Beamng Drive Movie: Crazy City Police Chase (+Sound Effects) |Part 12| - S02E02

Discussion in 'Videos, Screenshots and other Artwork' started by FrIzErIs, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. KaiserimnopYT

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    Oct 9, 2016
    *savage hit me*
    *sweeper hit me*
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  2. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013

    When is the date that applications start for S02E03? Just wondering?
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  3. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016

    This video is where it started it all

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  4. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    Why are you so sure that the "beast" is a land vehicle? What if it can fly on its own?
    When I saw the camera pan at the sky, I immediately thought of this:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. killstreak451

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    Dec 28, 2015
    yeah I used a photo I found from that to make the crappy meme
  6. The Nowickster

    The Nowickster
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    Jan 2, 2017
    This was the best and most movie-like of them all so far. Can't wait for number 3 and see what happens to my car after "I'm still mobile"!
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  7. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    I'd like to say, wow, incredible, and, finally, I have a decent idea for a theory

    I feel that the 'beast' which Hellhound's biggest gang fans are wanting to unleash on him is in that An-12 which just flew so low over the city, especially since there isn't an airport anywheres near the orientation it was flying, towards the water, it's weird to think that a pilot could file that flight plan and get it approved, cause, seeing as this is likely in the USA, and if it was debating from its flight plan for no given reason of emergency, it would be shot down likely within minutes...

    Also, the direction it was flying, towards the bridge, could help explain the green semi flatbed we see hanging off the side of the bridge, and, assuming most of you have seen, sadly, Furious 7, you can guess at what I'm hinting to...

    The beast is probably a dope ass, off-road set up car, which drops from the plane, over the bridge, causes hell, then goes and try's to screw up hellhound, so, now we just gotta figure out the car...

    Well, it's going to have to either be a heavy brute to shove a truck off a bridge, or a nimble car to avoid traffic, and, it has to fit into the back of the An-12.

    First off, it's not a semi truck or an ambulance H series, both of which have trouble getting into the An-12, since the H series can't shove a T Series off the bridge, nor nimble enough to swerve other traffic into it, you can somewhat cut it out too, somewhat, we can revisit it later

    The off-road Barstow is a good competetor here, it is fast and nimble, with enoughxd an off-road suspension to drop from a plane onto a bridge, and, it mimics the Charger from Furious 7, so, keep it in mind

    The hopper is a good competetor here aswell, it fits easily into the back of the An-12, has good off-road parts, and nimble enough to avoid hell, so, added to the list aswell

    The sunburst actually makes the list, as it has decent off-road mods likely capable of this, and, it fits into the plane easily

    Cars such as the GM, Pessimas, and the rest of the family sedan fleet, along with the ETK lineup, the covet, and of course, props don't fit the off-road part

    The Roamer and D Series also fit the catagories, being able to fit and have enough off-roading capability to do such a stunt, as for other vehicle mods, as there are a lot, I won't get into those, this will already be long enough

    To kill the sunburst idea, I think the off-road mod for it broke, so, that's out

    The hopper, despite being nimble, actually likes to tip a lot while doing stuff such as a slalom, so unless the strategy here is to roll over cars, it can get out aswell

    The h series, which I said I would get back to, actually would be very likely to be able to back out of the an-12 without ripping the tail off, aswell, it would be great for capturing and then transporting hellhound

    The d series and roamer follow the above

    The Barstow would actually likely have a tough time screwing with hellhound, as it has no real weight advantage, nor has a speedier aspect than the Viper, so, it can be knocked out

    In end, the 'beast' is likely a modified H series, D series, or Roamer, which flies out of the back of the An-12 over the bridge, causes hell, and screws with our antagonist who is also the protagonist but kills people and robs banks so antagonist?

    Anyways... That's my theory for so far, I'm either right or completely crazy, also, it could be that dodge truck we see in the gang, the pickup truck, but heavily modified for off-road, ehhh, we'll see in about a month and a half

    --reposted into correct thread--
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    Well, that wouldn't explain the havoc on the bridge, a land vehicle would, perhaps, would have to avoid and occasionally collide, a heli could simply fly over

    Aswell, the tight airspace regulations put in place by the US Gouvernment would essentially mean that said aircraft would essentially be shot down ASAP (roughly 10-15 minutes from it being first spotted) which means that our pilot would have to take off, traverse the entire map of Belasco to find hellhound, and lock his missles onto a moving target (which isn't easy) all in 15 minutes, if you don't care about landing in once piece
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. AwesomeRacer456

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    Mar 12, 2015
    Ay, ya used the Jeep facelift which honestly looks quite good on it.

    Anyway, the movie. It was amazing as always, a lot of traffic around Belasco and idk how you manage to control all of the traffic. Also I can think about that van rolling down the hills is difficult since you got to position where and how you're going to zigzag slowly downhill. I love the part where kamikaze police targets the wrong Viper which I thought was very funny.

