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Realistic Crashes (BeamNG)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wheelie, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. TheSomething

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    Oct 16, 2021
    Yes. People still using it
  2. TheSomething

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    Oct 16, 2021
    Case: An Animal killed two people, 1st May, 1986

    Story: An animal (deer) walked to a road and decided to across it. ETK driver crashed in it because he saw deer too late. A Bandit driver braked after he saw what happened in middle of the road. Truck driver at that moment trying to found his drink. He got crashed into ETK and a tree that was behind ETK. Bandit driver luckily drive away from impact and fled the scene.

    Aftermath: Both cars were beyond repair.

    Injuries: ETK driver and truck driver died on the way to the hospital from serious injuries. Truck driver suffered non-life threatening injury. Deer was obviously killed

    Cars involved: ETK A Series 1800 TTSport, Gavril T75

    Picture (Gavril ran away from the scene)
    #1882 TheSomething, Dec 19, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
  3. themodmaker9

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    Sep 11, 2020
    Case: High speed driving gone wrong, May 28, 2001

    Crash Description: A teen decided it would be a good idea to show off his custom Pessima to his friends on the first day of summer vacation, and they all meet at the gas station. His car could only hold one person, so he decided to scrap the idea and take it out for a joyride. He went through the countryside at speeds of 80-100 miles per hour. When he approached a turn in the road, he decided to continue driving straight and jump over the river, which he did successfully, but ended up hitting a tree at low speeds, causing his car to roll down the hill near water.

    Injuries: Surprisingly none.

    Cars Used: Custom 1996 Ibishu Pessima "2.7 Race Spec"

    Map Used: East Coast, USA

    Aftermath: The teen waited for someone to get his vehicle, but since he had no phone on him, it was impossible to call anyone. He survived for 3 days waiting for someone to arrive, until one day a pickup truck arrived with a trailer, and he got home safely. His parents were not excited about the fact he crashed his rare car, especially doing an "idiotic stunt" like jumping over a river. The teen was grounded for the rest of the vacation, and his keys were taken away. He eventually got a Grand Marshal, and he destroyed that within a week of ownership. After that, he only rides a bicycle to school.


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  4. TheSomething

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    Oct 16, 2021

    Later, Somerset police found out that killed deer is one of rarest types of them. They arrived there from Canada
  5. 3ayya6

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    Jul 8, 2021
    Case: Home robbery gone wrong, December 20th, 2012
    Story: a robber in California was stealing things from a home, when he was done he packed the stuff in his car and left to the highway, later, he noticed police chasing him, he kept going and speeding, just a few minutes later, he looked out the window to check if the cops were still there, and didnt notice the barrier, his car crashed into it and caught fire, the door was jammed shut so he had no way to escape, he got killed by the fire.

    Aftermath: the police station got sued by the robber's family for 450,000 US Dollars for the death of him, and some police officers got injured due to them crashing their cars.

    Injuries: robber got killed, some officers got injured.

    Map: West Coast, USA
    Cars used: Ford Focus, Gavril Grand Marshal, Gavril Roamer, Gavril H Series


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  6. TheSomething

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    Oct 16, 2021
    Case: Catastrophic dangerous ride, 10th June 2009

    Story:Mark, a young driver got a Gavril Vertex from his dad. He decided to take a ride. When he driving, something got wrecked and made Vertex faster, making high speed crash with ETK and a tree.

    Damage: Both cars was beyond repair.

    Injuries: Mark Died instantly. ETK driver suffered bad injuries but lived.

    Aftermath: Mark's family sued Gavril for not telling about a problem. Gavril Motors paid 1000000€.

    Police found out that Gavril didn't show public about another 7 accidents happened with the same car.

    One of workers said a truth of causing these crashes. A battery was overheating fast and that causing it to be more active. The car goes faster, and crash happens.

    Total wreck: 50000000€

    Cars involved: Gavril Vertex P100D, ETK W Series 5.0 TTSport

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  7. A Belgian Car Guy

    A Belgian Car Guy
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    Sep 21, 2019
    First post with the Bastion!

