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New BeamNG.drive Documentation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leeloo, Mar 29, 2021.

  1. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    ugh thank god, the old documentation made me wanna die.
  2. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Would love to see more documentation around the new world editor. I can't understand how to get the collision mesh to update when I scale a 3d model I Have imported into my level. The cars crashes into the old size of the model.
    UPDATE: Ahaa I see, I just can`t use the model as a collision object, but if I use a collision mesh that I added to the model in 3ds max, then it updates.
    #22 CrashHard, Apr 8, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. HeadlightsThePerson

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    Dec 14, 2019
    The Pigeon at the bottom is the best cursed thing i have ever seen lol
  4. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    Please comment in this thread :)
  5. a plane guy

    a plane guy
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    Mar 14, 2021
    The fact that these aren’t neatly written and are all over the place bugs me like look how much neater the left side looks

    Attached Files:

    • FD7E2901-3BB0-444E-AE70-361F810012E9.png
    #25 a plane guy, Apr 8, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
  6. vulcan-dev

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    Jan 28, 2017
    Let's have our C++ documentation back :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Preston Elam

    Preston Elam
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    Apr 8, 2017
    I literally can't find any of the C++ stuff because they hid it? Like I genuinely don't understand why they couldn't just leave it up?
    Name one other thing people actually used the docs for?
    I can personally promise you, people do not need the docs for a tutorial on how to install steam??
    This update to the docs should be an update to the wiki, the docs should've been left alone. It's DOCUMENTATION, not a wiki and they have literally removed all of the documentation
    (except for the exception of adding jbeam to it, can confirm, that's not too bad)
    --- Post updated ---
    The old documentation site had actual documentation, the only documentation this one has is Jbeam, they removed all of the pre-existing documentation.
  8. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    well of course it has like nothing now, but what’s there actually explains how to do stuff.
  9. ARES IV

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    May 6, 2019

    Same for new tire physics.
  10. CrashHard

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    Aug 5, 2013
    I know this will take time, but documentation about how every beam type works, and examples where they can be used on a vehicle, and how to build and use spesial beam and node structures. (steering rack, suspension geometri types,.......)
    Appreciate all of the team's hard work.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. Preston Elam

    Preston Elam
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    Apr 8, 2017
    The problem is, they made content inaccessible whereas yes, we are not entitled to said content, and I get that I sound really entitled, but the sheer amount of documentation that's gone is absurd, there is now literally zero documentation on how to interact with userdata outside of digging through the game's own code. I get that the re-design takes time, but what I don't get is why they choose to delete 90% of the content on the old docs and proceed to release an update to it, w/ no way of reverting to the old one, before updating said content.
    Genuinely, I think they should either make the old docs accessible for the time being, or they should've waited and not pushed an incomplete website over the literal documentation for the C++ side of the game.

    edit: in regards to the new docs explains how to do stuff, yes, the new content which does exist does explain things in a good maner, however, there's a lot of blatantly wrong information, such as their entire section on lua, which uses many terms and ways of doing things, which, as a lua programmer, I have never heard before. Once again though, I will commend the Jbeam section, it is REALLY GOOD. But I just think that they've tried to turn the docs into a wiki, not a souce of documentation of BeamNG. The purpose of documentation imo is to explain to a person who is already educated on a subject (in my case, programming) , how things are done within a certain context (BeamNG). Not to house both "how to install steam" and an extremely complex & detailed explanation of how jbeam works within the same website. These two levels of explanation should not be in the same place, and for the love of god, please don't delete old content reeeee.

    sorry for the text wall, just severely annoyed.
    #31 Preston Elam, Apr 9, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Softair

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    Jan 8, 2021
  13. Preston Elam

    Preston Elam
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    Apr 8, 2017
    The "old" wiki does not exist. There is not a new wiki. I'm not sure you've been paying much attention to what I've been saying (which is fair, my rants are kind of incohesive) But, I am NOT referring to the wiki. I am referring to the Docs/Documentation. I actually will go as far as to say, the wiki was/is completely useless for lua purposes, it teaches you the VERY basics then throws you in the deep end, though the lua wiki was better than whatever the new stuff on the docs is. Regardless, the docs and the wiki are two separate things, the wiki served as a more general purpose "about BeamMP" with a few technical details here and there, whereas the docs, had LOTS of technical details. I would be for unifying them, contrary to the word spaghetti I said earlier, I actually wouldn't be mad pushing them into one place. I'm just bothered that instead of merging the wiki with the docs they updated the entire wiki, then decided to overwrite the docs with the updated wiki? So now, since they decided they need two wikis, I can't access the docs. I just genuinely don't understand how this seemed like it would be more useful?
    If you still don't understand what I'm saying, I'm really sleepy and really sad/annoyed I can't check the C++ documentation because I really need it for a project.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Confused_Deer43

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    Jun 8, 2013
    On the front page of the documentation there's a typo: upload_2021-4-9_15-13-0.png
  15. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    A lot of people are complaining, but I think that is mostly due to missing information at this point. I, for one, love the new documentation formatting and site. It is extremely easy to navigate, and is very easy to read. Take this for example.


