WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    At least in vehicle materials, you can use this:
    useAnisotropic[0] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[1] = "1";
    useAnisotropic[2] = "1";


    I haven't found same list for map materials or what are differences between map and vechile materials, but it probably will not break it too much to try.

    Then when making UV map, after finishing it, you can scale up UV map by 2 to get twice less blurry texture for given texture size, but it does require seamless texture without too much fine decals in it as those will be repeated twice, so no use for roads etc.

    Two textures, one for low decal number and another for higher might also work, not sure if anything uses mipmaps anymore, but once upon a time, those did same as different resolution texture maps with detail setting.
  2. The Nowickster

    The Nowickster
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    Jan 2, 2017
    Fenneko had a good idea in naming it Del Sol, Cali. Maybe, in inspiration, something Spanish, such as Sol piadoso ("Godly sun", in Spanish) or Milla del Paraíso ("Paradise Mile"). But I can't wait to see what you come up with, hombré!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    They're all good names, I will throw them in for consideration for the suburbs and such. It should have some sections with Spanish-derived names, just due to all the CA theme going on in parts of the town (though, the entire town won't be completely Spanish or CA themed, there will be at-least one section that is more blighted and depressed looking). All in all both you and Fenneko had good suggestions. I am keeping that portion open-ended until I get a bit further along.

    In other news, I have made up a good dozen to dozen and a half pieces for Flood Control Channels thus-far. I've got about a mile of it installed, and re-worked the subway tunnel where the two met (not where the bridge is, I had to bend the tunnel down around underneath of the Flood Control Channel). Good news is there's about a mile and half of solid tracks now for the trains to be tested on, could be about two miles, I haven't measured yet.

    Gosh this is hideous!!! Please excuse the completely unfinished nature of everything, just having the stuffings knocked out of the terrain and all. Can't even see the water in the central lowered portion of the larger canal, but it's there. This larger one (close to the camera), is the same size/dimensions as the one's from Ghost's river / canal map. The smaller one is just a resize of it, and there will be ones with sheer sides, and variation pieces, where other waterways join up. I just don't have it done enough yet.

    This is taken from the opposite angle, though please ignore the 'missing' road sections, they're there, they just fade out when getting this far away (for reduction is polygons/surfaces, LOD stuff). I haven't 100% tweaked the LOD's on all roads quite perfect yet. The road that is missing a bridge on the left-most part of the shot will be getting a pair of bridges with 3 lanes each (divided 6-lane avenue). The road on the right that has a nice chunk taken out of it will be completely re-routed around the canal and will be done with mesh pieces. Making the last of the canals and re-working the subway, and then laying the mile-or-so of the canal, among other things I had to do in the area TOOK 8 HOURS. You wouldn't think it takes that long, but it does (but it's done correctly).

    This also took a lot of time, a good hour or more, to completely re-do the tunnel entrance, and connecting up the subway to the above-ground two/three blocks worth of track. This is the other end of the 1-mile of subway tunnel you saw the other day when I posted pictures (the other end is the station right next to the tunnel entrance, also sunken, with a pair of arch bridges, and then a bridge over the large canal beyond that). The roads/track decrease here in surface-count for LOD's as you get further away, again to keep FPS high, no FPS issues here yet. I am keeping an eye on things, but there's lots of pavement out here for parking-lots, and similar, between buildings. Trying to avoid areas of heavy lag VS less lag when in the city, in other words, trying to keep it pretty consistent, for the sake of not being forced to turn down details mid-game due to slowdowns.

    --That is all, sorry for the horrid state of the pictures right now, but that's progress. I have to build the infrastructure before I can put the buildings in.
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  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    So after those GHASTLY photos above, of hideous disaster ... I decided to make something a little bit nicer... another 6 hours later here!

