WIP Beta released American Road 1.91

Very large (120 sq/km, 11x11 km) map, hundreds kilometers of all types of roads. 8 GB RAM required

  1. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    My FPS stays at 60fps, no matter how much I make skidmarks.
  2. PolishPetrolhead

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    Nov 29, 2015
    hmmm, i guess i'll have to look into that matter myself
  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    New game update, may have 'broken' the stop signs or some other sign sizes, there's an easy fix if your stop signs disappear. Look down. They're there. They just might be 2 inches tall and lego sized.
    That can be fixed if it happens, send me a shout.
    I haven't tested your map yet but it mangled mine, which I fixed.
    DO NOT resize all stop signs. That'd take years. There's a way to text edit your way to greatness.
  4. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    I wonder why these signs break so easily. It's literally the only kind of object I've seen this happen.
    Perhaps something in how they are made is not correct (wrong scales applied in the model itself?)

    Also not sure how the game's update has anything to with that, as it did not touch the editor.
    Perhaps it's your cache? (new version means new cache folder)
  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I hadn't changed anything, the model's .cs files tell them the unit size is 0.025 but for some reason it likes to spawn them in at 1 and then use the size from the forest json item registries which is 0.025. The behavior acts differently with zipped mods than with loose files in /levels/ folder for some reason, it makes the sign 0.025 of 0.025 scale - 2 inches tall! in 0.10.x it made signs that were 700 feet tall because it ignored the entry, when run from a zip, in the sign's .cs file.
    For some reason the behavior is different in the ZIP form than the /levels/ loose-file format.
    I have fixed the issue by leaving the signs as 0.025 in the forest file but setting it to one in the item's .cs files.

    The signs were made at 999x scale or something, I don't complain though, I was quite happy to even have them, so I made them work.
    Gotta love pre-release - thanks for actually messaging me about that Nadeox1, I have it fixed on this end though, from .zip format and from loose files format in /levels/. (I try not to have two copies, or one in both, in game at the same time, that's just asking for it).
  6. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Never heard (or worked) with a .cs file that control the scale of an object.
    That also sounds pretty fishy to me. I'd highly recommend to make the object scale correct in the model itself, so that you don't have any 'prone-to-break' .cs file that can mess with it
    May need more time to adjust all the scales again (or maybe not if you manage to use Find&Replace in N++), and may save you future from future headaches. :)
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    As posted in direct message, I reset all .cs file scales to one and scaled in forest object index JSON files to 0.025 so that this shouldn't be an issue anymore (this only has happened 3 maybe 4 times, how long until I learn my lesson ????).
    Feel free to laugh at my expense, I have earned it.
    Yes, as you said, yesterday I had a fun hour or so finding every last entry in Notepad++ and find-and-replacing "Scale:1" with "Scale:0.025" (don't quote that!), it's easy to mess up though, almost made them 25x bigger (oh noes!).
    No seriously, THAT big of a sign would have made a T-Rex poo itself on sight.

    So yes, yes, thanks Nadeox1 for the word-of-warning there, I sent you some stuff in Direct Message, some feedback, etc, hope you have your reading glasses on and a full glass of tea.

    --Cheers & many thanks mate!
  8. gamerx99yt

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    Jan 31, 2018
    when i load the map it spawns me like 300 feet above the textures, and when i use the editor to go down to the textures, i fall through them. help
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    let your car fall and when you land *crunch* hit ctrl R to start when you land from then on.
    Or free-cam with SHIFT C i think and go down to the ground and press F7 when your camera is like 2 feet off the ground.
    Don't need the editor.
  10. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    I can't even express how much I love this map... Especially the offroad trail :cool:
  11. Tonny

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    Jun 25, 2016
    Well, I upgraded to 12GB of RAM, and i'm still having problems. HELP
  12. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Just RAM won't help. BeamNG is very CPU intensive
  13. Tonny

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    Jun 25, 2016
    No, I have a pretty good PC. My Specs
    AMD FX 8350 @ 4GHz
    12GB RAM
    AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB
  14. primo3001

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    Aug 1, 2017
    I was creating this map on
    Intel Core i5 4690 x4 3.50Hz
    8GB Ram
    GTX 970 with 4 GB VRAM

    Maybe VRAM is a problem in your case.
  15. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    What Primo says, 1GB of GPU ram is not going to be enough for this map, I doubt that even 3GB would be enough. I don't how that GPU can use system ram when it runs out of memory and how well such function even works, I do remember that at one point of time, GPU manufacturers pushed out low end GPUs that had very little ram and used system ram as an extension. Most iGPUs also use solely system ram.

    Maybe there could be bios setting or some other setting that would allow larger part of system ram to be allocated to GPU use, if your MB and GPU has such possibility?

    Setting textures to lowest and disabling shadows should help with memory requirements though, however it will not look pretty, it would be like 3D in 1997 and we were so amazed of performance and graphics quality back then :D
  16. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Well, I would have some suspicions about that CPU, but mainly I'd say get a new GPU... 1GB of VRAM is nothing now
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Tonny

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    Jun 25, 2016
    Would a 2GB RX 560 Work? Because im going to get a VR headset soon, and I want BeamNG to work well.
  18. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Get at least 6GB version of GPU, 4GB is absolutely minimum that is worth any money, 6-8GB and you will have at least few years happy gaming.

