Grass that can damage/flip your car

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by powiephenom, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. powiephenom

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    May 21, 2017
    I see the sand and mud are the only 2 materials capable of flipping your car at a high speed or if its sideways. The grass doesn't act like grass at all but more like ice in a way. In racing and normal car wrecks if a car hits grass at an odd angle over 50+ mph you get bad results like these.

    All these wrecks have 1 thing in common. They each went into an area of grass at an odd angle causing the vehicle to flip. In beamng hitting grass on an odd angle just causes you to slide across it like pavement. Even sliding upside down on the roof of the car does nothing as when you hit the grass it just glides over it like nothing. In wrecks grass isn't asphalt. Underneath it is dirt and the weight of the car digs into the ground causing it to tumble. I think we'd all agree to see grass have this feature as well.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  2. Zero

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    Sep 2, 2012
    I have thought about this too, and I'm curious if there's a reason why the devs made grass with the properties it has rn.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Then help the devs to make the GameEngine have deformable ground :)
  4. powiephenom

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    May 21, 2017
    The ground doesn't have to deform. You know how the mud surface acts in beamng? The grass should act the same way. When you drive on the mud the car slides and moves unsteady, i'd be the same with grass but a lot less ground sinking. Making the entire ground deform would be extremely time consuming and very difficult.
  5. Trophy

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    Aug 26, 2019
    then whenever you go into grass you will either flip, or you wouldn't be able to go past 30 mph. if you understeer off the road and keep going straight, you shouldnt flip. in nascar and indy the grass is not normal grass, it is a little moist and soft. in the other two pictures the cars hit bumps that sent them over.
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  6. powiephenom

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    May 21, 2017
    Nope. Each picture of the normal cars flipping in the grass are taken from videos. The mustang in the first photo went onto the grass and wound up getting sideways on the grass sending it over tumbling. The second picture was a car in a police chase that slid off the road onto the grass. The car slowed down a lot and right before it came to a complete stop it slid sideways and rolled over on its roof. Cars driving over 30 mph in a straight line would be fine but i'd be quite bumpy. However if the car gets sideways or looses control while driving on grass, the tires would wind up gripping the grass (digging into it) and flipping the car. it can be pretty violent too even at low speeds.
    #6 powiephenom, Aug 6, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  7. Trophy

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    Aug 26, 2019
    it also depends on the grass itself. after it rains, it can happen more
  8. powiephenom

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    May 21, 2017
    Even if the grass is dry it still happens. Tell that to this poor person who flipped their car just from going on a small patch of it

    Whoever was in that car didn't even go in the ditch, the rear tires just happened to be in the grass when that person spun out. Then it pulled a Rusty Wallace talledega style afterward. The moral of the post is to suggest flipping on grass. In beamng cars shouldn't slide on grass like its ice. They should flip like they would in real life. I'm quite surprised its not a feature now.
  9. Casual roblox

    Casual roblox
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    Oct 15, 2018
    U can make the wrecks more realistic by raising the friction on grass material so the car flips , but if you raise it too much the thing becomes pavement and u do a 9 sec 1/4 mile in grass .
    I think it depends on how tall the grass would be , if it's somewhat tall , you could have it sorta be like water where the hitbox would be a bit above the ground with some resistance , so the grip wouldnt be as affected and it would be easier to flip and die .
    If it's on rlly low grass then story changes ,i imagine it being possible using terrain deformation ( that's like impossibe to do ) or some big boi coding ( rlly hard to code and optimize ) .
    #9 Casual roblox, Aug 6, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  10. Trophy

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    Aug 26, 2019
    once again, small ditches can cause that. a wheel went into the ditch, then on the way up it dug into it, and over it went. but if this were to happen in beam, the ground would need a jbeam, and the amount of computing power that requires is far too high. the sand lets a car sink in no matter what, and that would make the grass unrealistic. the sand is just soft, like bushes. so going into sand will slow you down too much. the car wouldn't dig in on completely flat ground. it takes little dips and ditches to flip it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    I don't think the tires caused that. The car started skidding on the grass, but seeing how a half of it is still on the road while the other half is on the grass, my guess is that the body rail under the door(s) caught some grip on the top of the grass/dirt, which made it dig into it & thus making the car flip. Such a behaviour is possible in BeamNG & I had it happen a few times
    • Agree Agree x 2
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