a real thing, and a great deal of it is caused by man.

    Cars, however, account for a tiny, tiny percentage of harmful emissions. We push so many dumb regulations into the automotive market, only to forget about the millions of factories, powerplants etc. burning fossil fuel by the boat load to power our supposedly eco-friendly electric and hybrid cars.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. nosraenyr kcirtap kcin

    nosraenyr kcirtap kcin
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    Aug 16, 2016
    Gasking all he do is shit on Car Enthusiasts and started that kind of stupid but not really funny Mustang Meme
    Car Throttle with their Buzzfeed but for cars videos
  4. Slammington

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    Aug 14, 2014
    Gaskings is pretty annoying, but meh. The only popular car guy I can really say is actually an asshole is the guy from Vehicle Virgins.
    Car Throttle has been putting out some quality content lately IMO, they're past the "buzzfeed" stage :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. nosraenyr kcirtap kcin

    nosraenyr kcirtap kcin
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    Aug 16, 2016
    Sorry but this video was pretty fucking stupid
    And one problem I have is that there are like 2 car reviewers that review cars for Daily driving
    Doug DeMuro and RegularCars (there are probably more but those two I can name off the top of my head) now I have a Love/Hate Relationship with RegularCars and Doug DeMuro is kind of boring
  6. Slammington

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    Aug 14, 2014
    Got to agree that video was dumb as hell. Most of those cars look ugly as sin with pop-ups, especially the 458.
    Funnily enough i'm watching Doug right now :p RegularCars is somewhat polarizing because of his style of video. Some people think he comes off as too pretentious, though I think he's proven himself to be quite humble, his videos with Bruce Henn show that the most as he's face to face with a man who has 10 times the experience and knowledge of cars he has :)
  7. nosraenyr kcirtap kcin

    nosraenyr kcirtap kcin
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    Aug 16, 2016
    I like his style but it does get annoying after awhile.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. dinosaur202

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    Aug 26, 2016
    Just my opinion.
    People who complain about global warming (one specific person, can't remember his name)go around flying his private planes that emit tons of greenhouse gasses, and multimillionare mansionS that need tons of electricity to run.
    I don't want an argument about this, OK?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. nosraenyr kcirtap kcin

    nosraenyr kcirtap kcin
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    Aug 16, 2016
    I don't know who you're talking about *Cough* Al Gore *Double cough*
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. dinosaur202

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    Aug 26, 2016
    Ah, thanks.
  11. H/\Z/\RDOUS

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    Apr 18, 2016
    i remember some f*ckboi had evolved into a f*ckman and had bought himself a 2006 pontiac gto, and he decided to take it to a car meet, along with his horribly tan-lined dad-bod, overweight wife, and screaming delinquent kids who kept running around throwing water balloons and touching the cars. anyway, the gto was shit. it wasnt even a classic. you know the rule. 25+ years makes it a classic. there was a 1992 saturn there that looked better. it had obviously taken a beating, due to the asshole driving it, and it had the messiest paint job ever. So when the guy finally leaves, he decides to ROAR down the road. it didnt even sound good and he almost went into a pole. then he came back again, and the third time, he almost hit a car head on. he sucked and i never hope i have to go through the torture that would be meeting him again.
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  12. dinosaur202

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    Aug 26, 2016
    oh my that sounds hilarious
  13. Datguy611

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    Aug 12, 2017
    Me too in my town
  14. Dr. Death

    Dr. Death
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    May 12, 2016
    Directly to reply to OP:

    Car culture isn't dying, its just being filtered. With less people able to give a shit about nonsense like transportation and vehicles becoming more and more complex and harder to work on without proper education being a car guy isn't the same thing as before.

    Back in the 60's anyone knew something about cars, but they didn't knew nearly nothing about why some stuff was there. Some people just follow the trend because that's how it goes. Now actual car guys and mechanics start to wonder more and more how parts works, why, what would be a good DIY replacement, how to make it better, etc.

    One thing for sure, tho, is that current cars are becoming more and more fragile with computers that are more and more complex and get less tolerances for mistakes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. LeafeonGold

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    Mar 26, 2013
    That, and similarly to insurance prices in the UK, in the US, after the bank crash in 2008, it's simply becoming too expensive to have cars, or get loans or financing for them for newer drivers. For example, I was trying to get a 1996 Honda Accord 6spd manual as my first car, the car itself was $1,000; but insurance for it would be $400+/month, no matter where I went. Essentially, in 6 months, I would have paid 3x what I paid for the car in insurance, for a car that really only has the value of a 12 pack of Monster Energy. That's also what i'm hearing from most of my old classmates. If their parents didn't buy them a car, they simply wouldn't have one.

    There's also that looming stigma from non-car-drivers that anything with a manual is "outdated, and too much work to drive", and anything with more than 150hp is a "dangerous sports car" and what-not, but who listens to them, right?​
    • Agree Agree x 1
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