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Another update, another screw-up ...

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Sethioz, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Sethioz

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    Mar 10, 2014
    With every beamng update, something always breaks, this one was no different. So I launch the game and i get this:

    Why was this changed? I have been using custom user path all the time (for at least 3-4 years), now all the sudden someone just had to mess it up for no reason whatsoever.

    why is beamng so determined to kill the SSD? why can't it just run off the HDD that I select? I have 4tb of space just for games, yet beamng tries to push itself onto my SSD that only has 140gb and only like 15gb free space, i have no room on my SSD to store all that 15-20gb of beamng data that it tries to put there! it literally copies all my mods from my 4tb drive onto SSD

    why is it so important to have 2 copies of each file when playing beamng? it takes my mods from beamng folder and puts them on my ssd .. WHY? i have lot of mods (about 10-15gb) and it puts them all on my ssd ... nope.. I have NO ROOM, therefore i have blocked beamng from installing them on my ssd. it worked fine with custom user path, but it seems like now it's been FORCED onto SSD and beamng ignores my custom path.

    I'm sorry but it's very irritating and I feel like beamng is violating my privacy by shoving files on my SSD, after every update paths are always changed.... my primary drive is only for operating system and few programs, such as video and photo editing software, everything else goes on different drives! i don't mix things, i know every file in my PC and i want to keep it that way. I still have my 15 year old laptop with win xp on it and it still runs like new, this is how well I manage my systems and that's the reason why i get so mad when games or other programs try to violate my rules and shove their files and data where it doesn't belong.

    Beamng already has a folder for mods and vehicles, why is it necessary to copy those files from that folder onto another drive (/cache/ folder) and read them from there? why can't it just READ THE DATA FROM ITS ORIGINAL LOCATION?? making a /cache/ folder does not make it faster LOL, it's not like it puts them in ram ... HDD is HDD, putting a /cache/ folder on another drive is still same performance as reading them from original location in beamng folder.
    it's just mind boggling as this is ONLY game out of like 500+ games i've played that does this, ALL other games read the files from "game folder", they don't copy half the game folder onto another drive. Most games only stored save games in documents and settings, which is no more than like 1-5mb for each game, but beamng copies everything, just like it's incapable of reading files from original location.

    oh yeah and even tho it says "exiting" game starts just fine after that ... I'm sorry if this is too complex for most of simple people's mind, but as i said, I keep my PC clean and i'm not like one of you players who formats PC every year. My win 10 has been going strong for about 4 years and it runs just like fresh installation and part of keeping it nice and smooth, is NOT allowing programs like beamng do whatever they want.

    sorry again if this seems bit harsh, I do like beamng a lot, but I get very annoyed with this super bad coding and constant game breaking bugs. beamng has been out since like 2013, yet i see no real improvements. It took you guys only about 4 years to add engine sounds ... something that i can do in 30 minutes (literally 30 mins for 1 car). Now this "change", what exactly did it fix?? I see NO improvements, nothing changed ...

    why can't you guys do something that would actually make game better? such as dirt effect on cars? rain / snow effects on car, dynamic weather conditions? fix the cars sticking ... it's so horrible how cars stick, a single PLASTIC bumper can get stuck in your wheel and rip the wheel straight off, why not fix things that need fixing?
    or how about the dual monitor bug i been reporting for YEARS, beamng RANDOMLY keeps starting on wrong monitor, it's literally ONLY GAME in my entire 5000+ eur library that does it. i have never seen any other game that starts on wrong monitor, support told me they are unable to fix it ... perhaps you should then hire a proper programmer if you don't know programming well enough? How is it possible that you don't know how to fix a bug that game starts on wrong monitor?

    on top of that, i been reporting other bug with resolution, that beamng always full screens in 2160p, i select 1440p (cuz it doesn't run smooth with multiple cars in 2160p) and when i minimize the game or alt+enter and then go back in full screen, it's back in 2160p AGAIN. also lot of times when i start the game, it starts in some random resoultion, like 1284x1831 ... like what? how can you guys not fix serious bug like that?

    All i wanted to do .. is make couple videos, but instead my entire day is ruined, now i'm in bad mood cuz i wasted hours on trying to fix that lame bug and now also wasting time on writing this post. That's what really annoys me about beamng ... every update messes something up.

