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0.15 Discussion Thread - READ #1 POST!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nadeox1, Dec 20, 2018.

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  1. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    The Piccolina is the roofrack, and have not gotten it to happen to the moonhawk, what is doing it there, you know?
  2. 3DTunes

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    Feb 23, 2017
    Have you ripped the front fenders off each of the vehicles at 100% on the node grabber and rapidly move it around on the screen?
  3. Tsutarja495

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    Mar 16, 2014
    Are there supposed to be two bindings for "Reload vehicle"?
  4. The Stigs german cousin

    The Stigs german cousin
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    Nov 17, 2015
    My 7 cents about the newest update. Well, more about the Italy map...

    I know that the map is not 100% finished, I still think that some of these things might be relevant...

    First of all: Great work, I really love the map, I can drive around for hours without it getting boring. Last time I had 130km on the trip....
    Things that I have noticed that might be interesting:

    • The cities do look very authentic italian. However, they do lack any industrial or trading facilities. Supermarkets, Petrol stations, workshops, maybe hardware stores, garages, such things...The most obvious is petrol stations. I think there isnĀ“t a single one on the island. there should be at least 3, maybe in the larger towns. And for it to be more realistic there should be some industrial and trading buildings, like I named above, somewhere on the outskirts of the towns. Atleast a supermarket with its own parking space.

    • The garden walls are too high. These grey concrete bricked garden walls are just too high. Driving through some villages feels like driving through the storage of a construction company, not like driving through a rural italian village.

    • Some roads do not seem to have any purpose... I know that the map is designed for the best driving experience, thus some of the roads are only there for the corners and the views. However it would be just enough to place a single house here and there to give these roads some kind of justification. I find it always a bit odd to follow a road that does not go anywhere. I am probably going to add a few houses in the editor myself to adress this issue... All previous maps had this issue, but since Italy is the first really realistic map, I think this should be dealt with..
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. YellowRusty

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    Nov 9, 2016
    IIRC, industrial areas are planned and currently WIP. Apparently there's also going to be a mine slotted in somewhere, but I'm not exactly certain where it's going to be placed.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. skyrover

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    May 26, 2015
    Why are the skinny little tyres on the Autobella so grippy?

    Just try pushing it with any other car
  7. gameboy3800

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    Apr 27, 2014
    cant play in windowed borderless mode. selecting borderless checkmark puts the game to full screen resolution. while at 1080p (i have a 1440p monitor) at full screen, i try to hit 'borderless' so it can play in a window in the middle of my screen so i can record easier. but even with 'borderless' checked, in fact there still is a border, and the resolution is 1904 x 1041.

    my video card is on the latest drivers.

    Attached Files:

    • notborderless.jpg
  8. Diamondback

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    Vehicle Systems Lead
    BeamNG Team

    Apr 8, 2014
    Probably just the much lower weight of the car ;)
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. LentrioxV2

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    Apr 26, 2018
    Here are some bugs that I found:

    Bug #1: Brake lights stay on when not being pressed.
    > Whenever I press the brakes and let go, the brake light stays on and doesn't go away until I spawn a different car. I used to pedals to see what is occurring. I let go of the brakes, yet the brakes are still showing 10% and show a brake light. This has been happening for since 0.12.

    Bug #2: Throttle stays on when not being pressed.
    > Pretty much identical to the first bug, but with the throttle. The throttle always stays on, even when it isn't being pressed. This has been happening for since 0.12.

    Bug #3: Car doesn't move properly when two are spawned up.
    > Whenever two cars are spawned up, they don't move properly. Once in a while, something occurs causing the cars to move extremely slowly. It seems like the tires are getting stuck in the ground. This has been happening for since 0.12.

    Bug #4: Steering wheel locks anytime I tab out.
    > Whenever I go to Google or tab out from BeamNG, my steering wheel in the game locks and doesn't steer. This is fixed by unplugging and re-plugging my wheel. This has been happening since 0.14.

