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I want CryEngine 3 back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DryCoast, Dec 6, 2018.


Should the devs switch to CryEngine 3?

  1. Yes!

  2. No!

  1. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    Sure would be nice to hear some news on where we stand on the graphics/rendering side. There have been mentions of Vulkan and the successful move from DX9 to 11....and that's about it that I know of.
  2. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    Not going to happen, sorry. We are constantly working on graphical improvements though :)
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  3. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    if you want vulkan that badly you can just move to linux and use dxvk ɳ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ɲ
  4. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Not really, it is not so simple thing.

    Vulkan means more code, which means more chances for bugs to happen.

    Also benefits might be there or might not, lot of benefit comes from better threading and that can cause issues with physics threads, which adds to complexity, which takes more time, especially when there are higher priority tasks at hand.

    So takes time, can be wasted effort, which could mean it can't be done with very high priority.

    I kinda wanted to find simple code for DX11 and same for Vulkan, but could not find, I saw something like that long time ago and Vulkan is a LOT more work.

    You can't only take, you have to give too, so if you take better performance, you have to put more something which can be more complexity and more work. Vulkan is not magic answer, even it is nice for gamer's perspective.

    I have no idea really how complex such would be in case of BeamNG, but when reading about Vulkan it is not the easiest and certainly not a magic solution:
    https://www.toptal.com/api-developers/a-brief-overview-of-vulkan-api Note that they talk about moving from openGL, which is far easier than from DX.
  5. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    CryEngine3 was used for the earliest version of the game to see if it was possible before it was shifted over to Torque3D and its been on there ever since, I guess you dont know the phrase @CostinGamer YT of "If it aint broke dont fix it" which is the prime example of it here, the game works excellent on Torque3D so it isnt broken so best leave it alone and keep it on the current game engine, I think @tdev has access to the Cryengine version but I am not sure if hes kept it around somewhere
  6. DryCoast

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    Mar 3, 2017
    All I want is better performance.
    Jesus Christ I never thought so many people would reply to my thread! This thread has more replies than I ever had comments on a youtube video.
  7. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    I hope you saw this post of mine.
    Before I didn't really know all that much about it, other than it was a planned feature for BeamNG in the future. So thanks for clearing that up.

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    Aug 18, 2013
    I know. I only mentioned that because the video in the OP shows bed flex very clearly, and I didn’t want to make an entire thread just for the lack of it in the current game.
  9. Littleturdlet

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    Feb 12, 2017
    The performance was way worse in cryengine. I think in some of the videos you can see it getting around 25 fps. They even say in the torque3d video that the game is running better than ever.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. TommyAssassin

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    Dec 5, 2016
    Devs know better which engine to use.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Also something to consider:
    Every new thing must be learned, with every old thing lot has been already learned.

    Of course Cryengine is also known, but considering how long current engine has been improved and modified, it is very likely current engine is known very thoroughly, while with anything else lot new learning would need to happen and that is costly.
  12. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    "Cryengine looks better"

    screenshot_2018-11-25_17-11-14.png screenshot_2018-12-03_11-06-05.png

    Bitch please



    This is so sad, can we get an F in the chat
    #32 vmlinuz, Dec 8, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
    • Like Like x 3
  13. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    The performance in cryengine was horrible, we could barely run the pickup ....

    Also: Cryengine is dead. It would be UE4 or Lumberyard ...
    • Like Like x 4
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  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The game looks great if you know what to do with it.

    Click above picture, for full-screen, though it's dark.
    This is just an example of my recent work that looks 'fairly' real, what a wonder a pitch black night does to set the mood and immersion. Not trying to brag, being modest actually, but my point stands that both 'it's how you use it', and 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Remember, the developers are obviously, as they have been for a while, putting FUNCTION over FORM, not form over function like many other things. It's nothing to take a pre-made game-engine, throw in a bunch of bought assets, and asset-flip as many people do on Steam. How the community *HATES* asset-flipping games. Those games aren't fun, they're just money pits. On the other hand, I've played BeamNG (or the editor rather) for well past 3000 hours making my maps (Roane County TN took 2500), so definitely got my money's worth.
    So if you want pretty, go play (insert pretty game name here). If you want fun, just look for the little orange triangular icon for BeamNG, just like I do.

    In-fact, it's the only 'Game' (even though it's technically a Simulator more than a Game in it's state) that's on my task bar as a short-cut.
    No, really, it's there with my local forecast button, Steam, and the media player(s) I use and my tuner app.

