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Hi, New User, Question about Docs Folder

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by B3_Burner, Mar 14, 2019.

  1. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    Greetings, I'm new here so be patient with me if I'm rehashing the old stuff:
    I just downloaded the game (Alpha v0. - RELEASE - x64) (as a birthday gift) via a Humble-Bumble gift certificate, but redeemed it through my Steam account.
    When it created the game it file pathed in two different directions:

    1. Main Folder: 'Computer/C:/Steam/steamapps/common/BeamNG.drive' (BeamNG.drive.exe)
    2. User Path: 'Computer/C:/BeamNG.drive_userpath' (10 folders, 7 files)

    However, nothing was automatically created in my 'Computer/C:/Users/(My Name)/Documents' folder.
    So three questions:
    1. Did something go wrong, and Steam was supposed to create BeamNG Drive folders & files in my Documents folder and didn't?

    2. No that's perfectly normal, just go put my new mods in either my C:/Steam/steamapps/common/BeamNG/content/vehicles (or if it's a map), .../levels
    C:/Beam_userpath/mods (or if map), .../levels

    3. Or just let the automatic installing repository do the job-- that's what it's there for?

    Oh... one more thing: I changed the name of my main C-drive Documents folder from "My Documents" to just plain "Documents". Might that have messed something up?

    I've seen a few instructions here that if a mod (be it a map, vehicle, or otherwise), doesn't appear; to be sure to put it in the mods folder in the Documents folder... and if there isn't one there, create a new folder and name it "mods".

    My question though is if there's absolutely nothing in my Documents folder to begin with, then what? It doesn't seem to me that it would do any good to just create a folder that says "mods" and place it in the Documents folder by itself.

    Thank you in advance.

    -- B3 Burner
  2. HighDef

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    Game Design, QA and burnouts.
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 4, 2013
    The docs folder is where anything saved in engine will be kept. Make a folder in the mydocs/beamng.drive folder called 'mods' and place all the .zip files there (the repo will do this automatically). If you make a car config, save a level in the editor or take a screenshot for example, you will find them all in your docs folder.
  3. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    The game is using the first one, and not the Documents folder, for you.
    That usually happens if the game is not able to write in Documents folder (some program may be blocking it, so it's using C:/BeamNG.drive_userpath as fallback.
  4. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    Thank you for the quick reply. So if I understand you correctly, there's not supposed to have already been something in my 'My Documents" folder if the game is fresh default w/ nothing added. But as soon as I download my first mod, or do something to change it, then content will automatically be created in the My Documents folder?
    You see, my concern is there is absolutely nothing related to the game whatsoever sitting in there at the present time.
  5. HighDef

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    Game Design, QA and burnouts.
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 4, 2013
    No problem and that's correct. As the game is new you won't have saved any temporary files so that is completely normal.
  6. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    Oh okay! That's what I wanted to clear up! Thanks. So if the 'Computer/C:/BeamNG.drive_userpath' route is my alternative route to everybody else's 'My Documents' route, then just put my 3rd Party Add-On maps & vehicles in ' .../BeamNG.drive_userpath/mods' , and any changes I might later make in World Editor (should I ever get that advanced at this) in ' .../BeamNG.drive_userpath/levels' ?
    Okay cool... sounds good.
  7. HighDef

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    Game Design, QA and burnouts.
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 4, 2013
    Save mods that are in .zip files to 'mods' folder
    Unpacking the mod in the game's main menu will take the files out of the zip and put them in 'mods/unpacked' folder
    Subscribing to mods on the repo will automatically put the zips into 'mods/repo' folder
    Anything you save in game will save to mydocs/beamng/levels or mydocs/beamng/vehicles

    To make the adjustments permanent, move the adjusted files to the unpacked mod and then repack the mod in the main menu mods page.
    #7 HighDef, Mar 14, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
  8. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    Thank you for the description. It's a bit daunting at first, but if I re-read what you said several times, and see it in practice, I'm sure I'll eventually catch on. Right now, I'm having a lot of fun just playing with the stock stuff... though I must say, that Gavril Gladiator is looking pretty nice round about now!
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