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Your Personal Micro Blog(s)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tdev, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Wild Hog

    Wild Hog
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    Oct 30, 2016
    Do you know what it is then?
  2. JetPoweredMacintosh™

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    Feb 23, 2016
    RIP Thrustmaster FGT..... I'll never forget those hours of fun I had with you. :(

    Planning to buy a replacement, any suggestions? My budget is $60 maximum.
  3. FluffyOreoCX

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    Jan 31, 2016
    Drove to a college meeting yesterday. Campus and the building was amazing, can't wait to head to their campus in Houston, TX for school. Now I'm just going to let this video I have to watch run while I get food, lol.
  4. BowlerHatJack

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    Aug 5, 2016
    For an wheel? Um, i dunno. I've never really been able to recommend cheap wheels to others but you have already used one so that's different. You sure you don't want to use an controller for beamng and save up for an more expensive wheel in the future? I use my controller in beam sometimes despite the fact that i have an wheel. Can't say the same for other games though.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. FluffyOreoCX

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    Jan 31, 2016
    Oil leak is located on the rear main seal... shit. In order to fix that I'll need to drop my transmission and all that costs somewhere between $300-$500. Still need to do something about my transmission as well.
    Here's my list of things I need to do to my car before I move to Texas in August:
    Fix oil leak
    Get oil change
    Fix transmission (Replace?)
    Tune up
    A/C Fan???
    Remove dent in liftgate
    Find new rear bumper
    Get new license plate light
    Repaint car
    Tint windows
    New hubcaps
    Interior clean/detail
    $7.80 at my job doesn't help much... might start a gofundme or get a second job or something just to get a little boost in my bank account to pay for college and car expenses. Ugh.
  6. SimplyGaming

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    Feb 21, 2016
    The Thrustmaster Red Legend is a good wheel. There's not much below $60, the Red Legend is as close as you're going to get, it's decent and cheap-I got it on sale for about $55, but it's a bit less than $80 right now. It's plastic but feels pretty sturdy-But it doesn't have FFB(Apparently it uses a bungie cord attached to the inside of the wheel) and only turns 90 degrees in each direction. There isn't really anything below $60.
  7. Rainvest

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    Dec 26, 2014
    Hopefully this semester, I can enroll in my local community college for my Associate's Degree. On the road to medical school yo.
  8. JetPoweredMacintosh™

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    Feb 23, 2016
    Thanks anyway, but I think I'll just buy the same thing again.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. DuneWulff

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    Apr 25, 2016
    I assume you're thinking of paying someone to do this... The things in bold you can do yourself (assuming your car isn't like an HHR or something odd) with a little self-encouragement and some basic tools. :)
    One of the best purchases I ever made was a full socket kit, breaker bar, torque wrench, heavy duty pliers, and 2 3-ton jack stands. A couple other nice things are a powerwasher, detailing kit w/ clay bar, a MotherFluffer towel, McKee 37 Roadkill remover, and a bug scrubber.
    Remember that everything on your car is held together with nuts, bolts, screws, and fasteners. Don't look at the job as a whole, look at it in parts. YouTube is your friend, if you have an issue chances are someone else has a solution.
    For tinting, I followed ChrisFix's video and for the most part it is solid advice. Hubcaps are very simple, they pop on. Detailing is fun and a great way to spend an afternoon, there are millions of tutorials. You might even be able to pull the dent depending on where it is. Painting requires some delicate work, so that one is more difficult... just never use AutoZone spray cans (I use this site only)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. FluffyOreoCX

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    Jan 31, 2016
    Wow, thank you a lot for all the information and advice!
  11. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Got moderation on my mod, they said remove the original .jbeam which I thought I did, so I post again with it removed (or so I thought). Then I got a message saying it was included again. *sigh*. Two days on the trot with the same issue!

    Installed some 80w equivalent LEDs (10w) in the Kitchen, absolutely blows the older 5w LEDs out of the water, it is like the sun!
  12. Wild Hog

    Wild Hog
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    Oct 30, 2016
    Recently saw an Audi R8 V10 RWS (It had the RWS decal) near my school (no, it wasn't driven by a student). The RWS is limited to 999 cars, so it's possibly the rarest car I've ever seen....

    And although Audi just taking away 4-wheel-drive and making it a limited series seems a bit pointless, at least it's quite a bit cheaper than the normal R8.

    If I had the choice between the normal R8 and the RWS I wouldn't bother with either of them and go for a GT-R instead.... What a proud German I am
  13. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    If I was going for a special occasion / cruiser and wanted something German, a Wiesmann convertable might be quite appealing. Since its a quirky looking car that is probably a bit of fun to own.

    The Wiesmann is certainly not going to be as fast, but on the roads your not going to be able to use the GTR's potential anyway. So might as well travel with a little more luxury while still also being able to have some fun on the backroads.

    (ooops, thought this was car discussion, when replying to above post)
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Wild Hog

    Wild Hog
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    Oct 30, 2016
    I really like Wiesmann, I even sat in some when they were attending a local car expo. I allways liked how they look, so unique and classy, sorta like TVRs but a bit less crazy.

    Such a shame they went bust..
    Well, they were bought off and are currently kinda stuck in marketing limbo

    I'd still buy a GT-R if I had the money, I just love that car :p
    #334 Wild Hog, Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  15. thevidmaster

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Not today, but a couple days ago I took a good bit of the money I’d been saving for over a year, (7,805) and bought what I think is the only Nissan Figaro in South Carolina! The thing is a beauty to drive, save for the rear shocks, they’re blown. It turns heads everywhere and I get so many people telling me how they’ve never seen this before. Using it as a daily is gonna be.... interesting
    • Like Like x 6
  16. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    I went mountain biking...

