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Poll and SBR4 both gone

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Again_Dejavu, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. jplayer

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    Jan 31, 2015
    amen bubble awesome. I feel that we are better at pointing out the flaws because we think that it should be perfect rather than to see it for the whole. It is in beta, it is not perfect, and i think that the effort put in by the dev is commendable. especially since it is all done from scratch....
    this reminds me a a certain quote from the bible (no offence, catholic school has me memorize verses and I feel it applies)
    When they persisted in questioning him, he straightened up and told them, "Let the person among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7
  2. Godzilla!

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    Mar 17, 2013
    Basically, the forum is full of immature people.
  3. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Partly, its people that feel their opinions are fact that are really a problem. Having an opinion is fine, forcing it is not.

    I hope the SRB4 gets worked on pretty soon though, there is something awesome about seeing a totally new and different vehicle design that isn't just strongly based of a real car. Its a nice change.
  4. Godzilla!

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    Mar 17, 2013
    I got the same opinion on the SBR4. :D This is the only car "Nearly In-Game" according to the wiki, so there is hope.


    In fact, a lot of hope. :p
    The poll closed (So did the thread) and this is the final result.
    #84 Godzilla!, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
  5. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    I freely admit this as one of my main character defects. Also, I called the SBR "hideous" and for that I am ashamed. I come from a family of artists and I would
    never call one of my brothers or fathers works "hideous". That would be criminal and unthinkable. I honestly think what was going on with this poll was a classic
    example of the rabid self entitlement nature of anonymity on the internet and in my case I would never have called another's work "hideous" face to face without
    all sorts of merit behind it. Been feeling like total crap about this all day, the sheer heartless insult the word "hideous" must carry. I must apologize to any
    community members my rancid words may have hurt too.

    There's been some really intelligent and common sense posts (Bubbleawesome), the past 12 hours that have made me think twice about the real people behind
    this most excellent program. Onward to wiser pastures for me....apologies are just to easy.
  6. Hati

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Thanks forum. You know that line between constructive criticism and being a cunt? The thread was taken down before I could defend the fucken' thing. I mean, come on. Dicks. I was really looking forward to that damn car.

    I'm too pissed off to put this eloquently, and more cordial phrasing wouldn't convey the magnitude of how...

    just. Thanks.
    #86 Hati, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
  7. Occam's Razer

    Occam's Razer
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    Aug 7, 2013
    It's likely that the responses in this thread are so supportive because Gabester explicitly said he was offended. Remove that defensive layer of potential mob mentality, and things may go back to business as usual. If that's discouraging, just remember that the abrasive, rude people aren't more numerous than the kind or rational ones. Just much, much louder.

    Not necessarily true, even for creative work. I once heard a rumor that composer Max Steiner built Casablanca's award-winning soundtrack around a song that he passionately hated, not to mention the myriad of actors who portrayed wonderful characters that they were principally against. But it helps if you like it.

    My opinion of the car hasn't changed. A slight redesign would do the body lines wonders, but the concept is solid and there are some really strong shapes, especially toward the front end. At any rate, I very much doubt we'll ever get a truly bad car from you, Gabester. You care too much.
  8. Zero

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    Sep 2, 2012
    The SBR4 seemed like a great vehicle, with lots of potential. Would be hell of a shame to close it just like that. Remember, someone's opinion on you or your work, does not have to become your reality.

    In the end, it's up to you but it would be a shame to end it.
  9. Dc5R

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    Oct 29, 2014
    Actually , the best post ever is between hate comments , gabe posts a pic of a fully finished SBR4 saying screw this . :)

    Here we go again .
    It's a question mark , and i didn't say i liked it very much , and more cars the better .
  10. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    aww, I only read the first page of comments...tl;dr, the SBR4 was the most anticipated vehicle in my eyes, the rear engine SB design was simply delicious, and I am sorry on behalf of the community members that completely appreciate all the hard work you and the other devs do Gabe. I hope that a few opinions turned into flame wars and hatred over what is essentially a timeless, original design dont discourage you to continue that, or any other, project. I think it was funky and cool, a mix of eclectic design as well as functional and efficient use of layout. I understand your heart and soul go into these vehicles that I cannot even believe were completely thought up and modelled and put in-game by you and other extremely talented devs. And to all those people who threw mean words and things to say about the SBR4 (opinions are one thing, going on and on and beating a dead horse is another thing) I want you to know that it is uncalled for, and frankly immature. Imagine putting in HOURS of work (maybe even approaching hundreds of man hours) into something you felt proud of, and felt was an amazing product, only for someone to display such disdain for it, when it is simply a physical form of an idea. Grow up, stop bitching, and just play the game you all (should have) payed for. Its a great game and the amount of work and dedication that goes into it should not be overshadowed by simpleton 12 year olds that have no influence otherwise.
  11. Яeverse Bass

    Яeverse Bass
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    Oct 31, 2014
    I would like to assume that you just need to be passionate about it, not that you must have positive feelings towards. There is the ability to hate something with a passion, and you can turn that energy into creative/artistic craft.

    On the other hand, indifference or apathy will be a great hindrance.
  12. crimsonskull

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    Jan 1, 2013
    tbh, it is ugly. but it's a special kind of ugly. kind of like the jenson interceptor, or the porsche panamera. im sure this will be a great car.
  13. JoNnii

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    Jul 3, 2013

    I can imagine very well how you feel.
    While I'm modeling my own designed car atm, alot of people liked it, and alot didn't.
    Some called it ugly, like it was a written fact and not an opinion.
    Some kind of insulted it.

    But actually, what really counts, is that at least some people liked it,
    and especially myself. In my opinion stuff shouldn't be made as a pure
    pleasure for a whole community, or anyone. It should please you
    and be fun for you, and if the others like it, that's great.

    It'd be a real shame to not see this happen. Even if I wasn't part of this all
    and not even online since a quite long time; I must admit I'm pretty sorry
    for the community to act like that. Sad.

    You people should be happy to have devs like Gabester, that are so close
    to the community. It's a very, very rare thing nowadays. Because of
    behaviour like it was shown in that particular case, it gets even more rare.

    Tell your opinion, spread it to the world - but not forcing it, and not formed
    as an insult. There's always a person with heart, soul and passion behind
    every great project. Think of that.
  14. clayton8or

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    Aug 26, 2013
    I am deeply offended by the people on this forum. Some people call a car ugly and get mad at the devs and that is not good but you have no right to assume their age just based off on that fact!
    how would you know that? and why 14 what have 14 year olds done to you! I almost quit for a week just based off this fact that the stereotypes are unbearably common! sure younger people are generally less mature but come ON this is getting insane. I have seen many 11-15 year olds that are more mature/smarter than some of you ignorant pricks! Im not pointing anyone out im just tired of this dramatic shit that has been happening throughout these past days and even years beam has been up and running.
  15. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    This is exactly why that stereotype exists. 14 year olds like you.
    Really, did you ever graduate elementary school? Your grammar is awful. Take some time to think about your post and iron out grammar errors before you hit "submit reply" for once.
    The stereotype is about as true as stereotypes get, and if you want to do something about it then grow the fuck up and learn the basics of english.
  16. SpartanApples

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    Aug 26, 2013
    Spot the 14 year old.
  17. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    Okay, it's REALLY getting painful to see this thread still causing all sorts of misery. This is ridiculous. Time to put this thread out to pasture....NOW!
  18. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    ok, guys, go and fetch some fresh air outside or so please :)
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