A few element suggestions for the level editor - objects like scattersky, thelevelinfo, etc.

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Superneutrino, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Superneutrino

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    May 20, 2018
    Note: If my suggestions are already mentioned, just annotate it instead of answering my questions.

    Hello Guys,

    I hope I picked the right forum section.

    I have a few sugesstions related to the standardised atmosphere of any Map in BeamNG, which I really would enjoy.

    The first two things are the atmosphere density and the atmosphere pressure while on the ground:
    I really would like to see how cars would get affected by about a pressure of 100, 2, 5, etc. atmospheres for example - playing around with different atmospheres and even drive "in" them.

    One more thing is wind(-speed) as an implementable map object:
    I know that there is the wind-app, but couldn't the way the wind-app simulates wind be implemented as an addable object in maps, also that there are variations on how the wind directions can change?

    The last suggestion is about general sound alteration:
    What I even know is that there is a pitch option for sound files playing on specific map areas - which alters the pitch and speeds up the sound.
    But my questions relates to another implementable object, that sets only the pitch and also the option to specify how much any sound (a source like your car) has to be away so that sound starts to die out (and also weakens constantly before it's dead).
    This new featurw may be map specific and affects all sound sources and their created noises on a map.

    I hope you know what I mean.

    Yours sincerely
    Superneutrino :)
  2. ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet

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    Mar 30, 2017
    afaik atmosphere is affected by height, so the farther up a mountain, the less resistance/air density so you'd just have to place the map very high up.
  3. Superneutrino

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    May 20, 2018
    I know that but I don‘t think that at the lowest falling point of the invisible box of any map the Air pressure would be very high, like 90 atmospheres.

    Edit: I tried to place a map at a height of z= 35000, when I spawned my car at this height I got a glitch. Can you „hear“ less atmospheric pressure by a higher pitched car, ThatCarGuyDownTheStreet? I couldn‘t however…
    #3 Superneutrino, Aug 24, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  4. Superneutrino

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    May 20, 2018
    So I played around with the height of a map and found out that the loudness of every sound on the map (car, crashing, sqeaking tires) do not get affected.
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