WIP Beta released The Tennessee USA Roane County 0.71 Beta Discussion/Suggestion/feedback Thread 19.3.1

HUGE 175sq/mi, 193+ miles of roadway, US40 highway, 3 Towns, Signs, Working Traffic Lights, Trees

  1. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
    I'm still looking for it, and NO I don't want spoilers :p It's my little adventure.

    I was very honored when I saw that I had been credited ^_^

    As far as suggestions go, maybe a tear-drop roundabout at the ends of each of the major highways, allowing drivers to circle around and go back the way they came without letting off the throttle too much? It'd break an element of the realism a bit, but it would make it so that AI could be chased to the ends of the map and then turn to start heading back the other way smoothly. In its present state it is fun enough, but it would be neat (alternatively) to have a rim two-lane fictional old-fashioned (hilly, steep, curvy) highway that runs the entire perimeter of the map, with connections and interchanges linking it to the major exiting roads. It would improve the overall 'flow' of free driving in the map and remove the need to back-track after driving down a dead end.

    Effort-wise, I am not sure if it would be worth doing. It's just a notion that has been rattling around in my head.

    As far as scenarios go, I just want to see this map added to Random Tour, so I can stop having a choice of where I spawn, what I am driving, and where I am going.
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well I can always look into random tour in the future, AFTER I get my missing 'mission editor' button problem resolved (this affects many folks not just myself).
    I can't add a rim-road to go around the whole map but there WILL be roads added near the edge of the map as realism allows, that allow you a means of continuing on, albeit having to turn right or left, just before the jumps/map edges. Again, I'd do the rim-road but the fact is, I've spent a LOT of time adding things to the map such as realistic layout, towns where the towns are in real life, as it is real terrain, it'd surely spoil it if I added in too many imaginary miles of road. I can always add in some dirt paths, that can go pretty much anywhere (shortcuts!), though...that wouldn't be so bad! Map needs MOAR paths. For those that aren't sure about the paths, well, a path or two over the giant mountain range, and some connections between two nearby dead-ends with paths, and a few that are just low-speed, low-capacity rural residential access. Think of it as something I've already done here - the waterfall path on the NW map area.

    I like your ideas, I will consider them.

    • Like Like x 1
  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Work continues after a bit of a hiatus, as I gave some time for enough reviews to post, so I have an idea of what people like and don't like.

    I am finishing the area off NORTH OF HARRIMAN downtown. All those stub-intersections, unfinished road crossings, some with stone to either side indicating a road might go there (and is missing)... those all get roads. There will also be a long dirt road and an opportunity to jump the Emory River (near the mine).
    I'll make sure you can jump it on both sides, this should add considerable fun to the map but the trail will have to be pretty flat to get the speed required.
    Continuing the railroad track further (it's about a mile longer now, and will become 2~3 miles longer). I stretched the straight sections length-wise so that they'd cover more area with less piece usage (it does not affect width of the track gauge), as I am limited on what I can add to this map. Can't stretch corners though.
    This brings me back to a topic on the last post - ring road sections. While I can't (well I CAN but for the sake of realism WILL NOT) add a ring-road, I will add some of the roads in near the map-edges, so that you can continue on with fresh scenery and not have to turn around, only to see the very same stuff you just drove past in reverse. It also will give you the option to do something besides jump at the end of the map (but you still can! they won't be removed). Also, I will add some sections of trail, regardless if they exist, as short-cuts or cut-throughs so you can get to sections of the map that really aren't used much. This will be as close as I get to ring-roads. These will go over the mountain in a few, fun spots. Jeepers are not forgotten.

    I will attach some screenies to this post, when I get some more stuff to show for my work, right now it's all busy work (terrain adjustment, laying out road alignments, putting the roadbed grade on, then adding the road itself, and the finally furnishing signs and detailing (tar lines or stop bars, etc).

    On the opposite end of Roane Street (if you took it all the way south, past Rockwood, like in the videos above, to where they start), you get to the area near GLEN ALICE, about 3~5 miles out of Rockwood, I'll be adding stuff between Glen Alice and Rockwood, again, so you have alternate places to drive.
    Roane Street is the road you start next to if you go and choose the Downtown Harriman spawn or Rockwood Unfinished spawn, it's the same road, though the Rockwood spawn puts you a half-block or so just west of it, it's the nearest light. It's also the road featured in many of @NewoFox's videos with the jumps at either end. This stuff SOUTH of Rockwood/Glen-Alice will be done after I get the area north of Harriman done.