    ..but by all means, just call me a crybaby and go format your PC every year because you let programs do whatever they want and then you cry yourself that your PC is slow and you must format.
  2. Zero

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    Sep 2, 2012
    Take 10 minutes to cool off, and rewrite the issue without all the rage.
    It just makes it harder to understand.
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  3. thomatoes50

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    BeamNG Team

    Jan 31, 2013
    Cache is there because it's actually needed, parsing Collada (XML) file take a long time with the library we use. So we do that once and store a binary format that is close to what is in memory. This way next loading will be faster.
    Same with Shaders.

    For the filesystem issue, I guess you use the startup.ini method, can you write what custom path you wrote there?
    Can you double check the file encoding is set to UTF8 no BOM (use notepad++)

    Did you try to start the launcher?
    Can you provide a screenshoot of the launcher once you clicked on "Manage User Folder"
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Sethioz

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    Mar 10, 2014
    so now you know how I feel when they constantly screw things up ... now the level editor is FUC*** TOO!!! impossible to use, interface is broken and buttons overlay eachother and there's no way to select my vehicle like in the old editor .. what was SO WRONG with old level editor that they had to mess that up too?

    Here's a screenshot of the folder i'm talking about! beamng just CAN'T seem to read files from game folder, it HAS to make some bimbo folder in some XXXXX location and put ALL files in it. It's 8gb! and it does that at game start ... it takes me like 5 - 10 minutes to launch the game, because it COPIES ALL THE FILES INTO THAT FOLDER FROM THE GAME FOLDER and as I said, i keep GAMES on GAMES HDD, meaning it copies from same HDD to same HDD, that means it takes even longer. I don't understand this at all .. why can't beamng just read files from beamng folder? why is it necessary to put them into another folder? Isn't it called unpacking some game files for faster loads? if yes, why can't it do it during the installation process? why not just give us 2 simple options: 1 - slow load times, takes up less HDD space and 2 - faster loading times, but takes up significantly more hdd space. Give us the option and "unpack" those files into BeamNG folder ...not all over the place .. it's just very bad coding.


    that's what is SO IRRITATING! why not just say that in order to play beamng, you MUST install game 3 times in separate locations, because programmers of beamng are SO BAD that they don't know how to make game read files from game root folder... holy balls this is so annoying.

    So why can't this "cache" be placed in the GAME FOLDER upon download / install of the game? why does it have to make this folder and fill it with thousand of files that already exist in BeamNG folder?
    Explain to me .. how is it possible that game loading times are effected by file location? If file is in G:/Games/BeamNGdrive then it loads SLOW, but if files are in G:/Games/BimboNGstupidfolder then it loads fast?? it literally makes ZERO SENSE, it's nothing more than horrible coding.

    I have not changed anything about startup.ini, it's you guys who messed things up. There's nothing to check as my startup.ini is exactly as it was before the update, update changed things and messed it up as usual ...

    here's the screenshot of launcher and i launch it via steam, so yea it always opens the launcher.


    I know I keep repeating myself here, but why is it so hard for you guys to just put ALL Beamng files into /BeamNG/ folder and NOWHERE else? I understand if it keeps game settings and save games in documents, that's fine ... maybe like 1-5mb MAX, but 8+gb?? that's just ridiculous! If it's SOOOOO important to have cache folder, why can't it be inside beamng folder?? What's even worse, is that beamng does NOT clean the cache folders, it just keeps making NEW ones, so with every update, i get 8+gb of data piled up again. I remember years ago when this horrible thing was added, i didn't even notice and it literally had like 1tb of data wasted... I didn't realize where that space is going to, so i ran TreeSize tool to see which folders are taking up space ... and Beamng literally took like 1tb ... that's absolutely horrible coding!
    Yes yes .. i know ... use the clear cache button on launcher ... but why do we have to pick up lazy developers slack? If game updates, then old cache folder is clearly not needed, why can't game just delete it? I'm not a game programmer, but even I could write few lines of code to automatically delete a folder upon update ... hell you can do that with batch file and CMD. but noOOOOOOO ... it has to be complicated.
    Please just keep game files in game folder ...
  5. Re:Z_IA

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    Nov 13, 2017
    Hi! If you’re really looking for help with some problems, please try to write in a more collective manner. I completely understand that you’re upset (computer problems can be super frustrating!), but it’s really hard to understand the issue you’re having when you write in that manner. People are also just usually more inclined to help if you’re being clear and friendly.

