Different throttle/clutch assist for different inputs

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by ikt, May 25, 2024.

  1. ikt

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    Aug 18, 2016
    It'd be neat if the throttle and clutch assists could be toggled separately for wheels and other inputs - I don't want to bother with clutching in and out while quickly trying stuff with a keyboard or controller, but I also play with a full rig where I do want full manual control over those two things.

    It's already present for the steering assists, so it'd be nice if this could also be done for the throttle and clutch :)

    Got a separate remark about the input handling - currently I need to unplug my steering wheel, otherwise BeamNG recognizes it as input and semi-ignores input from my controller, or uses both inputs at once. It'd be nice for different input methods to (optionally) completely take precedence, so I can use a controller while my rig is plugged in. E.g. mash the throttle on the controller to switch to controller-exclusive mode, and all further inputs from the wheel are ignored. Mash the throttle on the wheel, and same - ignore all other inputs.
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