    Okay, I am proud of my arch bridge. Made of modular pieces, so you mappers out there can make one - or a ton - too!
    Everything in the scene already has it's 'collision mesh' (keeps physics fast and allows unlimited use in forest brush tool), and full LOD's (in fact, if you look closely, you can see the bridge LOD's in the pic further away, this is also why the ground seems to poke thru the road surface from far away, I try to touch that up as I go along so it doesn't do that, though).
    I made sure to keep things as realistic as possible here. This was the fun part of building. 13~14 hours in the editor today, but I think it's time to play-test it for a while and call it quits for the night.
    Next upload is 10 days away (or less, could be this weekend!) for the Patreon folks. The canals turned out to be just THE thing this city needed, and there will be *LOTS* of these, because they're a lot of fun to drive around in. Not all will have sloped sides though (most will, all the larger/medium ones you have seen thus far), some of the smaller ones in residential neighborhoods will be sheer sides (flat), with fences along them (or not, it's a car crash game, after-all, can't keep the fun factor away).

    So, hope y'all like these pictures better than the rubbish above.
    If you like what you see, and you haven't graced the Patreon page, please do if you can! I'm trying to help cover costs in Maya subscription plan (it's monthly), and help possibly purchase assets for the map. If you don't have spare cash or are under-age, no hard feelings though, that I do understand! Thanks!

    --I'm done yapping *audience is sleeping* - Cheers!
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  5. EnjoyMyHItsYT

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    Oct 9, 2016
    Looks Very Detailed..Good Work so far! Keep it up :)
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  6. The Nowickster

    The Nowickster
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    Jan 2, 2017
    Absolutely awesome! Your work is very realistic and captures the spirit of the Californian freeway system... Now time to add some virtual 12-hour congestion.
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  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    *crickets* after goofing off playing some Final Fantasy VI (Steam port of the mobile version, of the ever popular FF III on the SNES) last night and dying very, very often (8 times? lost count!), and realizing I stink at it terribly, despite being at level 50..., I decided to do something a little more productive tonight after getting my lawn done.
    The modular road / highway / rail / subway / flood control canal kit (that's a mouth full) is up to 594 (!!!) pieces. Sheesh. I thought 250 pieces would be a lot. I thought 400 was WOW territory. I got that wrong. Thankfully you might not need everything if you plan on using this with a map.
    A new type of flood control canal, smaller then the other two sets (large and small), is created, a complete set with 10 different angles (just like the 'small' set), a straight piece, and a conversion adapter piece to turn the small one into a 'local' sized one, which is for placement in neighborhoods near where canals start or otherwise don't have space for maximum capacity Large or moderate capacity 'small' ones. For what it's worth, there is no medium sized one *YET*, I will save it for if I need it later. I might not but it's too early along to say.

    The shot above where the 'small' canal turns into a 'local' sized canal (smaller), long narrow surfaces have been split up on the collision mesh (only) to help not munch on so many Pessimas with the 'narrow surface physics glitch' that can (and will otherwise) happen if you don't do this.
    I still have to make "Bridge housings" which will cradle common road sizes so that they don't look so out of place when they go over the canal (also because roads don't have an underside to them, to save on physics and FPS performance.

    As you can see, they are still VERY VERY LARGE compared to that normal-sized car. I may make smaller ones yet in place of the still-missing medium ones.

    Again these are all modular, so they enable anyone - including ME - to re-use these resources in other maps. That's where this rather ominous almost-600 piece MRK (Modular Road Kit) comes in handy and really starts to shine.
    Tunnel pieces for underground canals that could go under streets. Would be very simple looking, as they'd be hard to find, and in very graphically intense areas so as it is (even a mile of them might take 2~3fps max?).
    More pieces where smaller flood control canals meet larger or moderate sized ones at a sharp angle (for water flow realistic reasons).
    More non-perpendicular intersections (intersections other than those which are at 90 degree angles).
    LARGE super-highways, this will be a time-sink big-time. Highways with 3~5 lanes per side, and exits for one or two (or maybe 3?) lanes at a time. If I make exits with THREE lanes diverging (or converging in the case of entrances) it will be only to other highway pieces, it will not be to 'raised highway off-ramp' style pieces, unless I make a 3-to-2 converter piece for the raised highway* on/off ramp pieces.
    Lots more tall buildings and some more multi-family homes in large (highrise apartment blocks/condos) and small sizes (apartments, duplexes/quad-plexes even hotels).
    Make some gas stations and more custom commercial and industrial (need lots of these!) properties.
    A freight and passenger dock area and *drumroll* AN AIRPORT, a real, commercial, metro airport.
    More rail stations and bridge variations / types for train tracks in this map. These would work with any BeamNG map mod's rail set.
    Fancy single piece or multi-piece bridges (in the case of multi-piece, multiple pieces go end-to-end to create the bridge of necessary length).
    Import the new forest brush items that are actually PLANTS and not roads!
    Possibly sunken highway pieces. IF I find a need for them in THIS map. I might not, give a shout if you Really REALLY want those in!
    Finish the map!

