Full Vehicle Modding

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by I'm a Twat, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. I'm a Twat

    I'm a Twat
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    Nov 19, 2017
    Hi, I'm new to 3D modelling with BeamNG. I have some really good ideas of vehicles I would like to create, however I am unfamiliar in how to do it, regarding all the separate door panels and such. Now, I am FULLY aware that on this same forum page, there is an "introduction to vehicle creation" thread. In my opinion, this isn't a great help for those wanting to start modding in BeamNG. No offense to the creator of that thread. It shows you the very basics of how to get a block vehicle to drive forwards in game, however it does not say anything about more advanced things. I have scanned the internet for hours in search for videos, or guides in how to full design and implement a vehicle. I would really like to contribute to this community, however I just don't know how to do it. If someone could be generous enough to create a full step by step guide, I would be eternally grateful, and would credit them if I ever was to get a good vehicle mod working. Thanks
  2. Driv3r1142

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    Feb 15, 2015
    Most of us have learned without a step by step guide, though I do believe there was one by @Dummiesman (I apologize if I am mistaken,) or someone floating around that went further into detail on different elements of JBeam than the intro to vehicle creation thread/wiki page, But it's more of a guide for general JBeam arguments than it is for making a vehicle.

    It's virtually impossible to provide a step by step guide with any sort of detail regarding values for nodes, beams, and triangles, because it's all dependent upon your project at hand. Every vehicle requires different settings and whatnot. The suspension geometry from the ETK I series for example, would require adjustments and additional pieces if I were to try and graft it onto the Barstow, and would probably require some fine tuning to get everything working right.

    You don't become a JBeam expert overnight, take your time and learn what each thing you're editing or adding seems to be doing in game. Maybe add some break groups to the tug in the Introduction to Vehicle Creation thread, see how it affects things. Your best tool right now to learn JBeam is your own experimentation. Or make a simple prop, and expand it to have breakable components.

    Break groups are groups of beams that can break off, separating a group of nodes from the main body, which can have a flexbody, aka visible mesh assigned to it. Read the wiki on it, there are quite a few pages in there worth reading as you're learning.

    The wiki is your best option on this matter, even if it's lacking in places.

    As for modeling I suggest, for learning how to model vehicles, to watch a tutorial video on YouTube on modeling cars in blender. This is how I learned to model cars.
    Blender is one of those programs where you have so many tools that its hard to really figure out where to get started.

    However, If you just start out small and learn the basic tools you need to make something, you will have a foundation to build upon when you start exploring the rest of the tools at your disposal.

    Btw Welcome to the forums :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. ripibishocovet

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    Dec 10, 2016
  4. I'm a Twat

    I'm a Twat
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    Nov 19, 2017
    not even gonna bother with you. :)
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  5. ripibishocovet

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    Dec 10, 2016
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Spiicy

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    Sep 8, 2016
    i have no step by step, but in blender, watch a totorial on the basics and once you learn those its fairly easy im not joking! try it, im actuly ok at modeling now because of doing this
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Hello there Mr Twat,

    I understand your problem fully, and would love to help if I knew anything about modding in game, my best suggestion though, would be to scan the wiki and learn as much as possible from that and ask forum members about specifics you don't quite understand, if there are any problems, I am sure there will be someone on the forums to help


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  8. ripibishocovet

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    Dec 10, 2016
    well said
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    I love that I can call him a twat without seeming like a D*ck
    • Agree Agree x 2
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