    Okay, so I got jumps positioned, on each side of the Emory river (a pair, going each way for slower or faster jumps, e.g. more or less upward angle 'air time'). These, after an hour of tweaking, are turning out to be a lot more fun than I even imagined they would be :) Always nice when mapping is fun, ya know?
    Pics enclosed. There's not a lot of road built, like a mile or two (combined path and road). It's not decorated yet, but will be mostly forested. Remember, this is quite 'primitive' and will require another day's work before it looks production-quality. Last one of the ETK Rally car, is after the jump, punched the strut towers up into the hood a few inches, but it still drives in a straight line heh heh. The pessima GTZ with a better turbo makes it too, usually, if it doesn't roll on the roof. A good speed is somewhere around 100mph, possibly faster on the taller jumps. Basically, most any car with any kind of turbo can make it.
    OK so the 'path' is a bit smoother than a path would normally be, BUT you need it to be, to make the jump. It sure is fun though trying, trying, trying, trying, trying.... 5+ mins later MADE IT...!

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    #403 bob.blunderton, Nov 18, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
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  4. MotherTrucker02

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    Jun 29, 2016
    Awesome. I was hoping for some off-roading trails but didn't want to be rude and ask. This map just keeps getting better and better.
  5. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    There will be plenty of trails, I am getting to the phase of the map where the exists-in-real-life stuff is all pretty much in (buildings and some signage aside, ofcourse)... so I know where I have the room, and where the map feels like it needs 'MOAR'. Asking isn't rude, that's what THIS discussion thread is for bud. Fear not... there will be a dozen or two miles of them in the next update if I can help it. Some will be just farm paths, shortcuts, or to alleviate dead-ends by linking two nearby map-edge-ending roads together (so the AI can use it, not just the player). Some will be to prevent natural boundaries from isolating players from discovering other portions of the map - as you'll notice in reviews, people will review one itsy-bitsy-section of the map (like 10~15% of the map) in 10 minutes... (no, not you @NewoFox ). This is because they tend to get lost or trapped in one area. That's easy to do, very easy, especially if you're not the one who made the map. Eventually, you'll be able to get most places by just heading the direction you want to go.
    Basically what I am saying, is there are large, unused, unfinished, or otherwise underutilized portions of the map (that already have to be loaded, processed, etc, when you load into the map now) that might as well get used just as well as the rest of the map. If there's no real-life counterpart road to put in, then I will possibly add forest-crossing trails for the fun of it. So loading times might only be a hair longer on the next version, ram-use shouldn't be much higher either. Maybe a little, but it shouldn't ruin anyone's day.
    So keep mentioning what this map needs more of, because if you don't, it might not get put in. Trails, jumps, fun stuff like that. As I finish off the last of the roads needed over the next week to 10 days (possibly less)... I will be adding 'fun stuff' like this. Sometimes we get sick of just driving around all-boring and legal-like. Maybe we want to go super-duper-fast off a huge mound of dirt turned-into-a-jump, fly 50 foot in the air over a river and watch every single part fly off the car when we land! Beamng.drive is good for all of this - and it shall be here, too.
    When version 0.6 lands (by 1st week December at the latest, don't see why it'd be later), it will come packed with new fun Pessima-pounding, Burnside-bashing, D-series-destroying, Covet-crunching good times - that you can be absolutely sure of.
    Before anyone asks, I will do what I can to make the AI attempt the jumps using raised waypoints (even if it results in failure, it's still awesome to watch).
    EDIT: If anyone wishes to ask questions or has suggestions, I'll be on the thread checking back in an hour or so.

    Another EDIT a few hours later:
    4 miles of road & path were added including the river-jumping portion earlier mentioned.
    Fiske Rd was added (Fiske? Who names a road FISKE, sounds more like laundry detergent or fight move)
    Webster Pike was added (cue the spiders, I don't know why). Hilly, but very straight.
    Tanglewood road (not counted towards the total) is in the process of being added. That's the last intersection on N Roane St (named Hannah Hwy here) / Route 27n, before all the jumps and edge-of-map.
    Tanglewood runs between Hannah Hwy (above mention) and Webster Pike about 4/10ths of a mile from the northern map-edge.
    There's also about 2.1 miles of railroad track added/finished on the north-side of Harriman downtown area, it's now finished up to the map-edge, instead of ending just north of the town.
    So instead of just ENDING the track all-boring-like... I PUT A JUMP at the end.
    First TRAIN jump in Beam :) Added a pic to show it, ignore the half-finished tanglewood rd.
    It's large enough you can REALLY sail off it well with a car, too.