    Raised highways already come in two flavors, the combined-direction pieces with 4 lanes and a median in the center, with Type 80 (open) bridge railing to either side, and the pre-cast all-in-one off-ramp pieces that use single columns for support, which feature one or two lanes and a right-side-only shoulder.

    Thanks for stopping in, reading my book-for-a-post progress updates, and generally being awesome, and BIG thanks to those who donated to help support the project.

    So tell me, what was the most fun things to drive around on/in in GTA games? What did you always love to do when you weren't doing missions or hurting people/generally being a criminal or nuisance to the neighborhood? What is your favorite part of WCA ?
    Now's the time to speak up and have your voice heard.

    --- Post updated ---
    ^^^ THIS, totally this. Would love to have it virtually congested, buy a ThreadRipper CPU if you want the best attempt at being able to. Thanks!
    Thank-you, glad to know you all are looking forward to this. It's a lot of work but it's also very much me realizing a dream of 25 years.
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  8. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    You could put tunnels in as TSStatic objects as there won't be lots, then put zone around the tunnel, so that tunnel is enclosed to zone, then put portals to both end of the tunnel and then put Occlusion volumes to both sides and to top of the tunnel, but not to inside of zone or above ground.

    That way, tunnel would be FPS frenzy and it would not disturb anything on top of the ground as occlusion volume would block it, even terrain already should block it, imo.

    Don't get Threadripper, it runs this game equally bad to my potato CPU, CPU graphics will bottleneck that thing to it's knees. I'm not an Intel fanboy (says guy who took big loan to get 8086K), but AMD just has nothing for this game, absolutely nothing, Threadripper is fine to make slowmotion movies at 30fps :p *starts running*

    Oops, what fell from the pocket ;)
  9. Shaggy Roggers

    Shaggy Roggers
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    Aug 30, 2018
    --- Post updated ---
    sorry first time I tried to reply to a post quoting something don't know why it messed up like above lol only the bottom part is what I typed
  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    ^^^ THIS, totally this. Would love to have it virtually congested, buy a ThreadRipper CPU if you want the best attempt at being able to. Thanks!
    You knocked the "/quote" thing off the end of the text when you truncated things, or typed in before it.
    Yes someone had mentioned it was broken and I didn't have time to test, so I just passed the note along, but apparently it was a cache mishap or a minor game update fixed it. So it is working just fine and no changes were made to the map.

    @fufsgfen I am speaking of the new Threadripper CPU. It's still the most powerful thing you can get, with the 7980XE intel chip coming close but still being high-priced. The intel has faster per-core speed (until all cores used), but the AMD chip doesn't run as darn hot and costs less per core. The new TR 2xxx series uses the new process, has reduced memory latency, and performs a little more consistently. I would agree that the 1st gen threadripper was not so hot in terms of single-core performance (as this game so does get limited often), but this next one is better in all respects of that, though still not as good as an intel 5ghz 6-core chip like 8086k (if you overclock a bit, and Threadripper will handle a *LOT* more vehicles). Performance is good enough for most respects with either chip though. If you want perfection, and all maps to always be perfect 60fps, we're not quite there yet, and I'm not quite *THAT* good of a map builder. I tend to push things to their limits a bit much, and a bit easier than I had desired to. I can't really help that as it's just my build style, but also, anything is possible with this same style. As long as I don't go too overboard with the details, I should be fine on this map.