    It seems like the issue you’re having is simply the cache files saving to a drive you don’t want BeamNG to use. By default, it goes under your documents folder, but you can change that folder either by pressing the “Manage User Folder” button on the launcher, or by manually editing the filepath in the startup.ini file.

    Saving files to the cache is actually super important to the performance of the game. Now I’m not a developer, so I may not be 100% correct here, but basically a large portion of game files are stored in compressed archives, which saves storage but takes more time to load. As you load new content in the game, a close summary of the files are added to the cache, which allows things to be loaded significantly faster in the future. If you’ve ever cleared/deleted your cache before, you may have noticed that it takes a lot longer to load than usual. That’s because the game has to reread and cache everything it’s loading for the first time. The same is true after updates; a new cache folder is created for each version of the game to avoid conflicts with any cached files from an older version. So you can safely delete any cache files from an older version. This is not done automatically because there are sometimes files in there that modders still need, but as long as you don’t have non-backed-up map mods or anything, you’ll be fine.

    Also, the more mods you have installed, the more stuff that needs to be cached. So if you’re trying to lower file sizes, I’d recommend uninstalling some mods you don’t need anymore. Mods are often less optimized than official content, so they can take up a lot of cache space.

    If you need any more help or have any more questions, just politely ask! (^.^)
    #5 Re:Z_IA, Aug 25, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  6. Sethioz

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    Mar 10, 2014
    Did you even read the post? I HAVE THE USER FOLDER SET TO ANOTHER DRIVE, but beamng just IGNORED and still tries to put 10+ gb of data on my primary drive .. I DO NOT HAVE SPACE ON MY SSD FOR SUCH GIGANTIC FILES!!!!!

    cache is what exists in RAM, not on HDD! what possible sense does it make to just move files into another folder? IF i have TWO identical HDDs, it does NOT make game read files faster from other HDD. i don't understand how developers DO NOT understand how computers work.
    cache would only work if it loads 10gb+ data into RAM and then reads it from there, then i would understand the idea behind cache. there's literally NO point in copying 10+gb of files onto another drive just to read them from there ... it makes zero sense, it's just purely bad coding, nothing more.

    I always compare beamng devs to dayz devs .. who are constantly whining "omg it's so hard", they literally said it on some official post. NO, it's not hard, you just need to hire a real programmer and not do it in your back garden on sundays. dayz was announced as complete, even tho it's just as bugged as beamng. you can't join servers, constant lag, constant disconnects, crashes ..etc. just like beamng.

    maybe it's time for beamng devs to sell the project to more competent devs who actually know how to program and would like to finish the game.
    Bugbear Entertainment (group of about 20-30 developers) managed to complete entire game during the time that beamng has been in early access / beta.
    I would really love to see beamng finished, but I don't think it ever happens with current developers :(
  7. 98crownvic

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    Jul 14, 2016
    Why don’t you cool it? @Re:Z_IA was nice enough to type out a well written, articulate post, and this is what you respond with, while insulting the devs, too? BeamNG absolutely has ‘real programmers’, they’ve developed the game this far, and it’s turned out great. They’re no idiots. I get that you’re looking for help, but throwing around insults and acting like a 5 year old isn’t the way to get it.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  8. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    The BeamNG devs are a hundred times more competent than you. You aren't gonna get any help here if you just continue to throw a childish tantrum. No idea why you're comparing BeamNG and DayZ to each other. BeamNG is plainly stated to be EARLY ACCESS and there is no multiplayer aspect whatsoever. I have met the BeamNG developers in person, and let me tell you, they work their asses off. Now cool off and act reasonable and stop throwing unjustified insults around.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  9. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    More than a month later and you still haven't cooled off? Srsly? No one wants to help someone with that attitude, even after a month.

    Also, I would love to see you try to do their jobs if it's so easy. Wreckfest ran out of funding for a good year or two and had to get a publisher to back them, and that game is a helluva lot simpler from a programming standpoint.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    seems to me you dont have any idea how rough it is to code. Let alone make the worlds first truly realistic softbody simulator.

    Please, If i say anything erroneous developers or other forums people, let me know.

