Unpopular opinions

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by nosraenyr kcirtap kcin, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. Jetpackturtle

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    Sep 21, 2018
    My unpopular opinion is that Xboxes are rapidly overtaking PCs in terms of gaming performance for money. That said, PCs still win the overall best because of their versatility and upgradeability.
  2. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    That's not an unpopular opinion at all as far as I can tell. It just makes sense.

    I had Vista SP1 on my first gaming PC build and it was great. I did have 12 GB of RAM and a Core i7 920 though.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    Accidentally finding a coping mechanism for depression is much more useful than being pushed to one via a "professional."

    Allow me to explain:

    For the last 7 years I've battled mild depression and severe anxiety, as well as some indications of OCD. I've tried meditation (which works very well), medications (that I'm currently still on), talk therapy, exercising, a sort of screaming therapy kind of thing... the list goes on and on. Things that I've found that keep me here and awake are never things I'd have considered had I not accidentally stumbled across them.

    I've taken up several new hobbies in that time. I enjoy RC planes, playing with computer hardware (NOT gaming), keeping tropical aquariums, and most recently, lock sport (competitive lock picking). I listen to and play music, build things with my hands, play D&D...

    "Normal" people look at these things as just that: Normal. However, when you wake up every day wishing you hadn't for 7 years and counting, even the smallest hurtle of starting a new hobby can give you a new lease.
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
    Unpopular opinion
    Caravans aren't that bad
    (not the car)
    #284 Alex_Farmer557, Mar 26, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. SuperDuperViralThing

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    Nov 10, 2017
    Russian hardbass is good
    Ali a is good
    His intro is good
    Hotel means trivago
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. SlickNick924

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    Aug 19, 2018
    The 2nd gen subaru legacy wagon is a cool car

    Intel/Nvidia/Corsair/Asus ROG all the way
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. BannedByAndroid

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    Jan 29, 2017
    Contrary to the recent Epic Games Store controversy, I have a very unpopular opinion about it.

    EGS is not a bad store. At all.

    Their interface is more modern, downloads are much stable than Steam, it has better customer support than Steam, and of course, unlike Steam's library which is filled with crapware, shovelware and bad games Epic's catalog is much better, and at least has decent quality and curated.

    People say Epic paid the publishers to make them on the store. Honestly there's no point of doing that if Epic gave much better offers and profit cuts to the developers themselves. And there's no actual evidence of Epic doing so. (They did, sorry for misinformation, but most of my points still stand true, and I can surely bet others did that anyway.) Most of them is either the publisher changed minds in the last hour (Metro Exodus, The Outer Worlds), the publisher has planned from the beginning (Borderlands 2, any Quantic Dream games that come to PC soon), or maybe they are using Unreal Engine for their games and they don't want to pay another 5% revenue-based fee, or in Ubisoft's case, due to both Epic and Steam has ties with Tencent.

    And speaking for those exclusives, most of these games I listed are just timed exclusives, or in The Outer Worlds and Ubisoft's case, are also available in other stores at the same time too. Also we all know that Steam and anyone else also have their own exclusives too. And don't forget that consoles exist, and most of these games can be found on any popular consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One too.

    And they also say that EGS is "spyware". But I really can't find any evidence about that either. Even it is, I'm sure Google, Microsoft, Apple or anybody else is doing that as well, alongside your ISP/carrier and the government. But then, do many people even care about it anyway?

    The only actual criticism of EGS is a lack of features, but even that can be complemented with other software like forums, Discord and Reddit, and not everyone is using all of those Steam features too. Also many launchers like Origin and GOG isn't really that much better or worse in features too than EGS. (And yes, unlike Steam, Epic has a good roadmap for implementation of features for future releases here.)

    What's more is that, Epic has given us free games each 2 weeks or so, and all of these games aren't bad, especially Transistor (just played that game, I loved it), Subnautica and Oxenfree. And guess what, EA's Origin is literally the only store in PC has a similar feature (Origin on the House, I got NFS Most Wanted 2012 there, but sadly it had ended), and I never heard anyone else is doing it.

    I think Valve needs to actually wake up from the Steam dream. Epic does make a good wakeup call for that.

    And the worst problem? The whole situation is just some random Valve fanboys whining about it anyway.
    #287 BannedByAndroid, Apr 25, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  8. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    eurobeat un-ironically is actually rocking hardcore
    see- see what i did there??!
  9. veyasan.ragulan

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    Mar 1, 2018
    Unpopular opinion, I'm not a huge fan of old 70s American boats. I just don't like the styling or that boaty ride. Also in NA they are still commonplace in more rural communities and even some towns, so they've become as interesting to me as CR-Vs and RAV -4s.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    Unpopular opinion: GTR is hideous, overrated and generally not a great car.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. veyasan.ragulan

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    Mar 1, 2018
    I'm assuming you're talking the fugly R35 right? Or just in general (R33, R32, C10, etc.)?
  12. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    All of them. First one had no torque and looked like ass, and every single one since then has been overhyped, kinda fast, overpriced weeb shit.
  13. veyasan.ragulan

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    Mar 1, 2018
    I'm inclined to believe that for the more modern ones, I like the older 60s stuff more though. But I can understand your opinion.
  14. GotNoSable!

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    Jan 10, 2019
    Sorry to bust your ForkNife bubble here buddy-old-pal, but Steam's too big of a thing to be kicked to the curb by EGS, especially because of the aforementioned controversy.
    Also, regarding the downloads, Steam's downloads are incredibly stable (At least over here in NC), so I'm not quite sure what you mean.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    looks are subjective, but the actual car was leaps and bounds ahead in tech
    firstly, very hard to find early 90's/ late 80's cars w/ twin turbos
    Car had hydraulic and ECU monitored AWS+ AWD with power being sent to different wheels at different times depending on conditions
    was engineered to have absolutely no front end plow
    and lots of other bits and bobs

    they are 101% overhyped, but if you look into it, these cars were the bomb when they were released.
    and quite frankly they still kinda are.

    new GTR's have no soul to them

    older GTR's (or skyline's) are very boxy yet charming, with lots of things to hate and love about them
    #295 Kueso, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    Final Destination 2's premonition scene is the 2nd illogical of all the premonition scenes, the most illogical being the infamous "The Final Destination" presentation scene.
  17. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    How exactly?

    Then again, aren't all the Final Destination films a little illogical? Since the films portray death as a omnipresent being with the ability to bend reality? And there's always somebody who sees a disaster that death creates before it even happens?
  18. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    The 2nd one literally has logs bouncing, which can't actually happen to logs. Plus, there's situations where it should be impossible for such results to happen, like the Expedition that Kat drives being able to resist severe engine damage and somehow being able to lift off the ground like a spring on a stairway. The only reason the 4th one is even worse is because just about the whole premonition is a bunch of illogical events after another.

    Yes, I do acknowledge the Final Destination films aren't exactly built on being as logical as possible, as seen right in the first movie. There was no way the pipe would automatically begin to leak toilet water on it's own, nor would most of the other events in any of the films (with the few exceptions, of course). But that doesn't mean that it can become absurdly illogical as well to the point where it becomes impossible to believe would happen.
  19. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Fair points.
  20. MotherTrucker02

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    Jun 29, 2016
    I'm pretty sure I've seen a log bounce. Obviously they aren't bouncy balls, but wood can be pretty springy and bounce back if it hits the ground right.
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