Right-side driver

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Beamer XD, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Beamer XD

    Beamer XD
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    Oct 27, 2020
    I'm an Australian, so the driver is on the right. Have cars that are like this. Maybe a selectable option?
    Also, left-side maps (cause we drive on the left)?
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  2. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    too much to ask for the handful of countries that do it. especially map-wise. Its a lot of work for the devs to convert everything to right hand drive. on a car to car basis though there will probably be mods that support it.
  3. Xupaun

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    Aug 18, 2020
    The automation test map is on new zealand. Also, for the gavril cars, there's a mod that adds RHD interiors for them
  4. IonicOwl

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    Jan 12, 2021
    The side of the road you're meant to drive on should match the country you're playing in. It wouldn't make sense for any of the North American maps to have left-hand traffic, because traffic drives on the right there. The only official map that should have left-hand traffic is Automation Test Track, as Xupaun already mentioned.

    Pretty much the same deal for cars, though it's a little different since the same car could be sold in different markets and be LH or RH drive depending on the country it's built for. Most brands in the game originate from RHD countries, though Ibishu and Hirochi stand out, as Japanese brands that have all of their cars in LHD, with the exception of the Ibishu Pigeon and Wigeon. I think it'd be nice to have more options in this respect, though I can't comment on the technical limitations of doing so, or how much it might complicate the parts tree for each vehicle.
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