    *Keep in mind there's NUMA something or another memory access modes on Threadripper and another (opposite) setting (possibly 'UMA' mode), to try for memory latency, with that chip. It's made as a processing powerhouse, not a single-core IPC champ of the world. We don't have best of both worlds yet in computing. Not quite yet! It's getting much closer, such as the new 9700k~9900k series that will be out soon from intel, and the new Ryzen 3xxx 7nm chips that will come out.

    Eh, forget CPU's I just hope the hardware industry as a whole keeps chugging along as it's been the last 18 months or so, I want to have something to upgrade to in a few years when I decide to replace this now-four-year-old tower. I would love to upgrade but the cheapskate inside me wins out every time, as there's nothing really worth all the cost - and the hassle - which is more than cost to me! It's too much hassle, and why part out a WORKING computer. Don't fix what's not broke. I'll just try not to murder the tower even if it begs to be, in the mean-time until something better comes out.

    --That's all!
  11. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    TBH, I would be happy if there would be Threadripper in my 2nd computer, but sadly I have only 1 computer :p

    I can't really keep up 60fps with too many vehicles, single core performance is limiting, however that should be fixed soon.

    Oh and Bob, I have easy solution that makes any of your maps to run 80fps minimum, here it is:
    Delete lines that says diffuseMap from materials.cs, have just diffuseColor :D :D :D

    There of course might be slight setbacks in visual quality, but what we would not sacrifice for performance :D

    I was thinking this one day, you in US have 50Hz TV screens, so instead of 60fps vsync, that would be 50fps.

    Without Vsync any kind of sideways motion is stuttering like mad, no matter what FPS, so turning at a corner is terrible experience. It would be far cheaper to set lower refresh rate to monitor instead of upgrading hardware to hunt 60fps, but that would require intelligence, that stuff I lack of, so have to go with Intel for now :)

    But on serious note, it is even at ECA with D15, I spawn 6 of those and it becomes hard to keep up fps, physics would run 8 pickups without a problem, but it is graphical side that hits bit hard on CPU, but it is close.

    With faster CPU all maps should run 60fps, at least with one car and in 5 years there probably is something worth upgrading for you, which outperforms my overly expensive upgrade hands down and BeamNG devs might have put out updates that make Ryzen run game like fast i7, except twice the amount of vehicles :p

    Pianos, those were on your mind with this Threadripper :)

    See this, over 100 traffic cones running at 60fps (actually physics enabled I get more fps than physics paused), they did remove that 100 object limit, now you could have quite a pile of pianos on your map, that train station area, if you would put that full of pianos, then use two trains :p
    • Like Like x 1
  12. The Nowickster

    The Nowickster
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    Jan 2, 2017
    Well, thanks to my idea for a little traffic here and there, my computer will now explode. I thought this map would stretch my computer to the absolute limit; If you add in traffic, you are gonna see a house fire brought on by a computer overheating and actually bursting into flames. But cheers on making this map better!
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  13. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    New goodies tonight!
    The 6-lane (3 lanes per direction, separated with a solid Jersey Barrier/K-Rail) highway is now here! Matches existing highway style/dimensions.
    Turns out I had an older-looking piece of it laying around, too, so that's in also.
    Total pieces: 18 Total new pieces tonight: 17
    8 turn pieces, ALL banked (you can rotate them to be flat if you must), they all spawn in banked too to save time.
    2 pieces to start and end the banking (they're straight, with a slight twist, use two at each end of corners, or one for slight bends).
    One new straight piece, one older looking straight piece.
    Slope-up and Slope-down pieces (to begin and end grades for the highway), in 3 matching variations each - 6 total. Use same # at top as bottom for quick work.
    So 18 pieces total, plus a set of exits already that will take a 4 lane highway and join it with an addition ramp lane on each side making it a 6 lane.
    They're nicely optimized and will substantially be easier to process, especially on the lesser detail levels, I've dropped the lowest detail (after moving the previous low detail up one notch while not deleting others), from 144 polys down to about 25!!!. That's a 6:1 ratio, or there-about. the second highest detail has also been substantially reduced by 25~50%. I believe I will be making a set of 'sunken' highways out of this set at a later point in time.
    EEK! The MRK kit is up to 611 pieces (EGADS!). This is getting out of control, but remember, these aren't just for *ME*, they're for EVERYONE.
    So onto the good stuff:
    (BELOW) Straight pieces, choice of two, new or old, old one is only different on the surface texture and is slightly more poly intensive (20% avg), not a big deal.