    The devs did make ROR, which, from an outsiders opinion (never played it), looked fantastic for its time. The devs have been re-inventing the term 'Softbody Simulator' since ROR, and probably before that.
    Im not going to say i have tons of experience with coding, i have dabbled in the dark arts of modding w/ my WBIMP pack, but that was just a compilation of a bunch of community members coming together to make something for all. The devs are just the same. Granted they make money, but they in no way are lazy or hackneyed.
    BeamNG, logistically, cant handle multiplayer due to sheer hardware limitations. the latency of transferring all of BeamNG's active code to another PC in the blink of an eye is a lot to ask for. In fact, its near impossible for multiplayer to even work, let alone work well.. Comparing Dayz to something like this is- quite an understatement. BeamNG and DayZ arent even in the same universe when it comes to hardware requirements.
    Crashes in BeamNG are something you learn to get over. When you criticize something that literally pioneered its genre for something as minor as crashes, it shows ignorance. Crashes are annoying, but when you push a games limits with say, 30 cars, its bound to start acting up. the game is just too- detailed. it may not be graphically appealing to some, but it passes. it does what it set out to do. simulate. not be a game. This really is just a huge tech demo for something greater to come. the full release comes to mind immediately. heck, didnt Hollywood express interest in BeamNG's code? correct me if I am wrong, but if that doesnt say anything, i dont know what does...

    dont worry about the current devs never finishing this. They push out updates at the same pace as Minecraft for the love! what, 1 update every 6 months-ish? And MC's team is huge now after being acquired by Microsoft.

    The devs are doing great work in my eyes, and flat out discarding their work as done in the back garden on Sundays, shows a true lack of maturity and ignorance. I understand your rage, but please rethink your approach to your issue.
    Hell, most games dont have the whole dev team this active on their forums, they are too caught up in their corporate business.

    I hope you get your issue resolved man. But please, i personally believe more respect is deserved of the developers. They are truly wonderful people.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  11. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 4
  12. korbitr

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Seriously, you need to calm down about this problem and look at it with a clear mind. I too, moved the BeamNG root folder to my HDD from my SSD because it was taking up too much space. However, the only thing that the game wrote to my SSD after that was cleared cache backups, and that was only until the next update when it stopped saving anything there entirely and I was able to delete the BeamNG.drive folder from my C: drive. Now, my SSD still sometimes gets full while I'm playing, but that's only because I sometimes run out of physical memory, increasing the the size of the page file on my C: drive. This game's cache is indeed stored in your user folder, not only in RAM when you're playing. Any assets that you load are unpacked and stored here until they are cleared manually. Here's what your user folder is supposed to look like when it's running from a different default drive:
    My advice would be to completely remove every trace of the game from your computer, and then choose your desired install location when you initally reinstall the game.

    Also, it's pretty unfair to compare the BeamNG devs to Bugbear Entertainment, considering Bugbear went completely dark for over a year until THQ Nordic scooped them up, while the BeamNG devs have been nothing but transparent over the past 7 years...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    It's good to understand why the game has a User Folder, and why it's located outside of the Game Folder first.
    The use has been explained by @thomatoes50 above. Aside that, that's were all your 'User Files' are located (such as your settings, mods and other personal files)
    The location is by default Documents/BeamNG.drive*. The reason for that is that, in case anything goes wrong with your User Files, you can just act on your User Folder. If used as meant, the Game Folder will always be unmodified, meaning it's easier to return to a vanilla state.

    *Most games place their 'User Folder' somewhere inside your C drive. Be it your Documents folder, or more recently the AppData folder. This is not exactly out of the norm. Neither is out of the norm that many don't provide ways to actually change that.

    You are completely and entirely free to do that.
    The User Folder can be moved wherever you most like, even inside the Game Folder if you want.
    This is done entirely via the Launcher's "Manage User Folder" menu, or manually via the "Startup.ini" file.
    Of course, mind the unexpected if you place the User Folder is weird places (ie. network folders, or removable drives)

    If everything is alright, the game will respect your custom location. If something is wrong, it won't be able, and you should get some errors as well.
    Which is what's happening to you.

    Side-note: this setting is stored inside the 'Startup.ini' files inside the Game Folder.
    If you wipe the installation the file can get removed, and your custom location be reset.
    Same could happen in rare case with the Steam 'Verify Integrity' function, which will detect if that file has been modified, and try to reset it.

