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Why BeamNG is dying?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by misha_shustov, Apr 9, 2019.


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  1. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    I'm honestly amazed that a team the size of BeamNG's has done what they've already done. Anything extra I consider a nice bonus. IMO, they've already gone well above and beyond what most teams of the size accomplish.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  2. Raceboy77

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    Aug 12, 2018
    Thank you
  3. Dogsbody11

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    May 22, 2016
    Yes, it is amazing at what they have done. They've been going for 7 years i think it is now, and most mod creators give up in 6 months XD
    They need a damn trophey
  4. Raceboy77

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    Aug 12, 2018
    You see that's where your wrong. Turn 10 studious can push out updates every month for their Forza games on the XBOX, and those games have way more people playing every day then this game does in a week (not bashing this game or anything), so if turn 10 can do it with like 200 people them i'm sure BeamNG could do it with the same amount of people as well.
  5. Dogsbody11

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    May 22, 2016
    Did you read mine?
    And how tf do you expect beamng's low budget to suddenly be able to accommodate 150 thousand dollars worth of people?
    --- Post updated ---
    Raceboy77, lets put you into the dev team, make you a Jbeamer and see how your first week fairs.
    Gabestar is injured and they have only recently been able to find someone that can replace him. Go make a car in blender, Jbeam it yourself, mesh it yourself, make sounds for it by yourself and test it yourself. Then come back with the "1 month reasonable time span for updates!" crud. Because i bet you wouldn't be able to do all that in three months or even 1.
    And the reason Turn 10 get those updates out is because when you crash your 720s mclaren into a wall, it doesn't break, it gets scratches. Crash a 720s in beamng and that bish will break apart like lego.

    The size of the team doesn't matter when you're building a game like this. It's the simplicity and speed that four people can do to 2 cars. One jbeaming one half of the car and the other Jbeaming the other part of the car. Not to mention the wing mirrors that can fall off, the bumpers, the PHYSICS. If you asked Nadoex 1 how many hours he had on beamng or any of the dev team how many hours they spend on making a car, they wouldn't be able to tell you. Not because they are lazy, but because they spend so much time making these cars potato-computer friendly.
    Get facts before you comment dribble like "Turn 10 can get 1 month updates and two cars! why can't beam?"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Capkirk

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    Nov 19, 2017
    Yeah, and read those update notes. It's almost entirely bugfixes and minor patches, the same as BeamNGs patches after a major update. Turn 10 just has a game with more content and more players, so bugs can take longer to fix for them. They do release car packs monthly, but most of the cars in them are variations of existing cars, and the ones that aren't have been in development for quite some time, and were meant to be DLC from the start. And anyway, cars in Forza are much more simplistic than BeamNG, I would say 2-3 completely unique cars in Forza is equivalent to 1 new car in BeamNG, especially considering that Forza has licensing and can probably get data directly from the manufacturer, while the BeamNG team has to make vehicles from scratch. Forza does push content out slightly faster than BeamNG, but not significantly so.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    Tbh, the game is underrated and deserves more players. Is it dying? Not exactly. Something that is kinda ruining the game though imo are the shitty crash comps. Like those weird "Pro vs. Noob vs. God/Hacker" videos...those are just all around crappy.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  8. Dogsbody11

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    May 22, 2016
    And to add onto my point, Forza has been in the game market since the early 2000's. So i wonder why they have more players?
    --- Post updated ---

    It's almost as if they... hmm. idk. Have a GAME FOLLOWING
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Alex Wang

    Alex Wang
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    Jul 12, 2018
  10. Raceboy77

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    Aug 12, 2018
    I'm not bashing beamng in any way, y'all just don't understand what I'm trying to say
  11. Dogsbody11

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    May 22, 2016
    We do. And you're wrong. 1, beam is not dead. 2, this game requires a lot of time to make vehicles and therefor monthly updates are unreasonable. 3, a bigger team is also unreasonable as Beamng has a small budget and can't hold 200 people without having a massive spike in costs. 4, 40 something people can't make monthly updates. 5, Turn 10 don't have a proper damage model, therefor being able to produce cars faster. 6, Turn 10 can ask the manufacturer how the car will handle.

    Get real dude. Think, Jbeam takes a month if done correctly with some minor spikes in major collisions. So don't be unrealistic in your expectations. AND any money they can spare goes towards the game and making it better. They need to keep themselves in the green while also keeping the game alive. So shush
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    beep boop compact sedan is popular
    • Informative Informative x 2
  13. YellowRusty

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    Nov 9, 2016
    Well, here we go again... it looks like the thread is falling apart and discussion is deteriorating into emotional arguments with very little to back them up. I am pleasantly surprised that the first 1-1/2 pages were very civil and informative, and that profanity & outright fighting seems to be confined to those users who've already established themselves as bad apples. We're improving as a community!

    On the subject, I'd like to point out that while the community is still very active (270,000 members and posts either today or yesterday in almost every forum section is nothing to sneeze at), there does appear to have been something of a slowdown in forum posting since January, at least during the times when I'm active on the forums. I suspect that the end of most major holiday seasons has something to do with that.

    I like the idea of Beamng hiring at least one dedicated professional to handle PR within and outside the forum community. Tellingly, while the Team List has three people dedicated to customer support (including @Nadeox1 , who quickly jumped into this thread with a very useful and informative reply), they are responsible for technical support, bug reports, and a wide variety of other things on top of handling the forums and performing occasional game development. It might be worthwhile for management to consider hiring someone dedicated to marketing/public relations.

    In any case, the game itself is very much alive. Development continues, even if we're not hearing as much about it as we'd like to. At least we're getting more info than Wreckfest players are.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  14. Dogsbody11

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    May 22, 2016
    Very true. I didn't touch on the PR thing as i see it a bit pointless. Marketing however, i think would be a good idea. Nadeox seems to be on his game when it comes to the forums.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    That wiki page is outdated. The in-game one should be more complete.
    Credits include people that are currently working, and that have previously worked on the game.

    Also don't worry about marketing :)
    • Informative Informative x 3
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  16. SuperType3

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    Jan 13, 2019
    Many staff members worked on a game called Rigs of Rods, which was also from that timeframe. Beam has a bit of a cult following too, but obviously not on the level of Turn Bloody 10.
  17. korbitr

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    Aug 6, 2013
    On the subject of paid DLC to generate revenue, I think it could work if the content in question doesn't add anything to the game. Something along the lines of making soundtracks and development art purchasable.

    (I just really want those sweet retrowave Light Runner tracks...)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. RobertGracie

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I feel for Paid DLC its a joke, its something not to be encouraged, if its art work and stuff of that sort, then yes that can be paid for but there should be like "Pay €10 for a car" sorta thing, this isnt EA we are talking about its a small dev team who are building this game piece by piece slowly taking their time over it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. CN877

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    Jun 27, 2017
    I also feel paid DLC will give BeamNG.drive a bad public image, similar to how EA is currently seen.

    Obviously it wont happen whilst the game is still in early access so I should probably stop talking about it so much :rolleyes:
  20. korbitr

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    Aug 6, 2013
    I feel like paid DLC has really been sullied by the likes of EA and Ubisoft, who milk their playerbase with endless minor game content DLC. However, I'm fine with DLC in the form of an expansion pack, like with the major DLCs for Cities: Skylines or the story DLC for Just Cause 3.

    That being said there should absolutely not be paid DLC for additional ingame content for this game, at least not until the final release, given the circumstances of a game that's still in development and the precedent that has already been set. Certainly not like Automation and locking V16 engines away as DLC...
    • Agree Agree x 3
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