Question / Support Automation cars with blender

Discussion in 'Automation' started by Martin.S, Aug 27, 2019.


Can i edit this in Blender or something like that?

This poll will close on Aug 27, 2029 at 10:34 AM.
  1. Yes, you can edit this in Blender! I will tell you in comment

    3 vote(s)
  2. Yes, you can edit this in something other than Blender! I will tell you in comment

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't know

    11 vote(s)
  4. No, you can't sorry

    1 vote(s)
  1. Martin.S

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    Apr 16, 2017
    I have a question for you.
    Can i open my car from automation on Blender? Please help!
    How can I edit my car? (not only in game and notebook)
    And the last question. How can i do real License Plate for automation car?
    No weird answers!!!

    Anyway thank you.
  2. pixeaudi

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    Aug 3, 2018
    Sorry, but when open the car's model in Blender, it crashes
  3. Martin.S

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    Apr 16, 2017
    :( oh... Okay, I will try make cars in Automation without editing in blender.
  4. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    The first thing you'll want to do to modify anything once the car is exported to beamng, is to unpack it in the mod manager.

    to edit the mesh, (and i'll just specify this is for blender 2.8), provided that blender is installed correctly, you should be able to open blender (from the start menu or something, double-clicking on a .dae file doesn't seem to work, at least for me)
    then once it's loaded, go file>import>"Collada (.dae)" then go to documents/ and open the .dae file by selecting it, and pressing the "Import" button in the top right corner.
    to save it, go file>export>collada, and export it the same way you imported it.
    (pro tip: when you're in the import or export menus, there should be a box in the left sidebar called "recents" and it will have the name of the folder that the .dae file was in. you can click on that, and it'll go straight to that folder, to save yourself having to click through all 7 or whatever folders)

    as for license plates, you will need to edit the Jbeam. for this' I would recommend getting notepad++ (it's free), but you could get by with just normal notepad.
    all you really have to do is open the main Jbeam file (this is in the case of an automation car, in the case of a proper beamng car, it'll be under the bumper/bootlid jbeam file)
    and go to the "slots" section. it should look like this:
        "slots": [
            ["type", "default", "description"]
            ["Camso_engine","Camso_engine_2.0", "Engine"],
            ["Camso_suspension","cCamso_suspension", "Lmao"],
            ["Camso_licenseplate_F","Camso_licenseplate_F", "Front License Plate"],
            ["Camso_licenseplate_R","Camso_licenseplate_R", "Rear License Plate"],
    note that you'll have to add in the two "licenseplate" lines. (you can copy them from here, or you can copy them from another car. I took the ones here from the legran and just replaced "legran" with "Camso"
    at this point, you have slots in the body to put plates on in the part selector, but no actual plates.

    so now, you go to any vanilla car
    (it really doesn't matter) and find the licenseplate.jbeam
    and you copy and paste those files to the same folder as the automation car's bits.
    then, open the file, then
    (and this is where notepad++ comes in handy for bigger files, you can use ctrl+f) but in this case, you should be able to manually swap out everywhere it says "barstow" or "legran" or whatever for your car's jbeam name.
    once you've done that, if you save the file and ctrl+R reset the car in game, you should be able to see the "license plate" option in the part selector, but they might not be visible on the car.

    now you need to go to the "flexbodies" section of the licenseplate.jbeam file,
    (if you can't find this, i'd be booking you in for an eye test)
    ant it'll have a line something like this:
              ["licenseplate", ["barstow_bumper_F"],[],{"pos":{"x":0.0, "y":-2.225, "z":0.415}, "rot":{"x":0, "y":0, "z":0}, "scale":{"x":1, "y":1, "z":1}}],

    notice the part talking about a barstow bumper? well it's not mounted to a barstow's bumper, so you change that out to be the name of the node group it's attaching to on your car, which will likely be "CarBody".

    If you reload now, you should see the license plates appear, though bear in mind they might show up inside the car. to fix this, you just mess with the numbers in that "pos" section in the above line (mainly Y and Z), and that will move them around the car. once you're happy with the position, that's done.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. Inn0centJok3r

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    Jul 16, 2018
    That has to do with you not having enough RAM to load in the mesh or the mesh having millions over millions of tris.
    Also I have found out that the engine mesh somehow managed to Crash blender when you save a file with it and loading it back up again.
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  6. GameRusher1234

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    Jul 8, 2020
    but when i go to import the .dae file then blender freezes as soon as i press import, can u help
  7. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    the meshes or materials for automation cars often have ridiculously long names, which are hard for blender to load.
    usually if you just wait, it will eventually work (though sometimes it will crash, then just try again).
    • Agree Agree x 1
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