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I think I'm ready for gaming hardware suggestions.

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by MisterKenneth, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    What the title says. I'd like some suggestions of what to look for in a gaming desktop. A clear direction.

    I think I may have made myself clear as to what I'd like for it to have.
    CPU: 4.0+ GHz, no less than 3.5 GHz.
    RAM: 10 GBs minimum, 16 GBs maximum. I will also accept anything higher than 16 GBs. The least I can go below my minimum is 8 GBs, as that is what is recommended for BeamNG.
    Cores: Probably one of the most fluid. It doesn't really matter to me, as long as performance is fantastic. I will probably lean toward something above what my current system has though.

    Some questions.
    1. Is it possible to have desktops that can connect to Wi-Fi? I know laptops can, but I'm not so sure about desktops. This was something that was suggested to me IRL.

    2. Got any ideas as to how much I may spend? I have my budget set for $2000 (I recently lowered it to $1000), because I'm convinced I can get a powerful system for less than that. I'm already expecting to pay around $500 - $1500 $1000 for the tower alone, which I've decided to get first, so I can focus on the cheaper things afterwards.

    I will sometimes post links to desktops I've seen that I'd want to ask about.

    In the end, the major judgement of what I'll get, is if it can run BeamNG.drive and Cities: Skylines, especially the latter.
    #1 MisterKenneth, Sep 30, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  2. Alex [ITA]

    Alex [ITA]
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    Apr 1, 2016
    Ok, so:
    • If you'll use the pc only for gaming go with Intel, if not choose Ryzen.
    • Go with 16Gb of ram (with Ryzen you'll have to buy faster ram)
    • Cores are not really a problem nowadays; last gen Intel cpus start from 4 cores and a good Ryzen has even 6 cores.
    For the questions:
    • Yes it's possible. You can buy a WiFi card or a motherboard with prebuilt wifi
    • You can have a powerful system with less than that and have some extra for some good peripherals
    That computer is trash. Don't buy it.

    And for the table: every desk is the same. I suggest you not to buy glass desks.

    A last question: what are your current specs?

    This is within your budget (it has RGB if you're interested in that stuff): https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2vVw8Y
    #2 Alex [ITA], Sep 30, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
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  3. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Sounds like a system with a Ryzen CPU and 16 GB RAM will be what I go for.

    It won't be limited to just gaming.
    Perfect. I don't have to worry about that.
    How exactly?
    I don't know why you'd buy a glass desk for a computer to begin with. I wouldn't even put a mouse trap on a stove with a glass top.

    The table I provided a picture of, all of the listings I've seen leads me to believe that they are made out of wood. I'm going to guess that my assumptions are correct, and that it will do just fine.
    What I know for sure is that it is a Windows 10 laptop with an AMD E1-6015 with Radeon R2 Graphics, makes 1.40 GHz, and 3.45 GB usable RAM. That's really all I know, other than that SixSixSevenSeven told me that my laptop is a cheap system designed to save cost, and can't really be modified.
    I'd prefer to simply buy one that's already built. If you've seen my discussions with fufsgfen and SixSixSevenSeven in the General Computer talk/advice thread, that should be a dead giveaway that I wouldn't know what the hell I'm doing if I attempted to build one. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    I will still consider that site, just in case there's anything I need. If I ever need to get a specific part, I would take the PC to a professional for installation. I already know somebody I could take it to.
  4. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I think it is worth to wait 7Nm processor coming next year.
  5. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Could I ask that you go into more detail?
  6. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Especially Intel CPUs have been pretty much same for quite a long time, AMD is bringing 7Nm processors to table which at least should offer much better than current AMD CPUs and there is actually a chance that Intel is going to be underdog for a chance, which might also change pricing etc.

    It is very interesting times right now, with few months wait you might have much better options available than right now and also right now there is CPU shortages, which has increased CPU prices 10% or more, beginning of next year should help with CPU shortages, but also offer new challenger to market, so you won't really loose anything by waiting until Jan/Feb.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Fascinating. Got any idea how much GHz these processors will offer?

    At the current rate I'm making money, it'll take me a while to get up sufficient funds for just the tower alone, so hopefully I'd have a little something saved up by then.