    Maybe today wasn't the best day for it... (LOUD)

    Turns out -2°c (28f) + heavy wind = rather chilly
  17. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    Since there was snow on the ground, I decided today would be a good day to do something stupid. So I decided to go out and have a roll in the snow, it's not that often that it snows and it something to check off the bucket list. Fast forward 10 mins, turns out I am actually allergic to the cold and am now in quite a bit of pain. Turns out that contact with cold surfaces can produce incredibly sore hives on my skin, not dissimilar to hurling your body into a bush of nettles.

    TLDR: Wow, this really hurts. I may need to take a trip to the chemists tomorrow morning. On the positive side, it was fun to do, and I guess it counts as "for sciencing" it. And yes, at 21 y/o I should know better than rolling in snow, shut up xD

    On the other hand, this does explain why cold weather has given me major breathing problems and panic attacks in the past.
    --- Post updated ---
    Two hours later, I am now realising that I may have fucked up big time. The stinging hasn't subdued, moving the muscles feels like my hairs are being plucked out.

    I got some food on my lower arm so splashed some water on it to clean it off, it felt like I was getting stabbed in the arm and the towel felt how I imagine a belt sander to feel. FML
    • Informative Informative x 2
  18. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    24hrs later and the pain and rashes are almost gone.

    Today I also managed to get a solid amount of work done on the foundations for my OpenCL module assignment.

    And finally, who needs Blender Cycles for creating psychedelic images when you have RGB LED's
    IMG_20180320_001504.jpg IMG_20180320_001723.jpg
    Taken on OP3 with Macro Lens, RGB strip LED's, White LED lamp and UV LED torch

    #338 aljowen, Mar 20, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
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  19. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Been helping with the Mauritius 50° Independence show/party in my city, as a VJ.
    It was a bit since we did one again, and I've been doing that for the 40° to 42° ones as well (although with much less experience than I have now)

    Duties are having to prepare some footage to project, such as loops, effects, gather some material to entertain people during pauses and some background music.
    I've had relative little time to do all that (around 3 days), but I managed to go through it.

    For the looping footage I've used Blender to create some colorful scenes, mainly waving flags or animated logos. Some particles changing colors to give it some more motion:
    Thankfully knowing the kind of projectors I have to work with (ie. low-res), I shoved off some render time rendering at 1280x720 @10 samples with denoiser. Result was good enough, took about 2 hours per looping footage (30 seconds)

    The other part was creating an introduction video to project at the very start, which usually goes on with a small presentation of the association group organizing the party (gets elected every 2 years), and the National Anthem.
    Did something fancy and inserted some interesting clips in-between as well Anthem words on video, so people could sing along (which ended up working greatly :) )


    Last was mainly doing searches on Youtube to gather some nice footage (such as drone shots, historic footage and so on).
    Already had some typical music that I cued in during pauses to avoid weird silent moments.

    For the effects, I recorded some footage off Winamp Milkdrop visualizer. Why that?
    - I could not have Winamp running in real-time and have it projected (not enough space on screen)
    - Could not have it react to music, as I needed a line-in which I did not have (could have used the Surface microphones, but haven't really tried due little time)
    - At the end the random effects worked well enough

    That was my setup, using my new Surface and a nice software that allowed me to separate views between projected stuff and my workspace (I could pick files, do changes, control volumes, have overlays, transitions and etc. without people seeing anything of that).
    It's funny seeing people reaction when they see what I work with and they are like :0

    EDIT: Oh, and you can see on the left side a tripod. The thing on top is a webcam (MS Lifecam 3000).
    Used that, along with 2 USB extenders to have the ability to project a live-feed on the big screen.
    Had good feedback from it, as it helped people sitting far to have a nice view of the exhibitions.
    Only thing is I had to move it frequently to make sure everything was in frame (webcam is not much panoramic)

    And yes, that's a typical Mauritian rice plate on the corner, as they were also selling some typical 'street' food in there.

    Overall the show went really well :)
    #339 Nadeox1, Mar 20, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
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  20. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    I had an idea for an action game. This one would be a third-person "beat-em-up with guns," using an over-the-shoulder/top-down view depending on the situation. Here's what I wrote for the story:

    It is the spring of 2052. A new drug, called Zeitgeist, which slowly turns people into deranged zombies, surfaces in Brazil. Nothing unusual happens...

    ...until Zeitgeist hits -- and it hits HARD -- the streets of New York, the home streets of NYPD Commander Dave X. Lawrence. His investigation stalls when his forces are ambushed by the cartel's cyborg army. Hundreds of officers die, and thousands are wounded, in the bloodiest clash the NYPD has ever seen. The city is a war zone. All seems lost, until Dave learns of a top-secret supersoldier program from his friend in the Space Marines. He joins the program as the first test subject and becomes "Davy Crockett" - one man with the unstoppable force of a nuclear warhead. He swears to avenge his fallen officers, to crush the cartel, and to save his city.

    He stands alone against an entire army, the last hope of a city and a nation. Does Davy Crockett stand a chance? Can he stop the spread of Zeitgeist? Will he be the hero America needs? Will this game suck as hard as Duke Nukem Forever?

    Get yourself ready for the fight of a millentury. Davy Crockett: Zeitgeist.

    I will admit, Duke Nukem may have been on my mind at the time. The game's sense of humor would be sort of Half-Life meets EarthBound meets laughable jingoism (sort of a satire of the Reagan and Bush years).
    #340 vmlinuz, Mar 22, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
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