    Case: Driving under the influence, Febuary 9th, 2017

    Crash Description: Herman was driving on the highway when he saw a white Bastion driving all over the place. When he reached the toll booth he saw that the Bastion collided with a van driver but the already smashed up car decided to continue on driving further down the highway, when just a few minutes he crashed into the back of a Cherrier Vivace at around approximately 40-mph. The Vivace pulled to the side and yet the Bastion driver moved on with the front being competely ruined, he smashed his radiator which unfortunatly for him sealed the fate for his car when he hit the barrier leaving the Bastion on its last leg. The driver stopped and Herman catched up to him, he called the police and the man was arrested on scene. He was later identified as Garet Martinez who was reported by a resident in Horizon estate when he hit some kind of wall, but instead of stopped he continued. He was charged with DUI and causing multiple accidents.

    Injuries: The Bastion driver was seriously hurt, bruises, scars and a head injury was caused by his actions. The Vivace driver had a minor whiplash, the driver of the van had nothing as it was nothing more that a sideswipe.

    Cars Involved: 2020 Cherrier Vivace, 2005 Gavril H-Series, 1998 Ibishu Pessima, 2018 Bruckell Bastion

    Map Used: West Coast USA

    Aftermath: The driver was not only arrested but also sued for injuring and damaging other people's property. The driver lost the lawsuit, the van driver preferred not to be interviewed as he had a hard time coping with this situation after his wife passed away. The Vivace was able to be repaired as was the H-series too but the Bastion was a loss because of critical engine damage and a massively bent chassis.

    screenshot_2021-12-20_19-27-16.png screenshot_2021-12-20_19-27-42.png screenshot_2021-12-20_19-30-38.png
  8. Yoi_Tsuitachi

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    Sep 25, 2021
    Case: Police chase, July 17th, 2022

    Crash Description: One foolish teen decided to steal a Civetta and take it on a joy ride in rural Georgia, but got found by the police after2 minutes. He than ran down the road in his car. When he had to pass someone, though, he lost control of the car and got mangled into a tree.

    Injuries: The teen instantly died.

    Cars Involved: 1987 Civetta Bolide

    Map used: ECUSA

    Aftermath: The teen's family got sued for grand theft auto & destruction of private property of the owner of the Bolide, XXXXX.

  9. Yoi_Tsuitachi

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    Sep 25, 2021

    Case: Driver in a hurry to get home, December 14th, 2021

    Crash Description: XXXX, the janitor of XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX company was going home in the outskirts of Auckland in New Zealand. They were in quite a rush to get home, and did not look to see if oncoming traffic was coming.. which was a big mistake. They pull out right in front of a Bruckell and hit them. In the oppisite direction, a Pessima stopped in shock of what they just saw. The police car behind them swerved and hit the Autobello, AKA XXXX. The D-series behind the cop was "distracted", (assumingly asleep, actually) and slammed into the pessima. It was a mess.

    Injuries: The Autobello & D-series only had a few scars while the Bruckell had a broken arm. Along with the cop, which sadly died in the hospital and the Pessima sustained whiplash and a broken leg.

    Cars Involved: 2021 Autobello Piccolina, 2018 Bruckell Bastion, 2018 ETK K-series cop car, 2000 Ibishu Pessima, & 1999 Gavril D-series.

    Aftermath: The K-series and Bruckell were totaled, the other cars were fine. The Autobello took 100% fault OF THE BASTION. The Pessima took 100% fault of Officer XXXXX's death and was sentenced 9 years in prison.


  10. themodmaker9

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    Sep 11, 2020
    very epic 100th post
    Lack of attention to surroundings causes crash, May 4, 2021

    Crash Description: An American visitor to Italy known simply as Liam brought his Bruckell Bastion with him. When he entered a town, he went down a narrow road, and turned, focusing more on his speed, and failed to see the Bolide in front of him, causing him to flip it over, which ended up on its side. Liam fled the scene before anyone noticed him

    Injuries: Liam is uninjured, but was shocked when he noticed his car go onto its rear tires directly after impact.

