WIP BeamXForza - Sounds & Configs: v0.5.1a

Discussion in 'Mods and Skins' started by Galaxia, May 3, 2023.

  1. Galaxia

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    Dec 20, 2020
    Well it's averaging at least 2-3 months between releases, so another month or two. That also isn't accounting for burnout, which I'm slightly under right now. Been trying to get an engine to work using 2 different samples and both turned out failures so I'm taking a small break. I will come back with a teaser for how the new Forced Induction will work sometime soon. So that's the next thing to look forward to other than the new engine teases.
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  2. Buffalo Custardbath

    Buffalo Custardbath
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    Feb 21, 2018
    I've got a weird bug where I can't activate the mod after installing BeamMP. After installing BeamMP all my mods including this one were deactivated. I'm able to reactivate other mods without any problems but this one just loads indefinitely. I tried installing the mod again but it's still deactivated. Help would be appreciated.
  3. Galaxia

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    Dec 20, 2020
    Does this happen at the main menu or while loading into a server?
  4. Buffalo Custardbath

    Buffalo Custardbath
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    Feb 21, 2018
    So I installed it again right now and it's active but now I can't deactivate it.
    Happens both in the main menu and while loaded into a map. I also uninstalled BeamMP so I doubt the problem is connected to it.
  5. Galaxia

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    Dec 20, 2020
    I can't seem to replicate this bug.. not sure what could be causing it. I really hope you don't have to re-install BeamNG itself and start from scratch because that's not ideal. That is unfortunately the next thing I would suggest though.... starting from a clean install of BeamNG. If you don't want to do that I don't blame you. Also if you happen to find the solution, feel free to post it so if it occurs again, someone else may be able to see it too.
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