    How come I never heard of there being a CPU shortage? You talking about 3.0+ GHz CPUs? Or just CPUs in general?
  8. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
  9. Alex [ITA]

    Alex [ITA]
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    Apr 1, 2016
    The FX cpus aren't the best for gaming nor for productivity.
    It's an old Platform which is now useless with the cheaper and more powerful Ryzen CPUs or entry level Intel cpus.
    It doesn't have a ssd which is a good feature to have in 2018.
    Finally the GT 730 is the worst card in the 700 series (which is 3 series older than the latest graphics card realeased by Nvidia).
    You can get much better performance for 500$ nowadays.

    The table you listed is fine. Mine was a suggestion :)
  10. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    it sounds like you are falling into the GHz trap. Don't! GHz =/= performance
    Yes RyZEN and Intel IPC is really close, so you can compare. But Zen 2 (2019) is coming soon with higher IPC and clock speed. Doubly higher performance
  11. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Well, what I was thinking is that if it had parts that were undesirable for gaming, I could swap them out for better ones. Like I said, I know somebody I would trust with swapping the parts. He's the same guy I took my current laptop to when that old Toshiba harddrive started failing on me. But, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out I couldn't swap any of its parts.

    And, I'm happy to know that I was right about those tables. It's a good feeling. :)

    I don't understand. Then why do games list the amount of GHz they need? Example, the Steam Store page for Cities: Skylines recommends that you have 3.5 GHz.

    I've come to believe that what you need to have the best of is both the CPU and the RAM, producing high GHz and GBs, especially for C:S and BeamNG.

    Now I don't believe that GHz is all that you need for performance, but I do believe that it does play a role in it.
  12. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    They do that to make it easier for you to get an idea, really it should show actual CPUs there, but they don't have enough room maybe.

    3.5GHz on a 15 year old chip is not the same as 3.5GHz on a new chip.

    Compute speed=clock x IPC (instructions per clock).
  13. ladafan01

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    Jan 14, 2018
    4.0GHz and above you say...
    FX-4170 then.
    №1 Rule when building a PC is "CPU clock speed doesn't fu*king matter"
    --- Post updated ---
    7 Newton/meter CPUs? WOW! Quite a lot of torque for something with no moving parts...
  14. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    No one will like a person who nitpicks.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Ai'Torror

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 29, 2015
    I'd suggest you to find someone who you know and who can build PCs, rather than buying a pre-built one. It is just much cheaper and you can exactly pick the parts you want.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Jetpackturtle

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    Sep 21, 2018
    i5 6 series or above
    GTX 1050 or GTX 1050 Ti
    12 GB at least, maybe 16 GB of DDR4
    Some decent b350 or above motherboard
    And a 500W power supply
    This will cost you between 800 to 1000 dollars.
  17. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    The main advantage of a custom build is that they generally last longer than prebuilts because OEM parts are often of lower quality than retail parts.
  18. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    I want to bring this thread back to ask some new questions.

    One of the things I've thought about recently is the report of black streaking on what I believe was new AMD GPUs. Should I take this as a recommendation to avoid new AMD GPUs? I don't fully understand what that is all about.

    BTW, how do this PC I just saw on Ebay sound?

    It caught my attention for these reasons.

    1. It's under $1000. It would be much easier for me to obtain than some PCs I've seen
    2. It has a 4 GHz processor speed, which sounds very appealing to me
    3. I can chose for it to have 16 GB memory
    4. The seller has 99.7% positive feedback
    5. It has 8 cores. That should mean better performance right?
    6. I like the design of the tower
  19. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Many other games have specific threads for AMD GPUs in troubleshooting section, they just seem to get graphical issues more often, games often have Nvidia logo, also from Steam stats it can be seen that AMD GPU has only about 8% share among users.

    AMD-FX is CPU to avoid, with new game update AMD Ryzen is very good choice, but avoid FX it just lacks the punch.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Just don't buy an FX CPU, an athlon ZEN based CPU would beat it on this game :p what this game likes is the performance of the individual cores, yes a core i5 4690k is roughly equal to the FX8350 in multicore, but that also means that the individual cores are twice as fast.
    People have had many issues with the FX series playing this game.

    If you are going to buy a system, look for the AM4 socket, this will allow you to upgrade the CPU to some more exciting options later (leaks for AMD Zen 3000 is interesting). But for now, an Athlon on a B3 or B450 motherboard will work quite well.

    Also i suggest an AMD GPU, i have an Nvidia, and yeah its good and all, but freesync is amazing, and i so wish i could experience it :p but i can't because Nvidia doesn't support it! Either way you can upgrade your GPU if you buy a freesync monitor anyway, AMD Navi looks rather promising also (but so did Vega, and now look!)
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