    (BELOW) Choice of 6 grade changes, one half, one (and a quarter), and two (and a half) top-end pieces, then the same for bottom-end pieces.

    (ABOVE) Facing the other way, yes this is the quickest slope grade change available. Not for small maps folks.
    (BELOW) Curves in increasing radius from 1.25 to 10 degrees of bend (don't know if this corresponds to degrees at this point), in 1.25 degree increments.
    Obviously, being a highway, with speed limits of 45~55mph minimum, you won't want sharp bends in them. Curve pieces spawn in banked already.

    (BELOW) Pair of twist pieces for beginning or ending the banking of turns. You'll need a matched pair of them for full turn banking, but you could use one for corners with only a light bend to them.

    (Above) 1st pic, this side raises at one corner, while in the 2nd pic, this side is straight. This is how you start/finish turns and return to normal highway cross-slope (yes, you can see the cross-slope which is present in all pics, though banking will defeat this, lets hope we don't get realistic water modeling right away, or I'll feel quite like a stooge). *ALL* dual-side highway pieces (with lanes in both directions) have cross-slope, as do *ALL* surface roads. So mind that when speeding through intersections.
    Looks like I'll be tearing up a *LOT* of highways in the future. This is good though.
    To come: Wider highways 3 lanes with shoulder + 4 lanes *PER SIDE*, whenever I am not as sick of making highways as I am right now!
    *Note: These all function as BRIDGES, but can be placed on the ground if desired, I will make pieces meant for ground placement likely in the coming days.
    Gotta run - Journey just came on with "Girl can't help it" ... what a damn fine song!
    --That is all.
    #93 bob.blunderton, Aug 31, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
    • Like Like x 4
  14. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I wonder if one needs to make some kind of printable catalog to be able to select from all the awesome pieces? :D

    Also I wonder if devs would add this kind of kit to their track builder, would it be too cool :p

    25 polys, now as WCUSA near the diner puts about 10 000 000 polys on screen, that would be 400 000 of those lowest poly pieces, even with 1000 poly it would be 1000 pieces, even half of that what would be more like any official map, would be 500 pieces if one piece would be 1000 polys.

    If one piece would be 10m of road, that would be 5km of road with 1000 polys per piece, but piece is probably more like 20m (or more) which is 10km of road and as it gets lower LOD at further distance it should be tens km of road, maybe even 100km?

    In practice though, drawcalls might limit it sooner, I guess it goes by 1 per object x 1 per texture, not much past 3000-4000 will be possible with DX11 and current CPUs, but it also depends, still you could get several kilometers of road and when pieces are identical they do share, which again helps with this.

    I did cover 2km by 2km layer with one kind of straight pieces, I did not put them side by side, I put them overlapping, on top of each other, so that there had to be tens of thousands of them, could not see any kind of slowdown from those, there was these pieces so densely that if you would place trees so densely there would of not been any way to see between trunks of the trees, all over 2km by 2km map, that is a lot of road pieces.

    That was with single piece though, which somehow is not adding up to drawcalls like two different pieces probably would, but when building roads, one piece repeats many times, which should at least in theory result quite long roads.
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  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The engine (is evidenced to) reads the lists of items, and draws all the items from each list at once like:
    Straight road sections - draws all 100's of these at once
    curve 5 degrees sections - draws all 100's of these at once
    curve 10 degrees sections - draws all 100's of these at once
    overlays for left turn lane style 1 - draws all of these at once
    overlays for left turn lane style 2 - draws all of these at once
    that's why similar pieces flickers if you put them overlapping slightly + line them up perfectly (due to cross-slope, if you aren't 100% perfect, it won't flicker except sidewalks, because only sidewalks are level), so no real worries here & pieces are beveled so if improperly placed (off by a CM or so), you won't usually see it except for the canals, which are so @#$^ing big I chose *NOT* to bevel these. Collision meshes are *ALWAYS* beveled, regardless if the visible mesh is or not. This is because otherwise you may get strange or other behavior that could be detrimental to gameplay, or pieces could 'fall out of the map' etc, if this is not done. "Beveled" meaning the edges are tapered down out of view, for pieces that aren't matched perfectly, and for larger maps that lose precision a bit. This may raise visible surfaces over the whole scene by 1~3% but I reverse penalties for this by simplifying objects further away more.