    It is laid out very clearly, and is very easy to navigate/find what you are looking for. Also, laying it out in this manor makes it very easy to read and actually understand what is going on. Sometimes, in the old documents, things often weren't explained as clearly as they could be, and then rather than showing all the arguments that it could have, they would just have an example that tried to use as many arguments as humanly possible. That often wasn't all that helpful.

    The only other thing I would ask for, is right now as we are in the nodes section here, on the left there is no extra drop down to keep drilling down. It keeps things from getting cluttered, at the expense of navigation. You guys solved this by putting the internal navigation of that section on the right. I like this idea, but I think things can be taken one step further. Could it be possible to have the navigation on the right have dropdowns as well and then list every argument in the section under those drop downs? I say this because most of the time (at least for me as a fairly well versed modder) I come looking into the documentation for some clarification on function, or clarification on formatting. I know what I am looking for already, I am just looking to get to it as quickly as possible so I can read that bit and carry on.

    Take "couplerStrength" for example. I know its not filled in yet, but I am just using this to help my argument. couplerStrength is already 3/4 the way through the Optional Arguments section. Even without most of those arguments having any information under them yet, you still have to do several scrolling motions to get all the way down to it. Once all these will be filled in, it will take a fair bit of scrolling to actually get to it... and that's if you don't go blasting past it by mistake.

    So essentially all I am suggesting is an arrow next to each one of those Title headers on the right that you have to purposely click on to get a drop down of each sub section under that title just to make navigation that little bit easier.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Trophy

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    Aug 26, 2019
    If you guys are gonna revamp the websites, I have a few problems that should be addressed.
    1. The search bar. If you search something while in the mods tab, it will only bring up mods. If you search something in the forums tab, it will bring threads and mods. It also seems inaccurate, as when I search "etk" it brings up a whole lot of threads that have nothing to do with etk. It should also search for replies and threads and display them in separate sections imo. Also, if, for example, you want to search for results for the T-series, people use both the term "semi" and it's name (T-series) to describe/mention it. It's very simple, and should be made smarter.
    2. The notification system. If you don't read a notification, or don't read the newest page of a thread that you are watching, it seems to no longer give you notifications for it. Sometimes, even if you do read the notification, it still doesn't give you notifs for new replies to it. Also, for some reason, I have been getting notifications for things that happened days ago.
    3. Searching for mods. It's quite hard to search for mods, as they get mixed up with threads. Ability to search for mods only would be nice.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    The search system really needs to be revamped, advanced search options are completely useless and never help, there are different results depending on the device you are searching from, it always ignores the oldest threads making it impossible to find old stuff, it refuses to search for any keyword that is "too common" and these are the ones most people would most likely search for, there is no option to search or filter mods by category, search options are buggy on mobile and don't appear 90% of the time, searching in threads brings up unrelated mods that have the keyword in reviews and random replies to threads that barely mention the word, by default it should only search the thread title and original message, it also finds deleted threads and mods that are not accessible, there should be an option for case sensitivity in the basic settings, keywords that are "too short" shouldn't be ignored (someone could search for "UV" or "NA" or similar acronyms), also there should be a big fat checkbox if you want to include mods in your search and another one if you want to include replies to threads... There are so many issues with the search system I could go on about it for hours, and this is not even the worst system I've seen, but still it's not very user-friendly.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  18. Acrain7

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    Sep 7, 2015
    Specific to the documentation, until each new section is written (for which I cannot wait, since what is written already has miles more clarity), it would be nice to have a temporary link to the old documentation in the blank space, just as a stop gap until the documentation is rewritten for that section.

    Also having a note about general "good practices" per section would be quite useful. (ex; how high polycount a model reasonably should be, what makes for good node placement, etc.)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Ephidrineon

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    Feb 16, 2021
  20. Preston Elam

    Preston Elam
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    Apr 8, 2017
    Come on, I've posted so many comments here, I know you guys have seen it, can I get some kind of acknowledgement? What's with the old docs? How do I access them? Will we be able to access them? If not, when will they be ready?
    • Agree Agree x 2
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