    Map Used: Italy

    Cars Used:
    Bruckell Bastion, Civetta Bolide

    Aftermath: When Liam fled the scene, the Bolide owner, a wealthy 75 year old man, noticed his car was destroyed, he was enraged, and started reporting it to the authorities, who quickly started a search, but gave up after several hours. Liam eventually went back to the scene, where he was noticed and was arrested for 5 years. The Bolide owner later bought a group 5 version of the Bolide.


  11. themodmaker9

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    Sep 11, 2020
    Case: Video filming gone wrong, August 12, 2019

    Crash Description: A car reviewing channel decided to review a US market Civetta Bolide on the East Coast. The exterior tour and interior tour went well, with both being filmed in a short amount of time, and now it was time for the driving portion to begin. The car reviewer applied the throttle all at once, flying down the highway, when he lost control of the car, hit multiple smaller trees, and hit a much larger tree, splitting the car into two parts, a destroyed front end and safety cell, while the rear end was sent away from the wreck.

    Injuries: The car reviewer died on impact, as the car had no airbags

    Car Used: Civetta Bolide

    Map Used: East Coast, USA

    Aftermath: When authorities arrived to the scene of the crash, they noticed the car split in two, and they found the driver, who died from the wreck. A funeral was held for the content creator the next day, and the wrecked Bolide was later sent to a junkyard, where all evidence of the wreck would be crushed. The owner of the bolide eventually became a rally driver, and ended up driving another Bolide for most of his career, until a severe wreck 6 months later severely injured him and forced him to quit.


  12. Destroyer222

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    Mar 4, 2020
    Case: Highway Crash, June 15, 2017

    Crash Description: 6 car crashed on the highway.

    Injuries: 3 dead and 6 injured.

    Cars Used: 1998 Moskvitch-2142 Knyaz Vladimir, 2017 Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S Coupe (C253), 1970 Dodge Coronet, 1983 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight Regency Coupe, 2010 Ferrari 458 Italia, 1982 Moskvitch-2140.

    Aftermath: All cars totaled.


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  13. Captain. Adam

    Captain. Adam
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    Jan 31, 2017
    Loss of Control, Soliad Wendover departure from travel lane and head-on collision with a Gavril T75 Cement Mixer Truck, West Highway, Utah, June 3rd, 2021.
    Highway Accident Report

    (overview of the accident location)
    - Analysis:
    The driver and passenger of the personal vehicle were traveling to a nearby car repair shop for a quick overview of a problem with one of the back doors. One witness traveling behind the vehicle reported that he noted no problems with "them" during the one minute before the accident. She reported that she observed the vehicle depart from the lane in a "controlled way", It continued straight ahead and collided head-on with the Cement Mixer. The Cement Mixer driver reported he saw the vehicle "head for him", but thought the driver swerved to the right so he reacted and swerved his truck to the left, a head-on collision occurred and his truck started to rollover, the driver did not recall any further events after the initial rollover. A post accident examination of the vehicles revealed that there were no anomalies consistent with a preimpact failure or malfunctions. First responders reported that all the occupants were wearing their seatbelts when they arrived on the scene. The Wendover occupants were fatally injured from the impact, but the Cement Truck passenger survived the accident sequence but eventually succumbed to his injuries.

    A review of the Wendover driver's history showed he was familiar with the accident location and overall highway layouts. The driver had no traffic violations in the years before the accident. A review of the driver's phone records showed that he did not use it during the accident trip.

    An autopsy on the driver and took toxicological samples was taken, The autopsy indicated the cause of death was blunt impact trauma and the manner of death was accident. Toxicology testing performed on the driver at the Forensic Sciences Laboratory was negative for carbon monoxide, ethanol, and drugs. Available information indicated that the driver slept for 8 hours and was awake for nearly 4 hours on the accident day.

    Based on the available information, It could not be determined why the Wendover driver suddenly changed the lane (lost control). It was also determined that the front seat passenger of the truck was critically injured when the roof of the driver compartment on his side was crushed by a rock during the rollover sequence, his injuries later proved fatal.