    So yes entirely, due to my maps goal of 'Lots of stuff + Large size' I seriously do have obvious LOD'ing on objects, however, one shall not care in such a busy scene when there's so much to see! After playing so many super-fun older games (GTA SA, older Fallouts like NV or 3), I do not care if object pop-in can be noticed in spots. Sometimes it's too annoying or close and I change it so it's further away, but sometimes, you'll still catch it if you're keen. Maybe one should pay more attention to driving / the road right infront of you though. Looking at scenery too much when you should be driving = crash, but at-least you've picked the right game for it. Heck, even Fallout 4 you see the LOD's kick in rather quick and noticeable-like.

    --That is all for now.
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  17. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    That is interesting and useful to know about engine, then that can be used in map design to tweak little here and there.

    Also in Just Cause 3 you can see things popping up and I think if small hobbyist team of Avalanche Studios with Square Enix can get away of such, then I guess mod maker that shares his hours free with others can be allowed to have 1.23 objects popping up per map :D

    There might be realtime or near realtime ray tracing, but I wonder when there is realtime model interpolating, instead of 3 lods, engine just would morph between 3 or so lod levels automatically.

    There would be lot to be said about how to keep players attention to where wanted, but I just leave this thought here, hot coffee, billboard, you know the game for more ideas :)
  18. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The four-lane-per-side (8 lanes!) highway kit is now in, at your option of Bridge or not (I'll be doing the turns tomorrow for the 'not bridge' sections). A ground-level applied kit is also coming (these two are more for raised highways, on-ground ones will be less-poly-intensive).

    This is the star of the show, however. The above large chunk of highway is NOT one piece, it's SEVEN pieces. Let's explain this one out now.
    Yesterday's 6-lane highway is shown on the left portion, followed going right by two 8-lane pieces. That's only three though.
    Surely the on-ramp and off-ramp piece are each one piece here.
    There's also an overlay for each side. this overlay allows you to slap it down onto a 6-lane or 8-lane piece of highway, followed by increasing or decreasing the lane-count to one side of the overlay. The overlay has no collision and sits an inch/cm off the top of the highway surface (or as close as possible without it clashing). The overlay is nothing but the set of markings which form the visual look of the ramp lane leaving or entering the highway.

    Separating the pieces, with 3 on the left (each ramp and the central 6-lane piece), followed by the pair of overlays, followed by two 8-lane pieces.
    The on or off-ramp width-change pieces that hook to the highway also have a choice of four upward, and four downward slopes.

    The eight-lane highway 'bridge' pieces are available in curves ranging from 1.25 to 10 degrees, and four slopes of 0.625~5 degrees up & four down.
    The eight-lane highway 'solid' pieces are available in 5 up / 5 down slope changes from 0.625 to 5 degrees.
    Curves (for 'solid' kit) will be done tomorrow to match the bridge pieces.
    On-off ramp pieces show above have 4 slope choices of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 degrees to go up or down.
    All pieces obviously have 'level' or 'flat' pieces.
    There are already 'twist' pieces for the bridge kit, but not yet for the 'solid' kit, those are tomorrow's work.

    *MOAN* The MRK is up to 661 (!) pieces now. There's still more to go!

    So where's all this concrete come from anywho? Guess it's time to build a batch-plant (and that's not even all the pieces, that's 80% though - no two are alike here!).
    Those are all new pieces created today. The theme is still the same as the rest of the highway, but the beams are larger on the 8-lane kit vs the 6-lane and 4-lane kit, because there's a LOT more weight to this much new concrete.

