High blood pressure.......

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by 박현진, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. 박현진

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    Mar 26, 2021
    I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I might not be able to be a beamng in the future......:(:(:(:mad:
  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    It makes more sense to avoid sugar than BeamNG, sugar is really bad for so much more than just blood pressure, but BeamNG is stress relief tool and relieving stress lowers blood pressure.

    Take omega-3 (get concentrated ones, they work better than regular ones as there is more good stuff) capsules and have a 1 hours walk every day and your blood pressure is normal pretty soon, but of course if there is high air pollution then it walking outdoors might not work out quite so well.

    Effect of Omega3 :

    Sugar can be stronger than salt at increasing blood pressure:

    Stress and blood pressure:

    Also when I get blood pressure measured at doctor's office I get readings like 200 and at home I get readings of 120, despite you being diagnosed with high blood pressure, does not necessarily mean that you actually have that, you might have anxiety related stress condition that rises blood pressure up at doctor's office or numerous other things.

    Problem with blood pressure measurement is that it happens in short moment, there is then 24 hour test but even that measures only once in hour or so and measurement itself might give quite different results each time, depending how relaxed you manage to be during measurement.
    Lot of measurements in long term might give some indication, but I can't even count number of times these health care professionals have been relying on single or few measurement as absolute truth, which it is not.

    So don't worry about it too much as it increases stress and blood pressure, crashing cars should be opposite, relaxing thing ;)
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  3. 박현진

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    Mar 26, 2021
    Thank you!!:)
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