Outdated Traffic Tool 1.2.1

It's here! Create dynamic traffic on almost any map!

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  1. hector_yo

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    Nov 5, 2017
    yep, you did't wait for the mod to be updated
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Both a 'push of war' (as opposed to tug-of-war) and a lesson in bad map AI design in-front of the local Sprawl-Mart. To be fixed...

    Though I am not sure if this is just how realistic this is, or if I indeed messed up on AI routing, as it IS a Sprawl-Mart. This scene should come to no surprise to anyone who's been to one lately.

    Thanks again (for the 65535th time) for the traffic tool, so I can now find bugs like this one (and get quite a laugh sometimes in the process).
    • Like Like x 4
  3. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    Oh. Ok.
  4. Gamergull

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    BeamNG Team

    Jun 3, 2018
    Thanks! I hate to disappoint you, but the overtake was luck, as the AI was in any lane Flee mode. Actual overtaking will be a future feature, and with that, street racing AI. Also, I'm conflicted with releasing the highway lanes feature with the mod as it modifies a core game file (kinda not cool). I might need some advice on this. I could split the release into an official and forums version. I'm not going ahead with anything until I get a decent solution.

    Heh, dang! Actually, I wanna polish the AI awareness feature before the next version. It still uses the old "3 points" method (and I wanna get rid of that), but I think I can tweak it for better results.

    Trying hard for a Friday release, but I have more work to do than I thought. I can tell you this, you'll probably see a V1.1.1 and V1.1.2 coming out as I tweak things further.
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  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay well that crash was more caused by AI lanes too close in the map or not correctly made, but a little more AI awareness would go a long way, provided it doesn't eat CPU's for breakfast. It should be able to 'see' if there's a car on a nearby node or not, though, but that could mess up multi-lane stuff in the process preventing passing or driving nearby (like in blind-spots).
    Also, if you modify a core game file but it's in your mod, you will just have to update it when the game version updates if it changes. Otherwise you could have an issue with the AI. If you modify files in the game directory (steam/steamapps/common/beamng.drive/ folder) that's when it's a no-no.
    No one's going to stop progress, unless you have to modify files in the base-game itself. If it runs from the mods folder fine, you shouldn't have an issue unless another mod is used that provides that file also (if it does not look in it's own directory first, or if yours would get overridden by the other like-named-file).
    Oh, and I just wanted to add, that where I did re-do the AI lanes now, and used a lot of nodes, I'm NOT seeing wrong-way drivers except if they spawn on the last node of an intersection piece that crosses a multi-lane median-separated roadway (where it crosses from side A to side B, the old-style ones do this). They only seem to do it on bridges now, as those are the only long-distances without nodes nearby.

    For what it's worth, the developers are looking to implement overtaking, in the AI, they said so last fall.
    --Cheers and keep up the good work.

    P.S. Set dates as goals, but if you can't make it, with a solid mod by that date, give it a day or two until you can. No one can complain about a freebie like this (well they can but they'd look silly).
  6. Gamergull

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    BeamNG Team

    Jun 3, 2018
    Aha! I think I found a loophole! I created a proxy ai.lua file, called ai_.lua, so I don't have to worry about any conflicts there. Now I just need a good way to append it to main.lua, hopefully without modifying that file. We need to go deeper... *Inception sound*

    Edit: Doing some reading... trying to avoid doing wrong things here. Might have to rethink this.