    - Probable Cause:
    • The Wendover's driver loss of control for reasons that could not be determined because an examination of the vehicle did not find an abnormality that would have precluded normal operations. Contributing to the severity of injuries to the T75 occupants was the compartment's roof impact with a rock during the rollover sequence.

    Factual Information:
    On June 3rd, 2021, at about 404 mountain daylight time (1:04 PM) a Soliad Wendover, owned and operated by the driver, was traveling eastbound on Utah's West Highway when it departed the travel lane, continued straight ahead and collided with a Gavril T75 Cement Mixer Truck, which was traveling westbound. The Mixer was owned by the Utah Highway Authority and was being operated on a local repositioning trip. The Wendover came to the rest upright on the westbound lane at a heading of 10°. The truck rollovered and came to the rest on its right side on the westbound lane at a heading of 171°. Both vehicles were not consumed by a post crash fire. The licensed Wendover driver, front seat passenger, and the front seat passenger of the Cement truck were fatally injured. The certified commercial driver of the Cement truck was seriously injured. Visual. meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident.

    According to a driver who was behind the Wendover, she did notice any problems with the vehicle up to the moment of the collision, she added that the vehicle departed the road in a "controlled way" and continued straight ahead without any attempt to avoid the incoming traffic.

    According to family members of the Wendover occupants, the purpose was to visit a car repair shop because the right rear passenger door was not working. Both the driver and passenger "slept well" and had a "healthy breakfast" before starting the trip.

    During an interview with the truck driver, he reported that the purpose of his trip was to relocate the truck from its homebase to a construction site location, the driver reported he observed the Wendover head toward him at high speed and that he was unable to avoid the collision, after the initial collision, his truck started to rollover, he did not recall any further events after the initial rollover.

    An on scene examination of the vehicle revealed that there were no anomalies consistent with a preimpact failure or malfunctions.

    The Wendover's driver, front seat passenger, and the front seat passenger of the Cement truck were fatally injured. The driver of the Cement truck was seriously injured. Autopsy reports from the Utah Office of Chief Medical Examiner state that the deaths were caused by blunt force trauma to the internal organs, extremities, and head. The surviving passenger sustained serious injuries, which included blunt force trauma.

    Medical History and Toxicology:
    Toxicology testing performed on the driver at the Forensic Sciences Laboratory was negative for carbon monoxide, ethanol, and drugs. The accident driver checked “no” on his medical certificate form for all listed conditions, including “sleep disorders, pauses in breathing while asleep, daytime sleepiness, loud snoring.”

    Postaccident Inspections:

    The mixer truck that was involved had steel wheels, 2 exhaust pipes and 2 fuel tanks.

    All major mechanical systems were examined, including the steering, suspension, and braking systems, no anomalies were not during the postaccident inspections.

    No maintenance records were located for the Wendover.

    Figure 1 shows the accident diagram. An onscene examination of the accident site revealed the Wendover was traveling at an estimated heading of 69° (outside note: this was the actual number) and a speed of 99 mph when the collision happened. It came to the rest upright on a northly heading of 10°. A brief brake mark was located in the path of the Wendover (figure 2)

    The Cement truck was traveling at an estimated heading of 255° and a speed of 72mph when the collision occurred, the truck then veered to the left (with tire marks indicating it, figure 2.), started rolling over, struck a rock, and came to the rest on its right side on the westbound lane at a heading of 171°.

    (Figure 1, accident diagram)

    (Figure 2: tire marks of both vehicles)
    - Wreckage Impact and Information:
    • The Wendover sustained extensive crushing damage to the front left area. The front left wheel separated on impact and was found in the truck's rollover path. The front hood was impact damaged and separated and located near the truck (Figue 5). The engine was impact crushed and substantially damaged along with the compartment (Figure 3). The driver's compartment was aft crushed and damaged (Figure 4). Examination of the vehicle revealed that there were no anomalies consistent with a preimpact failure or malfunctions.

