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force feedback doesnt feel realistic..

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Dr1ftxK1ng, May 18, 2017.

  1. Dr1ftxK1ng

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    Jun 1, 2015
    when i drift i dont get the feeling of the wheel that want to contersteer. when I let go my hand of the steering when performing a weight transfer to change direction drifter normaly let go the steering for the steering get back to the center position. mine just dont want to get to the center... im just maybe a noob in force feed back...
    if someone have a logitech driving force wireless correctly setted up pls can you give me the right set up. Also devs if you can help me to set it up it would be nice.. and i tried to set it up with the forum tutorial and it just helped to get the steering stop doying wierd moves
  2. Goosah

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    Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 30, 2013
    Can I ask what car you are driving when you experience the problem? Aligning torque of the tires decreases with driving torque, so if you slide out in a FWD or AWD car, the wheel may not center itself strongly when throttle is applied.
  3. Dr1ftxK1ng

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    Jun 1, 2015
    RWD ibishu 200bx with a custom set up, but the force is weird with all vehicule and i think that I not have get the right setting for my wheel (like strengh and smoothing)
  4. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
    I too am having this problem in all vehicles with the Logitech G29 - some elements of Force Feedback are simulated very well, but others appear virtually nonexistent. I can steer the wheel all the way to the left or right and let go while accelerating, and it will stay perfectly in place in a manner I've never personally seen in a car.

    I could enable the "centering spring" in the logitech drivers, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the simulation to have such a force applied at all times, across the board. Aside from the lack of torque-driven re-centering, I have been unable to remove the 'jerkiness' that seems prevalent across all vehicles, at all speeds.

    The biggest issue I am having is that there is no "restore defaults" option for the FFB menu without restoring ALL controls to default - I spent some time tweaking every single setting to get it to activate properly on my Steam Controller and never wrote down the original values.

    I imagine a lot of this won't be able to be completely fixed until the devs get their hands on a G29 or the xbox equivalent and work specifically with the model in question.
    #4 NewoFox, May 25, 2017
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
  5. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    Post your settings so other people can use them too. I will modify the bundled defaults if they are confirmed to work nicely :)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
    Unfortunately due to the lack of a "control profiles" save feature, the Steam Controller settings were lost when I got my G29 and began tweaking the FFB settings.

    It unfortunately broke my G29 (or my G29 had a defect and broke), and I had since restored my settings to "default" in my attempts to troubleshoot whether the problems I was experiencing were hardware or software oriented.

    The Logitech tech I spoke to seemed to be under the impression my wheel may have been part of a "bad batch" but I thought you might appreciate the heads-up in case it was in fact something with the way the G29 is being handled by BeamNG.

    It appears (according to the technician) that the bearing assembly has been broken free of its housing, which in their words "shouldn't happen in the second day of ownership."

    I am placing no blame, just giving a heads-up.

    I unfortunately won't be making full use of my graduation present until Logitech fixes/replaces it.

    In the mean-time, I'll be driving with my Steam Controller again, so I'll post my settings if I find the right ones again.
  7. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
    As an update - Logitech contacted me and confirmed the presence of a defect, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being on BeamNG's end. I look forwards to trying it out again, and I will post my settings when I finally get back in game.

    Is there a place I could locate the 'ideal' ranges for the force-feedback settings, or detailed instructions on troubleshooting it? I am quite a capable troubleshooter, but the info on the wiki is pretty lacking in some aspects.
  8. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    Please let us know which aspects those are, so we can try to improve it :)
  9. NewoFox

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    Feb 17, 2016
    Most specifically, the smoothing values. At default values one experiences a lot of fairly violent "jerking" with the G29, but there isn't a lot of instruction for what the values mean or which direction each should be adjusted for what effect. I try adjusting them up and down, but it is difficult to tell at what point I am correcting the jerkiness and what the detriment is for going beyond that point.

    It would be helpful if for each FFB-related value users were given an "ideal range" (say, staying between 2.0 and 8.0 for "Strength" in increments of 0.5 or between 120 and 240 for "Fast Smoothing, in increments of {x}*).

    *Values are arbitrarily chosen, as an example - I did not quite have the time to find the ideal ranges before my wheel broke.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    Finally found some time, and addressed your questions in the wiki. Please check the updated Strength and Smoother sections, as well as the new Vibration Cancelling Guide


    Any feedback is welcome, if you feel like more explanations are still needed, let me know :)
  11. Dr1ftxK1ng

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    Jun 1, 2015
    thanks work so much better now
  12. atledreier

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    Aug 12, 2013
    Just a quick question regarding the FFB app. How do you scale the numbers and graph? The graph now have numbers in Nm, but how does the sim know the actual torque of the wheel hub without having the max available torque for the wheel? If the physics can output a number in Nm, surely it would be ideal for those that have wheel capable of 1:1 output to be able to scale it as such?
  13. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    In theory the drivers of FFB steering wheels should provide the max force (in Newtons) that the hardware can generate at the point of contact between hand and wheel.

    In practice, after testing numerous wheels, we've found that many drivers either a) don't provide this max force value, or b) provide incorrect values.

    This makes it extremely hard to get 1:1 scaling, since you would need to actually measure those forces/torques, on each steering wheel, and on each driver settings you may be using.
  14. atledreier

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    Aug 12, 2013
    Yes. In my app for Assetto Corsa I solved this by letting the user have a slider scale so that he/she could input their hardware's max torque to get the correct scale. I realize it's a fringe request and not really important, it's just nice to have some "real" numbers in the app for those of us that know the torque of our wheels.
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