How to get JorgePinto's Rear Yellow EU License Plates to appear on other vehicles?

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by Pendennis Castle, May 23, 2024.

  1. Pendennis Castle

    Pendennis Castle
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    Feb 25, 2024
    I've been trying to figure out how over the past few days by having a look in JorgePinto's mod files but i've had no luck so far, i know it has something to do with a jbeam file which i've edited in notepad with what i assume is the correct names of parts for it to be appear and i've put it in a zipped folder in the "mods" folder but it's not working, i've tried it on both the TAZ Baikal and the Burnside Commander and neither has worked, if someone could make a tutorial on how to do it that would be fantastic.

    I'm new to this sort of thing so i figured i'd at least give it a try myself before asking for help if it didn't work out.
  2. VinsWie

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    May 19, 2023
    Hello there
    I can help you with that ;)

    So first, you need to unpack JorgePinto's mod by putting it in the unpacked folder. Then navigate to the files of the vehicle you want the plates on.
    As an example, I will do it with the AW Bete mod.


    After that, look for the licenseplate_EU.jbeam file.


    When you have located that file, create a new folder under "vehicles" in the plates folder with the vehicle name in the files (in this case bete86).

    Then copy the .jbeam file into the new folder.


    Open the file and replace "EU" and "52-11" with "yellow" and delete the "-r?" parts of the mesh name (so "yellow" instead of "yellow-r2" for example). After that the plate should now work! :D


    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me ;)

    NOTE: Some vehicles like the TAZ Baikal and Mir have their license plate files a bit differently, so for that you can just take a look at the "mir" and "baikal" folders in one of my mods and just replace my custom plate sizes (like AL-39) with "yellow".
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