    GPU prices are something like 200% of what they should be currently, so if you can, wait 4-6 months to see what happens with prices, they probably don't go much up as current insane pricing is result of very big demand on market, it will pass. and what get today with 500 is a lot less than you will get with same many in future.

    If you can find used GPU of GTX 970 or similar variety, without paying arm and leg, then that might be good choice, if you want AMD, then I think it was RX 480 that had good price performance ratio, but look what GPU did cost something like 6-8 months ago and don't pay more as anything more than what they were before current price madness, is going to be overprice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. jmendes

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    Feb 21, 2018

    i have the same issue, can anyone help
  20. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Without shadows, which are cpu intensive, and a large problem for FX cpu, and without reflections, you may find satisfactory performance in low to medium on some games, though possibly not all, you'll have to test it out. A 4gb 1050ti is generally the way to go, which will run medium and sometimes high (and high on many other games, but not all), but if the Rx 560 is cheaper, that may be your ticket.
    Anything is better than that dusty old 6850 1gb, which will just barely run LOW settings.
    DO NOT use REFLECTIONS, DO NOT use SHADOWS - reflections slows the gpu down to less than half it's speed on some cards, and may knock 30~40% of performance off other cards that are newer, even my RX 480 8gb (think: twice the card the 560 series is, basically), has trouble running my map maxed on high with reflections on, it gets down around 30fps in spots. Playable, sure, but noticeable slower in some spots than others.
    Video cards are very very expensive right now. Do try to get 4gb of video ram though, 2gb is not enough to max out most recent titles and will restrict you to medium settings. think this:
    1gb or less = low or does not run
    2gb or less = low to medium, this game, medium no reflections though on lower-end and midrange cards on big maps.
    3~4gb or more = high settings possible, if the card has enough brute force to run it.
    Higher than 1080p may require more video memory than stated above (it will), all quotes done for 1080p.
    A 1060ti 6gb is the card to get price for performance right now, but a 1050ti 4gb is much more affordable. Steer clear of cards with less than 4gb as most games require at least 2gb of Video RAM (VRAM) now for minimum, and you don't want to upgrade to the bare minimum.

    So first of all, you should be running this game on *LOW* on a 1gb 6850, medium might be okay for stock maps, at 720p. I would recommend low to medium settings, no reflections, no shadows, no SSAO (even if it DOES make things look nice, it hits lower cards hard), 720p, it's not pretty, but it SHOULD run with 12gb of RAM and an 8350/8370/8xxx series FX cpu (or 6xxx series). The FX series is an old dog, quite slow, consider upgrading him in the future.

    If you don't wish to buy a video card, you could sell your current motherboard/cpu/ram/video card and buy a Ryzen 2400G, which could most surely do medium at 1080p on most all maps, or 720p on the most demanding (or better) at 40~60fps. Things you'll need:
    *8~16gb of DDR4 RAM "Samsung B-Die memory recommend" -- read lots of hardware forums for AMD Ryzen
    *Ryzen 2400G cpu (comes with built in VEGA graphics, about as good as Rx 550/560!)
    *An AM4 motherboard with an updated, current bios
    (this is important, or you'll need to contact AMD at AMD.COM 's RMA/Support site, and "request boot kit" on loan for a loaner CPU which must be returned, to boot your board, to flash bios to support new CPU)
    If you have already bought a new video card, you can just jump right ahead to a Ryzen 1200/1300/1500 series CPU (quad core, cheap, or the more expensive 6 core 12 thread 1600 cpu, these will boot with 1st gen AMD AM4 motherboards, no bios update required to boot it, though you should update bios for better memory support).
    Only the Ryzen 2200G and 2400G have built-in VEGA graphics, these are only APU's (cpu with graphics) that have Ryzen technology, older APU is slow like FX series and video chip on it is just 'okay'.
    The Ryzen 2200G/2400G generally compare well to and/or surpass the intel i3 8350K quad-core quad-thread cpu. So they're worth the money!
    Ryzen 2200G price = 99$ (you get 4 cores 4 threads, 8 vega cores for graphics)
    Ryzen 2400G price = 169$ (you get 4 cores 8 threads, 11 vega cores for graphics)
    THESE LIKE FAST RAM! FAST RAM = MORE FPS when using Ryzen 2xxxG processor - make sure it's supported by the motherboard's RAM QVL, available on motherboard vendor's website.

    Cost of video card.... 80~200$ depending on which one you get, used or new. Cost of Ryzen, 8~16gb of ram, and motherboard, could be around 200~300$... just remember, for 2200G/2400G some of that RAM will be separate for your video card and otherwise can't be used for loading maps, so if you have 8gb of ram, and use 2~3gb for video ram, you only have 6 or 5gb left for Windows and your game - best get 16gb!
    Replacing the processor/Ram/Motherboard is definitely a smarter option, but if you can just barely afford a video card to run this next-gen game/simulation, then that's what you do, you can always sell your hardware later when you get the new one working!
    From above, when I say my map it means "Roane County", one of the biggest, toughest maps to run, but also, quite rewarding. This map is also huge, though not nearly as much so as mine, it still offers hours of cruising fun!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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