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Early Experimental Preview of Career Concept

Discussion in 'Microblogs' started by tdev, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. krallopian

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 5, 2013
    Apologies for this not being caught earlier! I just verified it's still happening on our dev build as well, I will make sure this gets taken care of, it is indeed *very annoying :D Thank you very much for the report!

    Strange, I'm not getting this on my end, could you upload a log file or take a picture of what it's saying, lets see if we can't figure this out! :)

    The D-Series is a tricky one, there are SOOO many configs for it that just be percentages it would show up the majority of the time. I know that there were some special cases to try and limit it's presence but clearly it still needs balancing, thanks a lot for the report! :)

    Yeah the upcoming work on police and racing gameplay is something I'm personally most excited for! We've got some great things happening to round off the delivery gameplay at the moment, and then we'll start diving into these other gameplay elements! Regarding the dev mission though, that's surprising (it was probably a left over test during a switch over of the drift systems, I'll check in on this, thanks for the report!)

    This has already been re-implemented on our dev build and hope to get it out to the public soon, sorry that it was removed, there were some systems changes going on and it allowed for some very wonky behaviour, but we never got around to reimplementing it to Career - rest assured, it's on it's way back :)

    This is something I dream about often, a lot of us do! This requires much more than just hitting a toggle switch unfortunately. The level textures and PBR setup require extensive work, the buildings need to "turn on" at night, street lights need to be balanced, and the amount of extra work required is massive. There are no immediate plans to do this at the moment because of the required efforts and needed tech improvements, but believe me when I say; we all want it and have our fingers crossed! :)

    As other's have shared, WOW! Thank you for putting the time and effort into that! There are a lot of points to touch on, but in short I'll say: Currently WCUSA is already cooking the minimum-spec PC's out there so we aren't able to add any more to it until we get further improvements on memory management (which are planned and hopefully coming down the line soon for us) and general performance. There is no shortage of exciting ideas to improve WCUSA and other maps, and work is actively being done on testing new methods!
    When it comes to new storage box styles, I agree that it would be great to have even more variety. The upcoming delivery gameplay improvements and additions will touch on this, but not quite as you've outlined above. We'll always be able to add more moving forward - for now everything has been a "systems first" approach, lets just get things working well first, then go back in and fill in the details and polish! :)

    This is certainly planned, for now we wanted to just get the basics, "pickup here, drop off there" working and we've got that done. Improving the gameplay, adding more difficulty and bonuses based on precision and skill are certainly still planned, we'll get there eventually! :)

    This is planned as well, the three starter cars were chosen only to represent FWD, AWD, and RWD options. Once there are more ways to make money and explore the game in a much more individual fashion, we'll focus more on, "here's a total beater, go get some cash and fix it up" where as right now, we're still on the way there! :) Thanks for bringing this up again though, it's a great opportunity to remind everyone of the long-term goals!
    • Like Like x 8
  2. bussin.buses

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    Aug 1, 2022
    I mean, that also happens in Freeroam, which I'm assuming is a bug on my end, but it's good to know it's coming back to Career.
  3. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    thank you for taking our feedback into consideration its cool to see a rather large game company do that
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  4. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    I can't wait for all the goodies that are coming to career mode!

    The error is in the " ` " screen, I don't know if it's one of my inactive mods or not. I am not on that PC right now so I can't get a picture even if I knew how. :p

    About the PC cooking. One area of a PC that can be upgraded easily is the RAM. If you need to update the minimum spec, I would suggest increasing the RAM requirement. Upgrading from an 8GB RAM to a 16GB RAM is inexpensive. You could either get another 8GB RAM card for around 40$ or a new 16GB RAM card for around 60$. I believe this is achievable for everyone. Although you would have to give multiple month notice over numerous posts and in-game warnings to alert as many people as you could. Possibly have a community vote about it

    Just out of curiosity. Why didn't you guys go with an FWD, RWD, AWD, and 4x4 lineup? A low-end hopper could have been the 4x4. Granted the interior looks like someone used that ventablack paint. But I (, in my limited knowledge,) would think that updating the interior textures wouldn't be horrifically hard.
    (Vantablack paint IRL) images.jpeg
    --- Post updated ---
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. jordanpuma

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    Aug 10, 2012
    Was playing yesterday, and couldn't help shake the feeling that I really don't like the speed camera/red light camera system, even if it's something that exists irl, it's definitely my least favorite part of driving lol.

    I also found out, by accident, that if your vehicle doesn't have plates, you won't be fined, with a specific message popping up.

    It's those kind of details that make me love this game. I'm sure there will be consequences to operating like that in the future (Career Freeroam cops one day?), but for now, it's really cool that there's a way around it.
  6. catchow1977

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    Jun 2, 2022
    with the career mode police if we don't have plates we should get fined
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. krallopian

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    BeamNG Team

    Dec 5, 2013
    This will happen once police are better trained and back roaming the streets! :)

    I'm really glad that a lot of people discovered the no-plate = no-fine mechanic, it's a fun little thing to play with as the "Automated Speed Enforcement" systems become a larger system.

