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PC noise while running BNG

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by SHOme1289, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    While running BNG last night for the first time on all the new hardware (GPU, CPU, MoBo, PSU) I noticed there was a slight "screaming" sound coming from the computer physically...and when I would pause physics, or close the game, it goes away. not sure what would be causing that, but has anyone else ever noticed something like that? It happened on GridMap with just 1 car, a LeGran...For comparison, Oblivion and GTA dont do this, I tried...I didnt go down and put my ear up to it so im not sure where exactly its coming from...???
  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Either PSU or MB, coil whine.

    BeamNG stresses CPU quite a lot which can cause MB coil whine, also GPU, so PSU can start making noises as total power usage increases.

    Usually higher tier MB don't do that so much, lower tier tend to do it.

    It's not dangerous, just annoying.

    Also overclocking or putting beefier CPU in can cause more noise to happen.
    --- Post updated ---
    Oh yes, some PSU MB combos trigger coil whine easier than others, it is bit weird how that works, imo.
  3. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    GOCHYA...thx for the feedback. so im not to worried...i (at least for now) decided to stick with stock clock even though I have a Z170, so ill keep my third eye on it to monitor if it gets worse...but I shouldnt be to worried about it in other words. thanks
  4. KeyRaider

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    Nov 18, 2018
    My Game had the same problem well thank god I fixed it
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