    Re-Shade works wonders, as does the headlights mod. Go try them out, they even help AAA games look much better. Considering BeamNG is made from a team of people, in numbers quite small, compared to Rockstar or Crytek, I would say it's pretty awesome. To say I've never laughed so hard at a PC game or simulation as I've laughed when playing BeamNG (running a combine-harvester machine through a line of 20+ pianos in downtown Rockwood TN in Roane County Map), would be an understatement. My gut was still sore the next morning I laughed until I cried. There's not a week I don't take a U-Haul truck full of pianos around a dirt track, or otherwise go racing about with them for some stress (and piano) burning good times. Further-more it's a game I don't have to feel bad about playing if my sister's 9-year-old daughter walks in (and she's in the 97th percentile intelligence-wise so she understands things), versus something like a tank rampage in GTA series games.

    Doom was made by a team of around one-dozen people, in the years up until it's release in 1993. It sold over 2 million copies. It's sequel Doom II did almost equally well, just passing the two million mark closely behind it's predecessor in sales. Quake did very well also as did Quake 2 based Half Life (one). Yes, we were still using BSP-based engines originating from old DOS game code source in the early to mid 2000's. You don't need shiny fancy new this or that, to have a fun game that you can play for THOUSANDS of hours and not get bored of.
    I played THOUSANDS of hours of Doom/Doom II, no thanks in part to the easy access of editors (even before the internet on shareware disks and CD's, or even BBS systems), and the easy learning curve of the editing process in general. It looks like I've found myself a new niche (if I don't mean to sound conceded here), here at BeamNG, editing away my otherwise physically disabled life.
    I just blasted my way through ultra-violence on Doom's original shareware episode doing all 9 maps without even getting below 75% health or dying, or saving/reloading. I still love that game I had on my 1st 486 computer. Good games never die, because they're fun, they'll always be fun, provided your expectations are in check with reality (not trying to anger, this is honest/blunt).

    If you want it to look better, make it look better, put the mod out, and maybe it'll become integrated into the game if it's good enough. Sure it's not the best, but let's get together and make it look better, or just at-least slather on even more ways to have good times, so that looks will be hiding in the trunk afraid to come out until this train has well left the station. It's like fine wine, it gets better over time. Just have a little patience, and if you really want to grease the gears in a way that matters, tell your friends about this game(especially if they love to mod!), or better yet, buy them a copy or two.

    This is why I am making my modular road kit as part of my new map (it's pictured above, though it's dark). It'll be free in due time for any mapper wanting to make a city map, and with recent progress reducing draw-calls, it'll run reasonably well, too. This initiative to improve and contribute to the community is always welcomed with open arms, wild fanfare, or even failing that, a bucket of likes (which will do in a pinch, surely better than none at all!).

    I hope I've said what I intended, without angering anyone. I wish the developers much luck & am hopeful one day we will be freed from the curse of single-threaded draw call limitations, as surely it'll enable all those wonderful immersive graphics/environment all that much more. If we continue to support the small indie teams like this, we'll have more awesome new never-tried-before (at-least not successfully tried and executed before) stuff being brought to the table, VS the same-old same-old tired song and dance. I'm game for that, and I'm well sure many others are, too.


    P.S. Self-promotion aside, my city map is named 'Los Injurus', and will be released in the coming months, you can view it under forums>maps somewhere on here. Stay tuned for MRK postings in the near future if you're a mapper, as that'll be the 'Modular Road Kit' so you can enjoy building cities in BeamNG if you like mapping.
    • Like Like x 2
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  15. ilkerrbr

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    Dec 23, 2016
    cryengine vid looks really nice and impressive
    i hope devs leave this engine to switch ue4
  16. Littleturdlet

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    Feb 12, 2017
    They aren't switching engines, not now, not ever.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. TechnicolorDalek

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    Dec 6, 2013
    it doesn't look nice or impressive

    change my mind
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. ilkerrbr

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    Dec 23, 2016
    I respect the devs, but
    the weakest aspects of the game should be developed
    graphics need big change
  19. Danny Werewolf

    Danny Werewolf
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    Mar 31, 2017
    ...Yeah, so we'll just ignore the 6 years of work to create groundbraking physics so we can be the next AAA game and only advertise graphics...
    • Agree Agree x 7
  20. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    why does this thread exist
    • Agree Agree x 5
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