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    #405 bob.blunderton, Nov 18, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
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  6. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    As usual im impressed :)

    BTW, 'Fiske' means 'Fishing' in swedish :oops:
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Good catch - pun intended! Okay, bad jokes aside - well the road is on a flood plain so I can entirely see why it's named that now, as it's next to the Emory River.
    I must've been jumping another hour or so on those jumps (over the river). Those are a hoot. The one side is entirely a mining operation. I have some industrial props, so this will be done up real nice with them, will make for a lot of nice car jumping stuffs ETC. A good place to have a spin, and an even better place to put what may become in the future, a lap-type offroad track (which wouldn't include the huge jumps, smaller tamer stuff as they 90% of the time demolish the car unless you know EXACTLY how to hit them). I have managed to land a pessima and the ETK sedan off those jumps almost perfectly, with a mostly-straight driving car with all it's axles, less a bumper or such. They're a challenge, but it's quite an accomplishment when you find just the right way to take those jumps - just as it should be. Lessened the small puddle in the middle so it's only deep enough to slow the car and not drown it, gives you more room to land here (needed).
    Most definitely 100% going to be lots more of this stuff. Not enough to kill the realism, but enough to make it super-fun when you get bored of 'just driving'.

    If anyone is wondering - I am taking a LOT of cues from games like GTA - San Andreas (not GTAV), and Carmageddon - the fun jumpy stuff, the things we only can enjoy in a computer game.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    Just feeling the vibe :cool:

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  9. ytbe hu99u

    ytbe hu99u
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    Feb 20, 2015
    Loving this map so far and can't wait to see the final product, still the best map out there and will take a lot to beat this map for sure, made a short video of flying round this map to get an idea of just how big it really is.

  10. ladou

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    Nov 17, 2016
    WIP on rockwood
    ps: my 1st map editing
    sorry for low graphics.
  11. ThColumbianaBoys

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    Nov 25, 2014
    I get this error when i try to load the map - BeamNG.drive 0xCFFFFFFF STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG. PLEASE HELP!!!
  12. BowlerHatJack

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    Aug 5, 2016
    Did the windows screen come up saying that beamng isn't responding and then you chose to close it?
  13. SandwichesANDmilk

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    Jul 10, 2016
    ugh i want to play this map so bad!!!!!!
  14. burilkovdeni

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    Aug 21, 2014
    20161120215137_1.jpg < The three red circles represent errors, below are close ups of the errors.

    20161120214711_1.jpg 20161120214656_1.jpg 20161120214928_1.jpg

    Overall I would say good job, this version seems to lag, stutter less.
  15. ThColumbianaBoys

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    Nov 25, 2014
  16. BowlerHatJack

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    Aug 5, 2016
    Well there is your problem. If it comes up saying that it isn't responding then you should just let the game be and ignore it. It may say that it isn't responding but in reality it is just loading.
  17. Blijo

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    Apr 27, 2016
    I will upload a video where you can see the performance on a laptop, rendered in poor quality because I have to go to uni now. You will see the effect of 8gb ram and a HDD(installed beam on that because the SSD is too small for beam+programs for school)
    expect it in maybe 8 hours because I have lectures until 18:30 (11:03 now) and I have to go with the bus and train :/
  18. Ahhhkersplat

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Wow man this is absolutely nuts. I am actually from the Roane County area originally and live still pretty close to the area. I am about to try this map out and see whats up. Too friggin cool man :D
  19. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay, thanks for the bug reports,
    The concrete under the bridge is me testing the 'decal road overlay' tool because I don't have the notexture error on that bridge model scripted in yet :)
    the other two errors are just the map being incomplete and the areas as mentioned still under heavy construction (though the intersection there away from the two others is more a bug due to the 0.7.x update changing decal road calculations than anything. These will be fixed in the next release.

    I am moreso waiting on the next game update more than anything before the next release so I can work on and include missions in it. I really, really, really want to make missions, but due to my mission editor being entirely missing from the map editor in this last update, I cannot. Lots of mods or no mods, it's completely GONE, like it was never there! It's passed file verification twice, too. So, figure maybe like 10~20 days after the next game-version update, there will be a map update here. I want more races/car chases/general mission-based destruction more than you guys do!

    For those with the game locking up for a minute or more while loading, if your PC isn't a brand new 1000$ + rig, and you still have an HDD (not SSD), it may take up to THREE + minutes for this to load the first time (as it has to compute model level-of-detail etc, cached models etc)... it's quicker the second and third (etc) times you load it as it doesn't have to generate cached objects (which can take 1~2 minutes on slower pc's).
    This map has LOTS of models, it's the biggest map in both size-by-miles and MB-size (GB size!!!). Be patient.
    Leave the machine try to load for 5~10 mins, if it doesn't load up by then, it's not going to. If you have 8gb+ RAM and the web browser closed, it SHOULD load.
    Contrastingly such, if you've got a new 4xxx series or higher i7 with 12~16gb+ RAM and an SSD or even better - m.2 SSD's, it may take less than a minute to load (35~50 seconds or so, the second time you run it, and later times). Comparatively speaking, Fallout 4 (with mods) loads a game in 4~8 seconds from the main menu to being playable depending on if your inside or outside... so a recent-generation SSD is totally worth the cost-of-entry to those of you still on a hard drive for your games (though, it's not worth starving yourself or your pets to pay for it).
    Goto Gamestop with all your old unwanted console games if you have any, and see if you can get enough money for them to buy some RAM if your PC can't run this. Try selling off some of your clothes/shoes (yardsale!) or something that you don't wear anymore. Maybe some old PC hardware, if you have any. RAM is pretty cheap. Granted, it could be unable to run for entirely other reasons, as I don't know your specs, but often times RAM is the culprit, though DO make sure that is what it is before doing so.

