WIP A Homerange

Discussion in 'Terrains, Levels, Maps' started by Barbent Servo GT, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Dieter Huysamen

    Dieter Huysamen
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    Sep 17, 2023
    this looks awesome!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
  3. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    The flying Piccolina is propelled by the SkyRide Ultimate mod. It's great for doing some design quality checks by gliding across the landscape with it, almost like riding a magic carpet from 'One Thousand and One Nights'...

    I will not post any photoshopped images here. WYSIWYG ;)
    --- Post updated ---
    Actually, I had requested not to be asked about the release date of this project. However, I understand the burning question :p. But, as you might guess, I can't provide a clear answer. It's an incredibly massive project. I can't even tell you the percentage of completion because I have to redesign large areas. I've discarded my initial concept of simply building roads and placing a bunch of assets next to them. The landscape is now much more detailed in terms of topology and surface texturing, while also being less resource-intensive and with fewer unnecessary objects and more dedicated ones. However, this also means much more work. I would love to give you an estimate of a planned release, but I can't. I'll keep working on it, no question, but some days you just think - my God, what have I gotten myself into...

    So what I could really use from you is simply mental support through your keen interest. In return, I'll regularly show you the delights of the ongoing development. :cool:
    • Like Like x 3
  4. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Tricky-ticking :)

    The laser timing system at the Airtona racetrack (seen also in some pics above) is now fully functional. With some triggers and LUA code, a clever & smart :p stopwatch is installed. It works without the need for time trials or scenarios, essentially becoming a part of the racetrack itself as a service and is available in all gaming modes with or without AI. The system initializes automatically, starts timing, counts laps, calculates differences, and records the best lap time. The display is integrated with BeamNG's message system, so there’s no need for a separate app. The messages stay long enough and are marked with different icons so you have plenty of time to find a straight section to read the informations while the race goes on. Additionally, all data is logged into the console, where you can review all the measurements after the race at your leisure. It is satisfying to improve driving skills on the racetrack with fully automatic and exact time measuring without any user input and without leaving the freeroam-feeling! If anyone is interested in the code, I am happy to share it.

    Break a leg! :cool:


    The code is only the essential fragment. It of course needs a proper frame in the mainLevel.lua file. There are two LUA-Trigger, one to take time along the lasers and one at the start zone to reset the stopwatch if the vehicle stands still and thus is ready to start. It's a rolling start for now what means the first lap starts when your vehicle crosses the start line. Time ddt is delivered from a onUpdate event as a float in sec.

    -- *** Airtona Stopwatch *******************************************
    if data.triggerName == 'RacewayStopwatchTrigger' then                -- Start/Finish Trigger Object?
        if data.event == 'enter' then
            if data.subjectID == be:getPlayerVehicleID(0) then            -- Player-Vehicle? Ignore AI!
                raceway_old_laptime = raceway_new_laptime                -- Store prev. Laptime
                raceway_new_laptime = ddt - raceway_last_triggertime    -- Calc. new Laptime
                raceway_last_triggertime = ddt                            -- Store Timestamp
                local rating = ""
                local icon = "play_arrow"
                local outstring = ""
                if raceway_lapcount == 0 then        -- first Timestamp (means Start)?
                    -- Generate Output String
                    outstring = "Airtona lap 1 started..."
                elseif raceway_lapcount == 1 then    -- second Timestamp (means first Lap)?
                    -- Generate Output String
                    outstring = string.format("Airtona lap 1: %0.2f sec", raceway_new_laptime)
                else                                -- n. Timestamp (on 2. Lap and above)
                    if raceway_new_laptime < raceway_old_laptime then            -- faster than before?
                        if raceway_new_laptime < raceway_fastest_laptime then     -- faster than fastest?
                            raceway_fastest_laptime = raceway_new_laptime        -- store new fastest
                            rating = "best lap!"
                            icon = "play_circle_filled"
                            rating = "improved!"
                            icon = "play_circle_outline"
                    -- Generate Output String
                    outstring = string.format("Airtona lap %d: %0.2f sec ( %+0.2f sec ) %s", raceway_lapcount, raceway_new_laptime, raceway_new_laptime - raceway_old_laptime, rating)
                -- Output
                log('I', 'A Homerange: Airtona', outstring)
                ui_message(outstring, 60, "BSGT Message", icon)
                -- Count Laps
                raceway_lapcount = raceway_lapcount + 1
            -- Beep Sound for any vehicle
            scenetree.findObject('LaserBeepEmitterC'):play()    -- Audio
    -- *** Airtona Stopwatch Reset *************************************
    if data.triggerName == "RacewayStopwatchResetTrigger" then                -- Trigger must be ticking!!!
        vehObj = be:getObjectByID(data.subjectID)                            -- get Subjekt
        if data.subjectID == be:getPlayerVehicleID(0) then                    -- Player-Vehicle? Ignore AI
            airspeed = vehObj:getVelocity():length()                        -- get airspeed of Subjekt
            if airspeed < 1 then    -- Airspeed near zero?
                if raceway_allowreset == true then
                    raceway_lapcount = 0
                    raceway_last_triggertime = 0
                    raceway_new_laptime = 0
                    raceway_old_laptime = 0
                    raceway_fastest_laptime = 99999 --(more than 3/4h... should be enough...)
                    raceway_allowreset = false
                    -- Output
                    log('I', 'A Homerange: Airtona', "Airtona time measurement: reset and ready.")
                    ui_message("Airtona time measurement: reset and ready.", 5, "BSGT Message", "snooze")
                -- Allowing Stopwatch reset again, if the vehicle moved
                raceway_allowreset = true
    #84 Barbent Servo GT, May 19, 2024
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
    • Like Like x 8
  5. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    After decades of fruitless research and scientific investigations, I finally succeeded in getting answers about nonvolumetric cloud formations from a renowned fortune teller... o_O