    (Figure 3)

    (Figure 4)
    • The Cement Truck sustained substantial damage as a result of the collision and subsequent rollovers (Figure 5). Both exhaust pipes were impact damaged and crushed, the engine hood was partially open and impact damaged (Figure 7). The engine remained undamaged. The driver's side steps and the left fuel tank were damaged from the Wendover's initial impact (Figure 6). The roof of the driver's compartment was crushed downwards after an impact with a rock (Figure 8). The left headlight and left side of the bumper were impact damaged (Figure 6). There was additional structure damage which is not mentioned.

    (Figure 5: overview of T-Series wreckage path)

    (Figure 6: Damage to front left side)

    (Figure 7: Closeup of rollover damage)

    (Figure 8: Damage to driver compartment from the inside)

    Additional Photos:

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  14. Nazu

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    Dec 22, 2021
    --- Post updated ---
    Case: Rollover

    Description: A 18 year old wanted to go for a spin in his Mazda, he took the keys and drove, He tried to drift but hit a ditch, sending him rolling.

    Injuries: Died on impact, car landed on the roof and snapped his neck

    Aftermath: A car hauling company came, And took the car to the junkyard to be crushed.

    Cars used: Mazda Mx-5, Gavril T-Series

    Maps used: Altitude

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    #1894 Nazu, Dec 30, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
  15. Destroyer222

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    Mar 4, 2020
    Case: Accident on the Matrix Freeway, October 10h, 2015.

    Crash Description: A Ford Bronco struck the guardrail and overturned, and an Acura TSX struck the overturned Ford Bronco. Meanwhile, an Audi A4 was driving behind them, which failed to brake in time for the accident and crashed into the crashed cars and then the Audi went to the side of the road. An AC Cobra then drove too fast and when it tried to avoid the crashed Acura, it crashed into the Audi. In the meantime, a Buick Riviera came up behind them and failed to brake in time and crashed into the smashed AC Cobra. Then came a Chrysler 300 at high speed, the driver of which was not paying attention and crashed into the smashed Acura and the smashed Ford. The Ford Bronco almost splitted into two pieces.

    Injuries: 3 dead and 4 injured

    Cars Used: 1975 Ford Bronco Luxury Edition, 2010 Acura TSX, 2006 Audi A4, 1966 AC Cobra, 1971 Buick Riviera, 1969 Chrysler 300

    Aftermath: The Ford Bronco, Acura, AC Cobra and Audi were totaled, Buick and Chrysler were repaired.


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  16. Nazu

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    Dec 22, 2021
    Case: Highway Wreck, Nov 23, 2021

    Crash Description: A police car was driving down the highway, but it saw something in the road and swerved, but then they rolled over, and a bank truck was behind them, the bank truck couldn't slam on the brakes in time, and hit the police car.

    Injuries: Police car driver had mild whiplash, a broken hand, and mild back injuries. The bank truck driver had hit his head on the steering wheel, causing bruising, but was okay.

    Aftermath: The police car was towed and the driver was taken to the hospital. The bank truck was also towed, after the money was taken out.

    Cars used: 2021 Hirochi CCF, 2005 Gavril H-Series

    Map used: Automation Test Track

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  17. szaqunx

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    Feb 28, 2021
    Case: flippy accident
    desc: On febuary 2020 driver of Etk K-series had problem with his car because of factory error esc stopped working and cause to crash into rock wall and roll over
    injuries: driver had multiple injuries
    used vehicles: Etk k-series
    map: Italy
    aftermath: Etk motor company had to refund and sued for 50000euro for that accident

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  18. Blub

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    Nov 21, 2020
    (first post here in 2022)
    Case: Wrong-way driving leads to fatal crash, December 4th, 2013, 00:16

    Description: Two friends wanted to go home, but took a wrong turn, that leaded them towards the wrong direction on route 55 (driving towards Mount Wallis in the lane towards Belasco City). After realizing their mistake, they turn on their hazards and honk towards other drivers. At the exit "Mount Wallis", they turned towards the on-ramp and collided head-on to a bus.