    And there's a general misconception from your side here, which is what I think makes you not see the reason of the cache folder:
    The files in the Cache and the Game folder are not the same.
    It's not copying the same files over. The cache are generated files from your PC reading the original files. Those cached files help your PC load those files faster.
    That's why, if you load a level for the first time, it can take a minute or so, but the next time it will take less time.
    More or less, the same thing some games do when they generated a 'Shader Cache' the first time you run them, but here this method is used more extensively.
    @thomatoes50 explained this above as well, in a more concise manner.

    So, to start with, let's list the paths that interest us:
    .. nice

    The first, is a folder the game uses, in case the specified folder is not usable (ie. game is blocked, or folder is unavailable). It's only used in particular cases, as fallback solution.
    The second, is the folder you seem to have specified for the game to use.

    Before seeing the error in the first screenshot, you should be seeing an error telling you that your custom path cannot be used. Aren't you getting that?

    When you launch the game, you get the error in the first post, and then it still shows your custom folder when you check from the Launcher's "Manage User Folder" menu?

    Can you please verify what folder the game is actually using? You should see that, by looking at which of the two folders contains the most recent .log files.
    #13 Nadeox1, Oct 1, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
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  14. KennyWah

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    Jan 16, 2013
    Excuse me

    "oh this game hasn't improved since 2013"
    "Oh the devs are bad we need a competent programmer"
    You might as well say these guys are horrible and break everything they touch with no logical reasoning behind anything you're saying because you're talking out of your back side like you just know how anything works.These guys are working with an original physics engine that has improved 10 fold since the original release or 2012 pre-release stuff. we went from using an entire CPU to run 1 T75.. to my 2014 6core 5820K running 8 cars and you wanna tell me it hasn't improved since 2013? You have the audacity to just trash the devs outright. You're lucky anyone even wants to help you when this thread deserves to be deleted.

    Tires have gotten substantially better. It's as if you're ignoring the core of the game, the physics. But then you're also ignoring the dynamic reflections and updated API work done just to gloss over the improvements brought to Torque 3D
    Again working with original nearly uncharted territory of hyper-realistic softbody physics in realtime and you wanna say these guys are like the Dayz devs "Ohh it's sooo HAWWD"

    Sheesh, it pains me that you can't level your head and even pretend you understand how hard game development is. This is a "Beta".. if you wanna throw someone under the bus look at Battlefield 4 full-release taking like 2 years to iron out a "Full Release AAA game"

    What pisses me off is Windows.. Microsoft Windows 10 can't get their store to allow me to download my apps from their store onto my nonC drives. MICROSOFT.. needs to figure out their crap, but beam.. beam is a dedicated team working to their very best, if they make mistakes, I would be damn sure they want nothing but to fix their errors. Show them some respect.
    #14 KennyWah, Oct 1, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    It's not just moving, take a couple years of computer science and maybe you'll learn how caching and computers work.
    To help you, we need information.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. esesel

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    Feb 18, 2019
    This cant be just about the game, do you need someone to talk to about the issues you face, if you live in Vienna i can recommend you to my psychotherapist...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. clayton8or

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    Aug 26, 2013
    Not only this thread but a certain thread starter's account needs to be banned.. This is a tenth of the enraged and unhinged comments he has posted. Im ashamed of this community so poorly that i never post shit on this forum anymore, i feel bad for the devs as much as i admire them. Not saying this is a good representation of the majority of the forum, but to list everything wrong with it would take significantly longer than to list what's right with it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. korbitr

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    Aug 6, 2013
    Settings > System > Storage > More storage settings > Change where new content is saved
    You can change the save location, but you still can't view it in Explorer. Trying to open the "WindowsApps" folder will just be met with an access denied, and the files show up as Unknown in WinDirStat. This 75.5 GB "unknown" file is my install of Forza Horizon 4:
  19. KennyWah

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    Jan 16, 2013

    my windows breaks when I attempt to do that and gives me an error, only the C directory works for windows store
  20. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    We are there to help people asking for it. Be that asked with nice manners, or less.
    Sometimes this happen because of frustation, sometimes it's simply that person temperament ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Stuff like above it's much less common here, than from what I've seen in other forums.
    Generally most people here know that being polite / provide useful information results is most effective helping, over providing useless insults, which is cool.
    • Like Like x 2
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