Configuration for keyboard player

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by Pao44445, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Pao44445

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    Feb 18, 2018
    Hi, I want to advanced control setting for keyboard. For the low power car, it is fine until you drive a muscle car with a keyboard or any powerful car. the throttle response is too fast even with grip filter. The car is more likely to spin in the corner easily. The same problem with steering, it is too fast and the result is understeering almost every corners. Sure, I can play with mouse steering but how am i going to rotate the camera? Beside, using mouse steering, you still have the fast throttle response.

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  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Well, keyboard itself has limited control.
    You have buttons, not axis that allows you to have more control on things like pedals and steering.

    Advice is to invest in an Xbox-like controller (they are cheap nowadays).
    Or practice more at good old 'keyboard-tapping' :D
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. robert357

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    Mar 15, 2016
    With all respect, this isn't a good excuse.

    Yes, every car game is better if we using gamepad or wheel rather than keyboard. However this is still possible to make controls better for people using keyboard.

    Tapping is horrible idea for using throttle and brakes, because on keyboard it is almost instant response. It is impossible to brake or speed up on corners on keyboard because tapping steering wheel make car already unstable. Simple option to adjust speed of increasing and decreasing throttle and brakes value after pushing and releasing button should be enough.

    Also "arcade sequential gearbox" could help. It would work like automatic gearbox in "realistic" setting - player decide if we go forward or want use reverse gear.
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  4. AlexMD

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Use mouse steering and acceleration ;)
    With a bit of practice it can be quite fun
  5. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Not an excuse, but there's a reason we don't use buttons to drive cars in real life :)
    Tapping in BeamNG works, as keys are slightly smoothed (check in the 'Pedals' app, and you would see that it does not instantly goes 100%).
    We already gave some options to filter / limit the steering for keyboard users, but for pedals that's another story.

    You'll get the same issue on other driving simulation games too.
    Assetto Corsa is a prime example I can think of. Keyboard driving in there is absolutely no go. Controller is also pretty hard in most cases (at least in my experience, BeamNG on the other side already becomes much easier with that IMO). A wheel instead is a completely different story and allows you perfect control on your vehicle.
  6. jojojona

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    Jul 19, 2015
    @Nadeox1 Do you think it might be possible to allow the rate with which the throttle percentage rises to be changeable?
    It would also be nice if the input didn't drop to 0% when you let go of the key, but instead decreases over time like it does when pressing the key.

    Edit: Sorry, I didn't see that @robert357 already suggested this.
    I still think it is a very good idea, because not everyone can or wants to buy a console-style controller or a steering wheel.
  7. TagIstNacht676

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    Mar 28, 2018
    use mous as throttle and brake


    --- Post updated ---
    or use your touch screen and use on screen throttle controll (you need 3rd party apps)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. stenyak

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    Programmer & Global Moderator
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 6, 2012
    You can mod those values if you want, they are present in input.lua. But you will still need to go and change the values each time you switch to a different kind of vehicle. It would become a typical case of "It Works For Me", where a few users are happier while the vast majority will complain about why their supercars take so long to react to the accelerator/brake. The current input rates are tuned with all users in mind, rather than one specific subset of them, and are very unlikely to change much.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Pao44445

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    Feb 18, 2018
    I have played Assetto Corsa with mouse steering for 123 hours, but it is the game about track racing. I don't play with third person view in AC because it is not as good as DiRT Rally and the camera isn't smooth at all, plus, the racing tracks have high speed corner which require precise steering.
    On the other hand, DiRT Rally, I spent 467 hours with the game with keyboard only. The early hours were pretty tough because I didn't get use to physics of the game, especially, the RWD vehicle, the throttle control is the key for these cars. Lancia 037 is the most powerful RWD in the game plus it is rear engine which I manage to stabilize it with changing gear ratio longer and get through most of the corners in the game .After 300 hours, I can play the game without any concentration and I even fell a sleep while I was playing the game so I am done with DiRT Rally ( DiRT4 is bad).

    Now I moved to BeamNG and I feel physics in this game is better than DiRT Rally. The cars actually have weights and driving in the game is satisfying until I drove some powerful cars and I was unable to control them because throttle response is too quick. I wish dev team can find a way to let the keyboard player enjoy the game without using steering wheel ( 300$ )
    #9 Pao44445, Apr 19, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Nivracer

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    Jan 23, 2014
    That's where you can buy an Xbox controller which is less than a quarter of the money for a $300 wheel and have the ability to control your throttle and steering inputs. I'm playing with a keyboard at the moment and only have minimal issues, but I usually play with the Bolide.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Pao44445

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    Feb 18, 2018
    what? how you control the throttle with a controller?
    Anyway here is how driving with keyboard in the track

    I feel the understeering in some corners but this is not yet the powerful car. Luckily, some cars allow you to detune and set up new gear ratio such as rally cars. Now there are only muscle cars that I can't handle, I tired to limit the RPM and cut most of the power, set the suspension very soft and wider wheel to increase traction. Still, it is hard to maintain the pace.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Nivracer

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    Jan 23, 2014
    With the triggers.
    This is me with the race Bolide. I never really drive the muscle cars in this game or the American cars in general. I tried driving the Elite Custom Moonhawk but I couldn't drive it. But you can't really drive old muscle cars with just 100% or 0% throttle, because they are high power, low grip cars, while the Bolide in a more high grip, medium grip car, and the Bolide produces some downforce.

    EDIT: Well I was going to show you a video of me driving the Bolide but the Xbox DVR "Record that" was super bad quality. maybe I can record it tomorrow.
    #12 Nivracer, Apr 19, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  13. Pao44445

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    Feb 18, 2018
    I just have found out that reducing tire pressure really delay the throttle and stabilize the car in corners. With this method I am able to control the throttle much easier ;) except the Nightsnake ..............
    I didn't set the damper softer guess I will try next time .
  14. alex hart

    alex hart
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    Jan 22, 2017
    If your logic here is to make the cars so that they are worse to drive in order for them to be controllable. Just drive slower cars. Or buy a cheap controller, makes such a difference.
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  15. robert357

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    Mar 15, 2016
    Well. In every game any assistance make car slower or just worse. To control car with keyboard you need most if not every assistance to just drive it. However that doesn't mean you can't enjoy driving on keyboard. I personally beat Race Driver Grid on keyboard because I didn't have any gamepad back then (yes, I'm aware it is arcade game). Still that was fun. Heck. I even learn to drift Mercedes SLS in Project Cars on keyboard (that was when my only gamepad just died).
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