    Injuries: The driver of the car perished instantly. The passenger escaped miraculously, but he was seriousely injured and died 33 minutes later in the ambulance. The driver of the bus was knocked-out and died 1 month later in a coma. 5 of the 26 other passengers, including one off-duty bus driver, recieved various injuries. 2 other passengers recieved glass cuts and for one of them a broken foot, when they tried to open the doors.

    Vehicles involved: 1994 Wentward DT40L in white, registered as 5GAA673, 1996 ETK KR6T TT-Sport cabrio in black, registered as 2YTD616.

    Location: On-ramp Mount Wallis (heading west), Belasco City, California, United States of America.

    Aftermath: After the initial impact, passengers of the bus were trapped as the switch for the doors was blocked by the bus drivers head. They kicked the doors open, and helped an (disabled) elderly lady off-board, but resulted into 2 additional injuries. The passengers that were able to transport again were taken away by another bus. The BCPD, the NTSB and the bus company BelasConnect investigated this accident. The two friends were found with both 2.51 promille (passenger) and 1.77 promille (driver) alcohol in their blood. Also, the bus driver wasn't wearing a seat belt, that sadly could have saved his life. The CCTV camera's were off-duty that night due to maintenance, and there was a lack of signs. In it's final report, the BCPD and NTSB conclude that wrong-way driving due to alcohol, and improper/lack of signs were to blame. Also, they conclude that if CCTV cameras were out of service, that there must be extra security at highways, and that companies, like BelasConnect, should better check if their drivers are wearing seatbelts, and if they aren't present in the vehicle, that they must be added as soon as possible. Both vehicles were written-off and BelasConnect phased out their last DT40L in 2022 when they switched to the newer Capsule.

    #1898 Blub, Jan 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
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  19. Destroyer222

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    Mar 4, 2020
    Case: Fatal accident at the Hirochi Raceway 6 Hours qualifying race, September 3rd, 1982, 12:00.

    Description: Race driver Richard "Richie" Johnson (30) has died in an accident while qualifying for the Hirochi Raceway 6 Hours. Richard lost control of his car, and hit the guard rail with high speed. Richard was thrown from the car, and died instantly

    Injuries: Richard died instantly.

    Vehicles Involved: 1982 Capri Turbo Group 5.

    Location: Hirochi Raceway.

    Aftermath: After the accident, the bend where Richard crashed was rebuilt and more space was put between the track and the guardrail to give drivers more time to brake.

    Crash Photos And Crash Videos:

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  20. TarkinGaming

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    Sep 5, 2020
    Date: September 29th, 2021, 11:14 AM

    Location: Interstate 110, Belasco City, California, United States of America

    Under the Influence

    Description: A driver in a rented white 2017 Gavril H-Series was drunk and began driving over the speed limited on a highway. Several hundred meters away was the county sheriff in a customized 1998 Gavril Roamer with a police and offroad package and a black 1992 Civetta Bolide who was pulled over due to a minor speeding infraction. The van, going 113 km/h (71 mph), hit a highway barrier and subsequently flipped over, smashing the upper-rear of the sheriff's SUV, flying over the Bolide and crashed onto the pavement, continuing to slid until it stopped roughly 92 meters (301 feet) from where it flipped.

    Injuries: Since the sheriff was at the driverside window of the Civetta Bolide and the latter's driver was inside of the car, none of them received any injuries. No other vehicles were hit by the van, so again, no injuries. The van driver, on the other hand, was a different story; he was bruised, had broke his left leg and right arm, a moderate concussion and a dislocated left shoulder.

    Vehicle Damages: Severe damage to the Gavril Roamer's upper rear, severe damage to the Gavril H-Series' body, especially around the rear and middle sections

    Aftermath: The sheriff immediately called dispatch about the accident and nearby drivers stopped on the spot. A ambulance and two cruisers were called to attend to the van driver and arrived seven minutes later. The driverside door of the van was open, so extracting the driver was easier than otherwise. He was treated at the hospital for three weeks, however, before treatment he failed a breathalyser test, which was conducted due to suspicions from passerby that he was drunk just minutes before the crash. He was fined $20,000 USD and spent six months in alcohol rehab, during which his license was suspended.

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