    screenshot_2024-05-22_11-03-05.jpg screenshot_2024-05-14_14-08-50.jpg screenshot_2024-05-22_11-05-39.jpg

    This breakthrough allowed me to develop a rather beautiful and, most importantly, FPS-friendly technique for creating a virtuously designed sky.

    screenshot_2024-05-22_10-58-26.jpg screenshot_2024-05-22_10-58-47.jpg screenshot_2024-05-22_10-59-16.jpg

    Using multiple layers of very specialized normal maps, conjured up with witchcraft recipes and alchemist smoke, I've created a magical celestial canopy for you to enjoy.

    screenshot_2024-05-22_11-10-14.jpg screenshot_2024-05-22_11-09-58.jpg screenshot_2024-05-22_11-09-50.jpg

    But please, always keep your eyes on the road while driving! I've ended up in the ditch a few times because of cloud dreaming :cool:
    (If someone is interessted in the actual sky settings I use, feel free to ask about)
    • Like Like x 12
  6. Acrain7

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    Sep 7, 2015
    This looks incredible! I hate to ask, but are there any plans to update the terrain and road textures to PBR?
  7. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    what area is this based on
  8. AlexKidd71

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    Mar 16, 2022
    Flip fantasia.
  9. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Multiple! :D The final clouds will be less surreal for sure. I'm just playing a bit.
    --- Post updated ---
    It is based on the left above and down under middle right areas of my brain or... ;)
    --- Post updated ---
    For now it's a mix of PBR and nonPBR everywhere. I will not change the ground materials to PBR unless I can paint the base color with the world editor. I need the freedom to paint my fantasy directly into the terrain. I don't feel PBR is missing.
    #89 Barbent Servo GT, May 25, 2024
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
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  10. flykas

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    Apr 2, 2016
    Oh man, this is so awesome. So detailed and with all custom objects. This is like some new DLC that I am waiting for :)

    Really nice that you are taking your time and doing everything as you imagine.

    Do you create all the objects in Blender?

    I am learning Blender a bit and would really like to get into BeamNG map making, so this is inspiring.

    Have a nice day!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. AlexKidd71

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    Mar 16, 2022
    My plan is to render the terrain basecolor somehow if I finished my project. But up to now I have no perfect clue how to do it.
  12. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Hi Alex :), that is exactly my [IF] plan, too. But also my plan is very coarse till now... I think it will be again a Blender plan with some masking, tiling and baking. Could be a special node based material (shader). On the other hand maybe I will opt for no ground PBR cause it really looks good as it is. Asphalt and Mud is not optimal, though. I experimented with PBR Decal Roads a bit. Well... and I don't think there will be a point where I clearly "finished" the project. So I will have to convert the materials several times if I should take this road...
    I have time. maybe the devs will make a step :rolleyes:.
    --- Post updated ---
    thanks! It is a mix of a lot of vanilla assets, some have been edited and many new creations. I have to manage a high memory demand, so I try to instance as many as possible and use level of detail extensively.... and somtimes have to reduce scenery :(
    I try to impart some know-how alongside the project, but creating tutorials takes time and doesn't help the map progress that much... :)
    #92 Barbent Servo GT, Jun 6, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2024
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  13. THom6502

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    Dec 17, 2022
    Wow can't wait to see a link to download. Great job.
  14. Ax50

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    Aug 12, 2019
    It looks awesome but why is the sky so grey looking? Is it part of the theme of the map?
  15. passengerpigeon

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    Jan 22, 2017
    Those are dynamic clouds; you should be able to turn them off.
  16. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Hi :) thx for you eyes!
    If have set up the clouds and sky theme to be a bit compatible with the very different biomes of the map because those settings are map global. I thought of a relatively high air humidity so I didn't made a clear blue sky. Also there is fog in lower regions. So it depends a on how high you actually are to see more blue colored sky. The mountain peaks can be seen from very far distance (8-15km) whereas the visibility in the valleys is about 4 km which is realistic for a european - mediterranean - north african clime with general atlantic west influence. About average. For the above cloud pics I have also altered the "cloud coverage" slider in the environment settings menu, cause that and of course the daytime will be a thing everyone can adjust depending on the mood. Older pics are not representative any more. Everything is dynamic and everything you see here is WIP.
    CU soon with some more progress pics... :cool:
    #96 Barbent Servo GT, Jun 10, 2024 at 11:21 AM
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024 at 11:26 AM
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