    I hope these can be fixed! If you need videos or something like that, tell me.
    #309 LentrioxV2, Dec 28, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    I ripped the body of its frame on the moonhawk and it did not crash, but the Barstow did.
  11. 3DTunes

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    Feb 23, 2017
    So the fenders on the Moonhawk didn't crash the car when you ripped it off.
  12. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    No It did not at all.
  13. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I have not experienced any of these, video might be useful to figure out how to replicate the issues you are experiencing.
  14. 3DTunes

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    Feb 23, 2017
    What about the Piccolina.
  15. LentrioxV2

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    Apr 26, 2018
    I use an older Logitech wheel which might be the problem. Still, hope they can be fixed!
  16. MrAngry

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    Sep 5, 2013
    On the Baja Autobello, the frame that protects the engine flexes under engine load. The license plate also flexes in a similar fashion.

  17. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Only if I used the roofrack.
  18. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    This is on purpose, since 0.14.
    Borderless and small windows does not make much sense.
    Most games nowadays entirely disable the resolution selector if you choose borderless.
    It helps having a bit less complexity there, as well helping in rare cases where proper fullscreen is not working.
    If you need a small window, use windowed mode. The odd resolution it display is due Windows taking in account the window frame.
  19. The Gas Station

    The Gas Station
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    Jul 14, 2016
    First and foremost- Amazing work on the update. And I really have to tip my hat off for @LJFHutch for his absolutely amazing work on Italy. Pretty much everything about it is just great. Aside from the sheer hugeness of the map, it features such a great atmosphere, great props and models, fantastic roads.
    I wanted to report a few issues with Italy, some of which are probably already known, hoping that these would help the next update on Italy.

    Most signs seem to have no collision model.
    20181229114628_1.jpg 20181229115423_1.jpg

    Same for a few buildings
    20181229114837_1.jpg 1.jpg

    Some trees are also wierd with collision. Here I'm inside a shrub, but it has a trunk I can drive right through.
    20181229115225_1.jpg 20181229115228_1.jpg

    Also, vines are much less drivable IRL...

    I believe all these can be solved with minimal preformance sacrifices, since all CM's would be very simple (basicly a simple block).

    These walls are all across the map, using the same model over and over. Which is ok, until something like this happens, and this just looks bad. I know you didn't have a lot of time to work on this, but still... It looks really bad.

    All across the map are a huge number of signs. Most of which are very correct, but I've come across a few that make no sense- specifically this one. It's meant to indicate a speedbump. But there is none around it.
    20181229115851_1.jpg 2.jpg

    Next is this construction zone building, which I really like. I'm very happy it's accessible. And then I came across a small error in the model- the stairs are blocked by this horizonal concrete beam.
    20181229120441_1.jpg 3.jpg

    Some more CM issues
    20181229120614_1.jpg 20181229120611_1.jpg

    Another speedbump sign with no speedbump
    20181229120940_1.jpg 20181229120943_1.jpg

    I also really like the cobblestone noise when driving on a cobblestone groundmodel in the towns. I guess this bridge should get that sound too?

    A small glitch with the ground height
    Located on this dry ravine bed
    And in the same ravine, a bit higher up, I've located another tree model with missing CM.
    20181229121826_1.jpg 20181229121823_1.jpg

    And here's another dry ravine. Now, I know it is dry, but come on. This is the single dumbest location to build a shack/house, other than inside the ocean. This is just calling for a flood during winter.
    And totally unrelated to Italy- the Off-road config menu image of the Roamer is outdated.

    Attached Files:

    • 20181229115201_1.jpg
    • 20181229120434_1.jpg
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  20. 0atsmea1

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    Jan 2, 2016
    Hey, I recently bought a g27 on Gumtree and most of the time in beamng it calibrates differently each spawn.
    My steering wheel is centered irl but in beam:
    Also sometimes the it in game it doesn't use the full 900 degrees, I only turn 90 degrees to the right and I have more to go but in game it's done the full rotation.
    Any idea? I have the newest drivers
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