    And that ending leaves on a cliffhanger, can't wait to see what happens next episode. :)
  9. killstreak451

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    Dec 28, 2015
    my life is complete
  10. FrIzErIs

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    Aug 31, 2016
    yeah I think thats why I didnt use it.
    Im so sorry. Worked 12 hours straight to finished the video on time, you're not the only one I forgot to thank in the credits :( Ill add you in description. Sorry once again. :(
    When bloopers video is released
  11. ¿Carbohydration?

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    Mar 19, 2017
    Hey, do you have a probable timestamp on when the applications will be sent in? I'm making an automation car that I would like to submit, but I'm kind of busy IRL and I don't know if I'll be able to polish it up before the applications start.
  12. NotAnMLGPro

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    Dec 24, 2016
    1. When bloopers come out.

    2. Try to use beamng ones as friz probably wouldn't want to use the automation ones as their crashes don't look good.
  13. CancelledAvatar8

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    Nov 6, 2017
    And black-gray windows do not look good next to cars with clear windows.
  14. ¿Carbohydration?

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    Mar 19, 2017
    A lot of the background cars they use are russian cars?

    Obviously my car wouldn't be in the spotlight, with great attention to the damage.

    I am planning to do this.
  15. killstreak451

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    Dec 28, 2015
    i though you booted fera cause he dmed you and said he wanted out cause you associated with inertia, who is a bully according to him
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    apparently he uses the links alexmen dms him
    alex is finally useful for friz:)
  16. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    cause you can see through their windows and they don't look like un pixelated models from Worlds Scariest Police Chases, now I think this conversation is virtually over
  17. FrIzErIs

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    Aug 31, 2016
    Yeah I did, because he wanted to be removed, but I still feel bad forgetting to mention him in the credits for that bank van skin :/
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    Semi hanging from the bridge is just an easter egg and doesn't have connection to the story, just like the Supernatural easter egg. So does the plane, since flying planes often appear in Friz' movies, but have never played a major part. Also, how does your theory explain the following: if the car was released from the plane after Falcon's command, how could it influence the semi which crashed a long time before? Or if the car was released at the bridge long before Falcon's command (which doesn't make sense then), why did it need a plane delivery in the first place?
    Super Gnat can fly at very low height (say 2-3 meters from the ground), rendering it undetectable by radars. The AN-12, however, would be easily noticed if it took a different path, let alone dropped a car on the road in the broad daylight. The An-12 is hard to hide after the crime, while Super Gnat can use a truck as a moving base, returning to it after completing the task. Then the heli pilot wouldn't need to cruise the whole map, as his mobile base would be just following Hellhound.
    Plus, dropping a car from a plane means either the plane has to get very low or it needs to have a parachute. The first is very hard to accomplish due to uneven landscape of this part of Belasco, the second method is imprecise and takes a long time to reach the road.
    Finally, we both agree that a car that is launched from a plane needs to be an offroader with soft suspension. But the truth is, such car will never be able to catch up to a Viper on paved roads, no matter how much power it has. High ride height and soft suspension = no high or moderate speed cornering.
    • Like Like x 3
  19. eisenhard

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    Oct 8, 2016
    Friz thank you for putting me in the movie. I thought the funniest part was when Hellhound said: "I have a whole Dodge performance line up chasing me". I love your movies as always.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    As Belasco is basically San Francisco, there would be, say, a million people on the streets or the roads at any given time, they would obviously see the Super Gnat and call the authorities as, face it, if you saw a tiny helicopter with missles on it, wouldn't you

    Aswell, I know you'll say missles are hard to make out, so it would have to fly higher, then it would be on radar, aswell, seeing as police would have helicopters tracking hellhound by now, seeing as this was a high profile heist in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, the Super Gnat would be spotted and basically shot down on sight by either Military fighter jets, or snipers mounted in police helicopters

    And, yes, it can catch up to the viper, because, if you look where the road that hellhound is, relative to the bridge, our off-roader, assuming it was launched at the same time as we see the semi falling, could not only catch up to hellhound, but would be infront of him, meaning no chase would be needed, in fact, hellhound would drive himself into a trap

    As for the beast being released before the command, I feel your taking 'release' to seriously, what I feel was that their gang knew in advance of the heist, so they had pre assigned a drop zone, 'release the beast' was basically just a code word for 'go with the plan' which is to basically make hellhound into a hellcake

    As for why needing to drop out of a plane, well, Inertia, who would scout out CCTV traffic cameras before the heist, could see the Beast and its suspicious movements, whereas if it was released from the plane, after Inertia stopped doing his job of being the eye in the sky, it would be undetected, as Inertia likely would cover radar tracks of aircraft

    And, we ruled out uneven terrain as its dropping onto the bridge, there is enough room for it to land on the bridge, and enough room for the an-12 to fly inbetween the supports with room to spare, and, as it would have a legit registered flight plan before hand, it could simply deviate to a lower altitude rapidly, raise the nose and open the doors,methe car rolls out, and the plane flies out over the ocean, if it can get 50 miles before a fighter jet intercepts it, it's in international waters and free to go, which, at full throttle, it can be done. Whereas the Super Gnat would move slower and be intercepted easily
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    I didn't think that Inertia in the series was related to Inertia of the BeamNg forums...

    Hmpf, what deed did he do to land a main character role in the series?
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