    That's USUALLY meaning it's out of memory, close down anything you don't need before running Beamng.drive and make sure you have atleast 8gb of ram (it has been reported to run on 6gb systems, with some stuttering at times on some machines, others were fine).
    If, even after the machine is freshly restarted, and beam is opened, and it's the FIRST MAP YOUR TRIED TO LOAD, then you'll likely need more ram.
    Though, you can try turning the texture size down to minimum, shadows off, and reflections off, before loading the map.
    Make sure you have VIRTUAL MEMORY enabled on your PC's copy of Windows. You can look up on google how to do this for your version of Windows. (you don't need to download anything to do this, just follow instructions and refuse any programs if an unfriendly website says you need a program to do that).
    0xC(ETC) (anything) errors usually mean memory-related stuffs!
    Systems with less than 8gb of RAM are *NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED* to run this mod, though it may run, slowly, choppy, or just fine, your mileage may vary! Systems with virtual memory disabled are *NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED*, as the game could crash to desktop when it runs out of memory, or hang.

    (Windows Key + Pause) to bring up my computer properties, check your total system ram, 7.x GB of ram will still run this if you've got some system ram shared with your video chipset (for example, AMD APU machines), though the AMD processors themselves (exception, wild overclocks @ 4+ ghz!) don't generally run this too well. A few folks I know with AMD FX chips over 4ghz (again, overclocked usually) are getting 32~45fps with most civilian vehicles along with a Radeon 370x/380/280 or similar video card, or an Nvidia 970 video card.

    64-bit OPERATING SYSTEM and 64-bit BeamNG.Drive REQUIRED!!! Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is BARE MINIMUM, YOU NEED THIS UPDATE. If you don't have Windows 7 Service pack 1 (it's a few years old btw so you should have it if your OS is legit), you won't be able to run 64-bit Beamng.drive (and hence not be able to load this map!).

    If this map refuses to load, please post about your system:

    THE CPU (is it AMD A-series, FX, Athlon, or Phenom II?, or an Intel i3/i5/i7/pentium/celeron?, and how many cores you know of)
    THE RAM (How much ram do you have, it should say in 'my computer', properties) <--- this is very important!
    THE VIDEO CHIPSET OR DEDICATED VIDEO CARD (A-series APU and basic intel desktops/laptops have this built into the processor, though some of you who built your own machines or pre-built machines bought for gaming will have a seperate, much more capable video card)
    Lastly, your system model (if it's a prebuilt), brand name, laptop or desktop (specify), and your version of Windows currently on the PC.

    If you don't want to openly post about your PC (I won't make fun of you if for example you have a basic laptop, because that is what is in the budget), private message me on here using the 'start a conversation' feature on this website after clicking on my name/icon.

    --Hope this helps someone.

    P.S. Work continues, slow but steady, but my next map update is waiting on a game update.
    --- Post updated ---
    Awesome, yes, it's fairly darn close to being a perfect (or perfect within logical reason) copy of the major-road network of Roane county, in the general area of Kingston, Westel, Harriman (downtown and rural), and Rockwood. Also featuring some areas such as Glen Alice (barely started), and Midway (it's woods right now!).
    If you're from Roane County you'll know your way around, take a spin on Route 40, it's one of the more-complete areas, as is Downtown Harriman and Kingston.
    If you take airport road off Route 40 (towards Old Harriman Highway), or take Old Harriman Hwy out of harriman downtown area, you will get to the path/waterfall area, this isn't 100% like real-life obviously, but the map edge cut off a half-mile or so of the main road, so I had to improvise. It's quite entertaining though to try and fly off the jumps @ the right speed without murdering the car, or to speed through the water by boating over it before you sink.

    Do enjoy and let me know what you think of it.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. SandwichesANDmilk

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    Jul 10, 2016
    i got 6 gigs RAM
    it might be my CPU though
    maybe my disk (im trying to get a SSD)
    --- Post updated ---
    oh.. my.. gosh.. IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you better change it to 6 gigs of ram required
    --- Post updated ---
    50 fps!!!
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