    The on/off ramp kit (to which these new pieces for ramps mate perfectly) is on the lower left, these ones I have been working on since late June. It just ticked over to September, and all the last two~three days of stuff is on the right 60% of the screen (well all but 10~15 pieces of it, someone has to clean this up).
    When the curves and twists are done for the 'solid' 8 lane set, and I've got the 6-lane 'solid' set, and a sunken set (possible but not yet not promised!) done I will be able to start building the map again. The sunken set may be available by way of walls you can add to the side of the existing highway bits. That would be a lot less work and be a *LOT* more flexible when it comes to neighboring terrain being uneven, otherwise the height of the sides would have to be fixed.
    It's going to be soon time to (re)make highways that are 'surface level'. Highways that look just like the real deal, for those times when you don't wish to or otherwise cannot use decal roads, and for the times you can and still blend them with the mesh road* objects here. Decal road textures will also be created if they are not already, to match these widths. 1 (ramp) 2-lane and 3-lane concrete road surfaces already exist, so it looks

    *No, not 'mesh roads' - the things we love to hate. I mean actual road meshes you see in the pictures. Otherwise, why make them?

    Just know that I am very busy making a kit that will improve both the quality and quantity for urban BeamNG maps!
    It's the least I can do for a game and community that's brought me thousands of hours of good times.
    • Like Like x 5
  19. The Nowickster

    The Nowickster
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    Jan 2, 2017
    661. pieces. Wow. and it's all got a lot f quality work put into it.
    --- Post updated ---
    You gonna put bus routes in?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I hope F-quality means good quality and not 'F' as in 'way worse than A-quality'. They're pretty good. Not ground-breakingly good, not GTAV masterfully good, nothing cutting edge, but certainly not detracting from the scene.

    Bus routes are planned 'eventually'. They will be in in some time, but I cannot make any promises to when. The more I put in the more I have to tear up as I go along, so I am cautious as to what to add early-on.

    Good news though, got *LOTS* of highway bits done today. I will attach pictures a little later on the subject.
    *Bridge kit for 8-lane highway was done last time I posted
    *non-bridge raised 8-lane kit completely done *today
    *ground-level 8-lane kit completely done *today
    *ground-level 6-lane kit completely done *today

    *LOTS AND LOTS* of new highway pieces - wouldn't be surprised if it's over 700 objects already.
    I will have pictures of said pieces later, as I did this so I can use them!

    At this point I only need to make some merge pieces, which will likely just be overlays for the existing pieces.

    The AMD driver locked up the computer about 5 minutes after I was done with all this - good timing, I guess. It was acting wonky last night though so it doesn't surprise me, just glad it waited until I was done.
    Pictures later, so do check back, they will be added to this post.
    EDIT: got the models converted and dropped into beamng. That's 58 new models just today alone.
    719 items total for the MRK kit. Good news is unless I do a ground-highway kit for the 4-lane highway (not sure I will, depends on need), or make some type of crazly double-decker kit, I won't need a huge amount of more pieces, to build this map. Just buildings and they aren't included in this directory.

    Pics, as promised, though this is very early, pardon the incomplete "MESS" as I like to call it.

    Yes it actually blends with the terrain at the edges, in a non-uniform line, like it's supposed to, at-least in the last pic it does...
    The above pictures show the ground-level highways (new today!), in 6 and 8 lanes, and some 8-lane bridge pieces, too (and a pair of 'raised highway' 'non-bridge' sections that form the abutments - or ENDS of bridge).
    As stated, it's really quite unfinished. The ramps aren't in yet, the terrain is an absolute disaster, but the bridge and a half-mile section of the lower highway is in (part I'm standing on to take pics in the pic just above this). Going to put another hour or two into it tonight and then go ahead and finish it up tomorrow.

    A little bit more progress... only 8 ramps to do... 1 down 7 to go :x
    Maybe tomorrow night I will have more pictures to show.

    Would like to put out an update for those who donated this week some-time. As soon as I get enough of this finished, that there isn't a lot of missing stuff, I will do so. Nothing like cruising down the highway and suddenly you remember an old bridge is completely gone, and you haven't put a new one in it's place yet, and you're only ~50 feet from a giant several-hundred-foot-deep chasm @ around 120mph or more...
    Been there, done that. Derp.
    --That is all.
    #100 bob.blunderton, Sep 2, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
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