    Edit 2: Haha, yes! I made the AI file a vehicle lua extension. Time to test it to see if it breaks the game.
    #226 Gamergull, Mar 6, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
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  7. emmabean84

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    Jul 15, 2018
    I have it too, im sure its normal.
  8. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    "We have the technology..."
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The clicking is the brake applied sound for the parking brake, it going on and off. You hear this in your own vehicle even though it comes from other vehicles making the sound because they are spawning in at different locations. It is a bug with the game engine and not with this mod, this mod just demonstrates it some. You're not going bonkers.
  10. Kitaaaa

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    Aug 4, 2013
    This, I loaded up Pikes Peak hoping to get an infinite stream of slower opponent cars a la Sega Rally, but unfortunately most of them were coming the other way. Real good on The Dragon, though. Also, I think a function would be appropriate where, if you contact any AI car, instead of slowing down, it switches to chase mode, like the cops but for a set percentage of the spawned AI.
    #230 Kitaaaa, Mar 7, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  11. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Thanks for noticing all the work I put into The Dragon. That was tested very heavily with AI.
    That problem with Pike's Peak isn't this tool's fault, it's because it wasn't made right. The decal road nodes are spread TOO FAR APART on Pike's Peak. Conversely, on Tail of The Dragon, they're spaced VERY close together, especially on turns and when the road grade changes (going over hills or dips in the road etc). When decal road nodes are made too far apart, the AI drives from node to node with little deviation from the direct node-to-node path. This can make them run into trees, obstacles near the road, and deviate from lane. They can also brake oddly where the road's incline changes abruptly and there aren't enough nodes to clue it in on where the AI should expect to be vertically. If it deviates too far from where it thinks it should be vertically, it will brake hard. There's a few places in Roane County where it deviates somewhat and I am currently fixing that now.

    Maybe someone can ask the author of Pikes Peak (the redone one) to lay an invisible AI route down over-top of the existing roadway, after disabling the existing road's AI ability, using more nodes this time, then it doesn't mess up the road any.
  12. [HHA] Midnightrider

    [HHA] Midnightrider
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    Mar 26, 2017
    seen afew videos on youtube about this looks really good i just have one question im only running a mid spec pc 3.10 amd 9600 with 8 gb ram and a geforce gt 730 (msi) how many cars do you think i could have spawned?
  13. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    It depends on how many CPU cores you have... If you have 4, then try spawning 3-4 AI cars, if you have 4 cores but 8 threads, you can spawn 6-8 of them, depending on how powerful the CPU is. It's just a matter of finding that sweet spot
  14. Gamergull

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    BeamNG Team

    Jun 3, 2018
    Working out the last of the bugs today. The new version is so close! :)

    There's one thing that's still unfinished, though, and it's these traffic groups:

    tGroup.light = {"autobello", "coupe", "etki", "hatch", "midsize", "miramar", "pigeon"}
    tGroup.heavy = {"citybus", "pickup", "roamer", "semi", "van", "van/deliverytruck.pc"}
    tGroup.america = {"barstow", "burnside", "coupe", "fullsize", "hatch", "legran", "midsize", "moonhawk", "pickup", "roamer", "sunburst", "van"}
    tGroup.europe = {"autobello", "coupe", "etk800", "etkc", "etki", "hatch", "midsize", "pigeon", "super", "van"}
    tGroup.asia = {"coupe", "hatch", "hopper", "midsize", "miramar", "pessima", "pigeon", "sbr", "sunburst"}
    Anyone have good ideas for additions? Both JBeam and config names work. And, as I said before, the area groups are for vehicles that you might realistically see driving in those areas, not just domestic makes.
    #234 Gamergull, Mar 7, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
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  15. Blijo

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    Apr 27, 2016
    Cool :)
    Maybe add a timeframe thing as well so you can select the timeframe(s) :)
  16. Jochem Mulder

    Jochem Mulder
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    Mar 7, 2019
    Nice mod bro! I hope to see the new version rolling out tomorrow, so I can check it out, keep up the good work!
  17. Davetor

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    May 1, 2017
    How is the van is in Europe ? It look more america them Europe.
  18. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    One word: Imports.

    The Dutch used American-made Chevrolet ambulances at some point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Danny Werewolf

    Danny Werewolf
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    Mar 31, 2017
    Hey, HighDef noted an interesting issue in the mod with the chase mode and police. Believe it's at the 1 hour mark of his video.
  20. Davetor

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    May 1, 2017
    I get your point but still, it would be odd seeming those in traffic.
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