    At the moment they were only placed and made active because I asked for the art to be built 18 months ago and we never got around to putting them in. I suggested, "lets just get them in there, now, before release, and see what people think" after giving a small amount of balance. There is only one red-light camera at the moment as it was a last-second feature development. Things will become much better and clearer in the future updates for sure, don't worry! The overall goal is, "listen, you can't just drive 150mph in a truck to do deliveries everywhere, it's highly unrealistic, so here are a few pain spots around the map that you'll learn about and be forced to slow down through if you're worried about finances." We won't be making the map larger any time soon, so we need to make sure gameplay doesn't always consist of 54-second deliveries due to players just going full speed everywhere. :)

    You can just press PRINT SCREEN on the keyboard and paste it here (it's above the Insert | Home | Page Up keys on your keyboard) otherwise, just try and grab a shot even with your phone if you have one! Sorry, there are much better tech-support people that could probably help you if you created a ticket haha!

    Regarding the 4x4, it was more of my overall choice to simply give people the driving dynamics of, "easy, medium, hard" from the get go with Easy being AWD, medium being FWD, and hard being RWD. It's very loosely based in reality, but also a very basic gamification of drivetrains within a driving game. These starter cars will eventually change in the future as we get more robust systems cohesion.

    Appreciate it, thanks back, it's a two-way street for sure! :)
    • Like Like x 6
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  8. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    While I was watching Broadbent's stream the other day and he was having trouble with the GPS coming out of the gas station I had a thought... Is there a final plan for the sat nav implementation?

    Personally I would like to see something more realistic, where instead of the big magical arrows we have just vocal cues and the display from a built in nav/HUD or the BeamNav windshield unit. It would be mostly the same basic system that a rally codriver would require so the core functionality is something we're going to need someday anyway.

    Like most things in career mode I would hope to see this hypothetical system tied to settings so the player can have a more casual experience if desired.
    • Agree Agree x 8
  9. LegThePeg

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    Jun 4, 2022
    I’ve actually secretly wished that we could toggle a setting for the arrows, so we get a more realistic experience. With the new CCF dashboard, you can do this, if you use the interior screen (you can also search for any POI or event, like the diner in WCUSA).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. EUDM fanboy

    EUDM fanboy
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    Nov 30, 2023
    Yes. Just yes. This needs to be existing in 0.32. Yes.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Have you ever driven the "easy car" at high speed? It's harder to drive fast than the other 2 cars! I started my career with the ETK ONCE, and I will not be doing that again.

    Also, that error went away when I cleared my cache to make sure it was cleared. I have no idea what could have caused it.

    Also, I feel like putting a stop sign camera by the police station intersection would be a fitting location.

    Also, are you guys working on the AI? They almost always go 10MPH under the limit, and at certain spots change lanes into you.
  12. SSRG

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    Jun 17, 2023
    It’s kinda silly ‘cause there’s more and more complaints about the AI, as if it was getting dumber very update :p

    Realistic driving: every other person on the road is dumb
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  13. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    Yeah, but they don't actively try to kill you and themselves.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  14. hacker420

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    Dec 29, 2017
    Balkan and Russian drivers:
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    A little of topic but... did the vehicle design crew know that "Wendover" could easily be turned into "Bendover" when they named it?

    Back on topic, are AI improvements coming in 0.33? Or can't you say?
  16. bussin.buses

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    Aug 1, 2022
    It's probably (I don't know how it wouldn't be) named after Wendover, Utah.
  17. ufix

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    Nov 30, 2018
    I don't know if anyone has already reported this, but the Mount Wallis Drift mission is not working

    Attached Files:

    • error.png
  18. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    I did. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  19. BadmanTru 2

    BadmanTru 2
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    Feb 23, 2017
    I really haven't found the ai to be acting badly lately, though i do wish they was more of a challenge on races and other events.
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  20. Supreemo

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    Jun 18, 2014
    I just want to say that i have been playing the experimental career mode in experimental VR mode and its experiMENTAL fun!

    You do a better job at truck simming then games devoted to truck simming. Having those fluid mechanics in liquid filled trailers feels great swashing around.

    My main problem with the game is the force feedback for direct drive wheels.
    I have the Logitech pro direct drive wheel. The problem is when driving at low speeds, its almost like i can feel every tread in the tire as it moves over the surface of the road. Causes huge red quick successive spikes in the FFB graph.
    I try turning both smoothing options up to around 200 and still there.

    The only way to somewhat manage this is to turn the force of the wheelbase down to about 4nm. I still get the crazy spikes but its not as hard on the equipment and i lose other sensations putting the force down that low.

    Keep up the awesome work! VR support is fun, hope you don't regret adding it.

    • Like Like x 1
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