Net Neutrality

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Standard, Dec 5, 2017.


Opinion on net neutrality.

  1. Do away with it

  2. Reform It

  3. Keep it as-is

  4. Add more strict business laws.

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  1. Standard

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    Dec 20, 2016
    "For now, I typed an important rant;

    Since I live in probably the worst "first world" country on Earth, the god damn United States, I have another issue that will more than likely slow down or halt any future mods I want to make for BeamNG;

    The end of Net neutrality.

    I will try to tell you guys what happens here where I live in regards to my access to Steam (For BeamNG updates,) and the BeamNG forums (For mods and to post projects and progress.)

    I am being hopeful that the big internet companies don't do anything extreme immediately, though they're so big that they probably don't care anyway if they lose a few customers due to prioritizing certain services. The courts are biased Republican anyway, so the elephants are gonna side with the big a**holes who run everything.

    Don't be surprised if at some point I can't get on for months at a time because my family can't afford to pay more on the extortion fees, sorry the bills of our I.S.P., Comcast.

    I hate my country. I hope the rest of you do too. Because any country that values business over average people is a country you should hate."

    Post quoted above by @Driv3r1142
    Give us your thought on net neutrality, so we don't go around junking up threads with it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. fivedollarlamp

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    Sep 18, 2016
    Could you please explain it simply? I hear all this hubbub about it, and I find it hard to understand.
  3. Copunit12

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    Jan 13, 2015
    This explains what happens when Net Neutrality is gone.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Codeslamer

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    Jul 3, 2017
    I don't know enough about it to really know what I wanna put on the poll, so I'll just put 'keep it as is'. I mean, the Internet's been pretty much fine so far.

    Isn't there always someone trying to get rid of this thing anyway? I mean, even if we do manage to keep it. How long till someone tries to get rid of it again? If it goes, I doubt it'll be coming back anytime soon... And why does the guy in charge have to be the biggest knob of them all? Sure, it seems that whenever the government tries to change something they often seem like the bad guy, but this guy is literally trying to brainwash people to thinking that net neutrality is a bad thing. (That, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff).

    Also, that bit about hoping that the ISPs won't instantly screw everyone, good luck with that. I don't know how true it was, or even what the ISP is (I'm not in the US) but apparently one of them posted something listing all the things that were gonna stay the same and what not, and have since then edited it to remove some points. With that in mind, and knowing that ISP's aren't the most friendly bunch, there seems to be little hope...
    --- Post updated ---
    Also, there are some really good videos you can find about it on Youtube, that help explain what it is
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    They've really been trying to demonize it, saying that all of the things we fear will happen, won't. Of course that's what they want you to believe.

    In conclusion, they're only doing this for money, not for internet freedom or the people.

    I really want to hope that a miracle will happen, and they'll vote no on getting rid of it. But with how everything's been looking so far, it would be a miracle that would never come. :(
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    I’m still not totally clear on what net neutrality is, but I just know a lot of people are against it. From what I understand, you have to pay a crap ton of money to get decent internet rates already.
  7. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Here's the definition of NN.
    "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites."

    And yeah, better rates are costly, but imagine that multiplied by more than x100+ times.
  8. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    people are not against the concept, they are against the idea that the government will fix a market problem, because it totally has a history of doing that extremely well
  10. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    That's one name that I've heard brought up during this whole ordeal.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    Right, I meant the issue of net neutrality, my bad.
  12. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
  13. FireStriker

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    Jan 8, 2016
    I have a feeling that people are going to be so mad that something really REALLY bad is going to happen.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    One thing I guess might happen is some loony may attempt to assassinate him. If I was Ajit, I would back out for the sake of his wife and kids. He's already claimed that people has threatened both him and his family. Their lives are more valuable than the profits made from screwing the country over. Even congressmen that's not even related to him has been threatened too. Goes to show how serious this issue is.

    And maybe there'll be a couple of pretty violent riots, and people will have even more reasons to hate the already hated Trump Administration. Makes me wonder how bad any potential riots could get, especially if people sees NN's demise as an attack on Freedom of Speech, which is protected by the 1st Amendment.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Snikle

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    Sep 25, 2016
    That last picture is the one of Portuguese internet, which is supposedly bound by no net neutrality laws. While the country itself has none in place, it is part of the EU, which does. The whole "internet package" thing is actually some sort of weird European idea to help customers save money.

    That's how good satire is supposed to be, silly but plausible.
  16. Copunit12

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    Jan 13, 2015
    still it could happen
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Satirical or not, I don't find it funny. It makes me even more concerned. :eek:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Snikle

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    Sep 25, 2016
    And the network servers could simultaneously explode, or some disgruntled person could fly a plane into the Comcast HQ if they get throttled. It could happen, but it probably won't. If an American ISP starts to only sell internet in packages, backlash against them would be tremendous. Even if they do plan for that, it could take months to set up such as system, since big companies aren't known for their efficiency. By the time they can roll out such a plan, courts could get involved. Plus, surely people will find ways around it, like they have with many other internet things. If worst comes to worst, someone will make a .io or .me or .tv or whatever they use on illegal streaming sites that contain the things normally throttled or blocked, for free. (Just with lots of pop-up ads.)

    On the other hand, if well-executed, it could be seen as a novel idea for small companies to only pay for access to a few sites they need for a cheaper price. This would only be seen as a good idea if there are still more neutral networks available though.

    I can't say I'm in favor of removing NN, but I think some people think it will cause more harm than it probably will.
    --- Post updated ---
    I can see where you're coming from, but it shouldn't scare you, just make you think. Getting scared would be like watching "Dr. Strangelove" and then running to a bomb shelter because you just KNOW it will happen to you.
  19. Copunit12

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    Jan 13, 2015
    I'm just saying the possibility's not whats going to happen. I hope this bill fails miserably but who knows.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    I see where you're coming from too, though it still triggers fear to some degree. I guess because I'd be among the Americans hardest hit by the end of NN and the implementation of paid internet services. I'm like @Driv3r1142 on this one, you guys probably wouldn't see me online here for months, if not years at a time, due to being unable to pay for the services, and the paranoia of being watched Big Brother style wouldn't help either. Who knows what the corps could get away with without NN.

    Me too, dude. Me too.
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