Improved Controls for Video Creators

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by TalksWithNoise, May 23, 2024.

  1. TalksWithNoise

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    Jul 10, 2023
    I've started taking advantage of cinematics and have labeled a few control features that'd be very helpful:
    1) Top speed adjustments for xAxisAbs, yAxisAbs, zAxisAbs, pitchABs, rollAbs, and yawAbs. Some feel far too fast while others could be bumped up (varies on what's being filmed as well).
    2) A linear 0% to 100% for the analog/variable input for "Change speed". Currently it goes from 100% to 0% to 100% rendering the control as useless for other bindings.
    3) The ability to increase and decrease "Change speed" with digital keys (one key for increasing and a different one for decreasing "Change speed").
    4) The ability to "Change speed" at a rate indicated by a user entered input value. This would help with certain cinematic movements where increasing and decreasing speed on the fly is needed and an input value Example: "Change speed" increases/decreases by 0.15 each time the bound increase/decrease button is pressed.
    5) The ability to bind a mouse scroll wheel to controls. Currently it's not detectable.

    Note: “Change speed” is the cameras speed which is currently adjusted via alt+scroll wheel by default.
    #1 TalksWithNoise, May 23, 2024
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. TalksWithNoise

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    Jul 10, 2023
    I've also discovered an odd assortment of bugs. By plugging in a Spacemouse Pro controller BeamNG auto-binds it to desired camera movements which is great. It also shows the controls in the controls settings. However, controls from the Spacemouse can't be manually bound (like the scroll wheel on a mouse):

    I've tried getting around this by running the Spacemouse through another driver called vJoy which allows me to bind the Spacemouse to other controls. BUT it will not allow me to rebind it to the camera's controls if I remove the pre-existing defaulted Spacemouse camera controls. I imagine this could be overcome by removing the Spacemouse as recognized hardware, however BeamNG doesn't seem to have the function to do so:

    As you can see above, the Spacemouse inputs show up as dead while vJoys are active. I believe this problem ties into what may cause mouse scroll wheels to not register as inputs. Various odd nuances here that don't allow for customizing inputs.
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